more instructions as he ushered me out the door. It clicked behind me, closing me off from the only person who might have a clue as to why I was there. A few moments later, I trudged off, leaving the man's house in some oddly fitting attire, a messenger bag that concealed my obviously out of place purse, a small amount of money, drink and food to get by for a short while and some intel. Well, not a lot of intel, but enough to know I was no longer on Earth.

As he was ushering me out the door, he had explained that it would be rare to find people that knew anything about the other worlds. Not just rare but one of the reasons that my presence was dangerous. So, blending in was key. But I was to find a tavern called Crossed Candles in the town called Eldercairn, a decent walk up the dirt road.

He gave me a password, saying something about needing to get on to where I belonged. “Auriena, it is imperative that you reach this tavern and get to the place you belong. More than just your life is at stake. That I can say for certain.” It was very all ominous, but what else did I have to go on? His comment snaked through my thoughts as I walked, stealing my focus.

Where I belonged? All I could think of was that it certainly wasn't someplace that looked like the renaissance festival and the Neverending Story had a love child world, and I was standing in it. Yet, there I was, walking down some old dirt road to some strange city to find some old, password protected tavern and ... and... oh! Some guy named Falain only to tell him about the weird, shimmering air that I touched before ending up there. And who knows what he would do once I found him.

I sighed and shook the swirling thoughts away. Focus, Auriena. Keep your wits about you. The small part of my brain tried to take control as I watched my surroundings, trying to keep myself from stumbling into anyone else, but it seemed a fruitless task. Keeping my focus that is. I approached the tavern a few hours later. My mind had wandered so far down a winding path of thoughts that by the time I reached the door, I had completely forgotten the password. Frustrated, I leaned against the wall across from the door, looking at the entrance, trying to remember the lost, verbal key… or what to do next.

A tall, muscular, man with long, blonde hair who resembled a statuesque Viking walked out through the door. He muttered about someone not doing as instructed as his large hand raked through his hair. With a measured breath, he leaned against the wall across from me and tilted his head back. Closing his eyes before lowering his head, his steel blue hues landed on me. He quirked an eyebrow before turning his attention down the cobblestone road as a couple crossed the path.

I stood up straighter, holding my bag close to my chest at the sight of the man. Normally, I would have just tried to use some sort of charm or batting of my eyes to convince him to help get me inside or to even just give me the forgotten password, but I was unfamiliar with this time and place. And that portion of my circumstance made me far less daring than normal. And it certainly didn’t help that something about him was completely alluring, tugging me to him.

Focus, Auriena. Focus.

I started to open my mouth but just as quickly shut it and sighed. "Good day," I said, suddenly realizing I wasn't sure if I should have an accent like the old man’s or even if I could pull it off. But I needed a way in.

The man nodded and looked me over, his expression not hiding that he must have found me at least somewhat attractive. The wind picked up, and his nostrils flared as he took in the scent of the tattooed, petite brunette across from him, his eyes raking over me even more intently. "Not from around here, huh?" He kept his eyes on me.

Damnit! How is that so easy to detect on me? I thought to myself. I cleared my throat before speaking. "No. I live a couple towns over. Just ummm..." I pulled my bag in closer. "Not been here much before. And I forgot how to get into this place but was supposed to meet up with a family friend." I ran through my lie in my mind, wanting to facepalm for how bad it sounded.

With a tip of his chin, he motioned to me. "Which town over where exactly?" His gaze was cemented on me. At this point, it was obvious that I had his attention.

Fuck. My nostrils flared slightly. Why does he have to look like a that? I couldn’t concentrate.  "Which town?" I had no clue what to say. So, I blurted out with something. "Vegas. A number of miles over there." I waved my finger aimlessly in a vague direction. "You? Where are you from?"

"My town doesn't really exist anymore. Vegas huh? Sounds new.” He rolled the lit portion of his cigar between his fingertips, extinguishing it. “You look like all you have seen all day is ghosts, are you okay?"

I wondered why he seemed so intrigued by me. Why couldn’t he just walk on and leave me alone? I wondered if the older man who helped me get this far was wrong about the world being dangerous. Maybe this place was just full of good people. Still, I wasn’t going to let my guard down completely. Instead, I continued the conversation cautiously, "Ghosts... Well? Not really ghosts. Just feeling a bit lost. But yeah. I'm okay. I just... Well? I sorta need in there and forgot how.

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