“That wouldn’t work?” He still ignored the ring. He still gazed at her way too intensely.
She shook her head.
“What would?” He paused for only a half-second. “What about another date?”
Nina swallowed, wishing her heart would stop skipping. She curled her fist to hide the sudden tremor in her fingers. She hadn’t expected this. She’d thought he’d grab the rock and go. But no. Rather, he was moving ever closer and looking fiercely determined. “I fly out next weekend.” She reminded him—and herself.
“More reason to say yes, don’t you think?”
So the arrogance was back. The certainty in his actions. The silent but unmistakable purpose. “Maybe more reason to say no,” she countered.
“And always wonder?”
Her brows stretched to the sky. “It’s going to be that great a date?”
“Better.” His wicked smile flashed.
He was flirting with her? After his Houdini number last night? Her heart thudded faster—as erratic as always in his presence. But she wasn’t going to make it that easy for him.
“Won’t that mean more regret?” For what could have been?
“It’s not possible to regret good things.”
She wasn’t so sure about that, but she was already losing the battle to stay cool. He looked as if he’d had as little sleep as she had. Something glittered in his eyes—unreadable emotion, leashed but devastating. And she was so drawn in—badly wanting to believe it was what she hoped.
He walked around the counter, put his hands on her waist and tugged her toward him. “Come home with me.”
“There’s no one we have to parade in front of tonight.” Her voice faltered as she weakly argued. “There’s no need for us to be together.”
“There’s every need. More than there ever was last night.” He lowered his head. “I need you.”
His mouth was on hers—hot, caressing, demanding. That’s what she wanted. She was thrown straight back into the fire of the night before—exploding her reserve, liquefying her senses. His arms tightened around her and she thrust her fingers into his hair to hang on. Bent backward, she was overwhelmed by the force within him—his desire. It torched hers. All doubts disintegrated in the raw heat between them. Elation burned instead—that she’d not dreamt it. He did want this as much as she did.
Somehow, she clung to one last thread of sanity and found the strength to push him away. “I need five minutes to lock up.”
“I’ll wait out there,” he said harshly. “Otherwise, things will get out of control.”
Things were already out of control. She’d never wanted a man like this before—so quickly, so physically. And she wanted the experience. It didn’t matter that it would only be the once—that was way better than never.
Breathless, she ran her hand through her hair as she looked about, trying to remember what she needed to do.
Something sparkled on the wooden floor. She snatched it up—horrified to realize she’d dropped the diamond ring in those moments of delight. She rammed it back on her finger and hurried to close.
He was pacing back and forth in front of the store like he had too much energy to keep still. As soon as she locked the door, he took her hand. There was no need for conversation—the social veneer between them had been stripped away. All that remained now was searing sexual attraction.
He led her to the Tube. No black car today? It didn’t matter, there was a train pulling in. It was rush hour and they stood the entire journey along the Jubilee line. She clutched the metal pole near the carriage doors, while he stood directly behind her. His hand splayed across her lower belly—exerting firm pressure to hold her close. Not that he needed to. She wasn’t about to step away from that contact.
The trip was mostly smooth, but every now and then, a slight curve in the movement of the train made them move—pressing him tighter against her. She could feel his hard length pushing against her butt. She bent her head, closing her eyes in wild excitement. He dropped a brief kiss on the nape of her neck, pressing harder against her at the same time.
They didn’t say a word. There was only that physical communication of escalating desire. Again, then again he moved discreetly—intimately—against her. It was the most erotic ride of her life—fully clothed foreplay on public transport.
Finally, they got to Baker Street. He gripped her hand so tight it hurt, walking them quickly through the crowds and along the street to his apartment. She’d wondered what his place was like. But right now, she couldn’t register anything but him. Nothing else was relevant.
As soon as they were inside his door, he pulled her into his arms, kissing her. She clung—softening against his strength, desperate for him to ease her hungry ache. She wanted him like she’d never wanted before.
And she had never wanted like this. Had never done anything like this. And deep inside, her most private insecurities clamored—forcing their way up through the heat. Cold nerves coiled around anticipation. Breathing hard, she pulled back to look up at him, registering the utter gorgeousness of his features and fretting all the more. “I haven’t been with anyone…”
“Since Corey?” He guessed when she trailed off.
“Not since him.” She paused and drew in some courage. “Or before.”
His eyes widened, but his embrace remained tight. “No pressure, then.” He chuckled.
“I’m not going to compare.” She pushed out of his arms, appalled that she’d started this and feeling colder with every word. “I just wanted you to understand that I’m—not that experienced.” In other words, she wasn’t that good. Corey wouldn’t have gone seeking fun in so many other places if she’d been any good. He’d even said so.
Eduardo’s brows lifted, but his smile softened.
“I’m a bit nervous,” she began to babble.
“You don’t need to be nervous.”
“I just want it to be…”
“What?” he patiently asked.
“Good.” Memorable—for him as well as for her—and for all the right reasons.