silly notion.

It was true though. She felt it in her blood. This song was for her. Even weirder, with each note, she became more and more aroused, which made no sense. A hot guitar solo—maybe. Drums? Sure… Pan flutes—what the hell?

She turned to look at the people around her, baffled. People were straight up making out, and others were getting way handsy. If she wasn't mistaken, the guy two feet away was receiving a handjob from his girlfriend. Right there in the open. At least, she assumed it was his girlfriend. Chastity didn't see any of the security personnel anywhere. The stagehands and other band members weren't in sight anymore either. As she fought the desire curling in her lower body, she couldn't help noticing that she was the only one in the crowd not kissing or touching someone else. When she turned back to the stage, Cyprian was looking at her again. This time for sure looking at her, as if he was using magic to single her out.

And then the melody changed. She gulped.


Chastity blinked at the arrant thought and stared into Cyprian's eyes. He narrowed them, and her thoughts went chaotic a second time. Desire pooling between her thighs. Could she orgasm from watching and hearing this man playing an instrument?

Let the music have you. Let it take you. Come for me.

Heat spread through her and her knees went weak. Grasping out with both hands, she gripped the cold, hard edge of the stage, dumbly staring at Cyprian Agrios as he played, ogling her with some unearthly determination she didn't understand. The music left her needing, wanting, lusting. Images of him strapping her into that giant X on the stage. Of him unzipping those leather pants, thrusting into her over, and over, and over…

Come for me!

Cyprian neared the edge of the stage, directly in front of her, and she lost focus on her thoughts and the images. Those hooves looked real legit at this range. Whoever made them was amazing at their craft. She let her gaze travel up his leather-clad legs, to where the waistband hung low to show off the corded muscle of his Adonis belt, to his bare chest, sculpted and slick with sweat. He didn't have any visible tattoos. His dark hair was damp, but it didn't take away from his masculine beauty. He was an attractive man, and he knew it. He rolled his hips seductively and the images from before came back in startling clarity.

Cyprian sliding his length into her. Taking her nipple between those beguiling lips. Squeezing her hips in his big, strong hands as he claimed her, bound and at his mercy right there on stage in front of everyone else.

Doing all those things that first song of the night promised he'd be good at. For way longer than seven sad minutes.

Come for me.

Her eyes widened. She wouldn't. Not in the middle of a crowded room. She had control over herself and wouldn't give in to this…whatever it was that was coming over her. Had she gone so long without a good night of sex that music and an attractive man was making her stupid with lust?

She met his gaze, horrified at how close she was to giving in. Did he know? How could he, though? Yet his eyes danced with mischief, with lust, and it was all she could do not to moan when his gaze dropped to her breasts like a soft caress. Like he was unbuttoning her shirt with his mind.


She squeezed the edge of the stage with white knuckles and screamed as the fiercest orgasm of her life ripped through her. When she stole a peek at him, a knowing smile emerged from behind the instrument, and then his song changed from erratic to a gentle melody as though she had imagined the whole thing. As she struggled to catch her breath in the aftermath of the spell she'd been under, cries of rapture erupted from the rest of the concert goers.

Holy shit.

Cyprian played a few more notes, lowered the instrument, and took a bow. Mass applause rang out, yet all Chastity could do was stand there and stare as he disappeared offstage to prepare for the encore performance.

What. Just. Happened?

A Satyr for Christmas

Available now

About the Author

Rebekah Lewis has always been captivated by fictional worlds. An avid reader and lover of cinema, it was only a matter of time before she started writing her own stories and immersing herself in her imagination. Rebekah's most popular series, The Cursed Satyroi, is paranormal romance based on Greek mythology. She also writes Fantasy and Time Travel. When satyrs, white rabbits, and stubborn heroes aren't keeping her busy, she may be found putting her creativity to use as an award-winning cover artist. Rebekah holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and lives in Savannah, GA with her cat, Bagheera.

Books by Rebekah Lewis

-The Cursed Satyroi Series-

Wicked Satyr Nights

Midnight at the Satyr Inn

Under the Satyr Moon

Mercury Rising

Satyr from the Shadows

The Satyr Prince

Pride Before the Fall

All Hallows' Satyr

A Satyr for Christmas

Gods and Monsters

-London Mythos-

Rescued by a Sea Nymph

Romancing an Arrogant Demigod


The Vanishing

The Unraveling

The Enchanting

-Other Books-

Through the Maelstrom

Hela Takes a Holiday

Monsters in the Dark

Mistletoe and Spirits

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