It all happened so fast; I hadn’t even had time to react. I just sat, watching the events unfold. When I finally could move, I went to go to Kane. However, as she turned, one of the bartenders caught my eye and shook his head, indicating for me to stay there.
The woman pointed at me. "Who are you? Why are you so special that you cost me my husband's life?"
In a blink of an eye, Kane was nose to nose with the woman. “You would be wise to not address her unless it is with respect for her station in this city. You have been allowed to live in my kingdom, a fact that seems to have escaped you.” He looked back at me, his expression softening before he turned back to her. “I can forgive it this once since I am beginning to see that it would be devastating to lose someone you love. No, go.”
She glanced over at the table where her husband lay, dead. “But I did lose him.”
“Oh yes. Here.” Kane smacked the man awake and watched as he wakes up, shocked. Kane pulled him to his feet and pushed him toward his wife. "You’re welcome. Now, get the fuck out of my kingdom by sundown. Or you both will be hunted down for sport. I give you a gift of freedom and him the curse of eternity." He turned away from the couple and returned to my side. “Wulfgar will escort you.”
I looked to the woman. "Drink his blood before you leave so when he kills you later for yours. You'll be able to join him in eternity." I entwined my fingers with Kane's, looking up at him with a smile that asked if he approved. "Can I eat now?" I was ignoring the others in the room for the moment. A side of me, one that spoke of an emotional distance, came through as I inquired.
He smiled back with a nod that showed he did, in fact, approve. "Yes. Before it gets cold." He looked to the people that are supposed to be working in the kitchen but were by the bar, gawking. "The Queen wants her food. Warm. If any of this is no longer satisfactory for her, remake it."
They scramble, not wanting to take his wrath next.
Kane, still standing, once again tilted his head to Wulfgar. The raider returned the gesture. “I will be by the castle in the morning.”
He helped the devastated couple out through the doors. Several others rushed out into the dining area from the kitchen and started upturning tables and chairs, sweeping up broken glass and ushering the scared humans to seats.
Kane slid in next to me and waved his hand. “Drinks are still free for anyone brave enough to have stayed through that.”
A man called out from the bar with a chuckle. “Or too scared to run?”
Amusement pulled a corner of Kane’s mouth up. “Yes. That as well.”
Once the carnage cleanup was under way, I relaxed again and took a bite of one of the dishes, dabbing my lips clean as Kane settled in next to me. When he kissed my temple, I looked up at him. "Did you just call me queen to everyone?"
He didn’t bat an eye. "If the title fits, it fits." His hand found mine, fingers brushing over my wrist, checking my bruise the dark bruise still on my arm. I had barely gotten a sip of his blood, let alone a drink before we were interrupted, so I was not healing much faster than I normally would. "How is your food?"
I reached up with my other hand, caressing his cheek. "Kane?"
He leaned back in his seat and watched the room coming back together. "Yes, my love?"
I ate a bite from the second plate, my face distorting, revealing how much I disliked it. After a gulp up some water, I ate a bite from the first to cleanse my pallet. Deciding not to press the issue, I grinned and tried the third plate, devouring it before asking, “What is this? It’s amazing!”
He eyed the dish and back to me. "I believe it's most like the poached salmon filet you have at home, with a bed of what you would consider pasta with a…” he thinks for a moment, “The dish is called Bregdaet. Do you like it?”
“Can you have the cooks in the castle prepare this sometime? Or if it’s this good because of the chef here, can I come get it or they bring it to me when I crave it?” I finished the last bite, moving on to the next dish, my metabolism still ramped up, higher than normal since I’d had some of his blood, even if it was wearing off
He looks at me oddly for a second. "When you crave it? Are you with child?" the words left his mouth before he could stop himself.
I almost choked on my bite. “With child? Me? Why?” I used my napkin to dab my lips. “Do you think I am? Could I be? Why would you even think that?” I rambled, knowing he was my only partner in months. “No. There’s no way. What are the odds, right? Slim! No. I can’t be…” I trailed off from my rambling questions.
He looked surprised. "I am sorry. I shouldn't have asked just because you had a craving." He leaned in, kissing me.
I was sure my eyes were as big as saucers. “I mean, did we even discuss if you could make me pregnant?” I dropped my utensil. “Can vampires impregnate humans?
"Humans, doshanesh, wornoichen, among others. But it's an extremely rare event," he replied. "I feel different with you, so who knows." He lifted a shoulder casually, a grin growing, pulling the corners of his mouth up