"That's understandable, I suppose."
Then after thinking it through Dicksonsmiled, 'Maybe I should talk to him."
"No, let it sit a while. Let him calm downand think about things. I've been too forward with him as it is. Heprobably thinks ill of me for kissing him back."
"You kissed him back?"
"Oh yeah, and it's funny, I didn't think Ieven knew how. But it came naturally." She smiled.
"Well that's good. Isn't it?"
"Yeah, I guess it is."
"Maybe you need to make him jealous."Dickson said.
"Oh, I couldn't do that. It's not in mynature, I don't think. And besides, it's not very nice."
"All is fair in love, you know."
"Maybe he just needs to go to town."
"Hasn't he been?" Dickson asked her.
"No, the last time it rained I sent him offto town, but he must not have stayed long, because he went to yourplace."
"You mean he didn't… "
"He couldn't have, there wasn't that muchtime."
"Then he's in love with you."
"Oh I doubt that. He sure knew when to puton the brake." She sighed.
"Please, don't tell him all I've said. I'ddie of embarrassment."
"You're in love with him."
She blushed. "I'm not sure. I don't haveanyone to compare him to except Jim, and that's like not havinganyone." She admitted.
"Maybe you should find out for sure if youare."
"And how pray tell do I do that?"
"Get yourself a man. If another man kissesyou and you don't feel the same, then it is love. If you feelbetter, then you aren't in love with Wes."
"Comparing them? Is that how other womenfigure it out?"
"Sometimes, yes."
"But who could I compare it to?" she askedinnocently again.
"Don't you know?"
"No, I don't."
"How about that big rancher, Frank Campbell.Wes says he's already pretty sweet on you."
"But how far do I let things go, before Iknow?"
"Just until you know for sure."
Kate studied on that all day. She hadnothing else she could do.
It was a sunny day and Wes was in the fieldtrying hard to finish up the hay crop so he could be on his way,Kate was sure of that.
She did get him to put her on the porch soshe could get some sunshine.
But he was very impersonal about it, andKate felt her heart drop that he didn’t' want to be close to herany longer.
Why was this so complicated. She enjoyed hiskisses and wanted more. Couldn't he just accept that?
But she tossed the idea of Frank Campbellover and over in her head.
She finally decided from Wes' cold attitudethat she'd go with him the next trip over there and see just howinterested Frank was.
Dickens was right. If Frank's kisses were asgood as Wes', then she wasn't in love with Wes and he could be onhis way. And who knew, maybe she'd get to liking the rancher. She'dsure give it a try. She knew so little about love and how to playthe mating game that anything was better than watching Wes sulkedand played silent all the time.
It was two days later when she went with Westo Frank's place.
Frank was overjoyed at seeing her again andoffered them both some coffee.
But this time Frank insisted his foremanwould handle the transaction of the hay while he entertainedKate.
Kate didn't seem to mind so Wes went outsidewith the foreman. Hal was an easy fella to get along with and theygot the hay unloaded within the hour.
As Wes went back inside, he heard Frankasking her to a local dance.
"I'd love to. I haven't been to a dancebefore, so I might step on your feet." She told him with achuckle.
"That's alright, I'll teach you everythingyou need to know."
"Promise?" she asked with a smile.
"Promise. I'll pick you up about six, nextSaturday then."
"No, I don't think that would be good. I'm awidow and people would talk, me letting a man court her so soon.I'll meet you there." she agreed.
"Of course, you are right about that."
Not long after they got back on the road,Wes seemed irritated. She noticed but kept quiet.
"Well, you got a date to the dance, huh?" hefinally said, with an edge to his voice.
"Yeah, I did. Isn't it nice? You told me Ishould pay more attention to him, and I did."
"That's nice. That's good. You need to meetmore of the people in this area. Maybe he can suggest someone towork for you when I leave." Wes told her.
The thought of Wes leaving though hit herbelow the stomach. Was he rushing off now that she'd found someonethat might court her?
Had she done the right thing? She wondered.She'd never done anything like this before and she certainly didn'tknow how to dance.
She hoped she wasn't in over her head.
"Maybe he can." She answered. "I've nevergone to a dance before. Do you think you could teach me?"
"Teach you? Are you kidding me?"
"No, of course not."
"Well, I guess someone should. You don'twant to step on his toes."
"No, I don't. I've read all kinds of books,Wes. But I've never learned too many social manners."
"I guess we can do it then… " Heoffered.
"Good. I don't want everyone thinking I’m ahillbilly, do I?"
"No, I guess not."
That Thursday she went to her quilting partyat Mrs. Tate's and she told her about the dance.
"Frank Campbell, he's that rich rancher onthe other side of Tooley isn't he?"
"That's right. Do you know much abouthim?"
"Well, just that he's the most eligiblebachelor in the area. A lot of girls want to dance with him."
"Why last year, he was courting JoanSmithers. Wonder what happened to her?" Mrs. Collins asked.
"Joan moved off with her folks. I guess hedidn't think enough of her to ask her to wed." Annie chuckled.
"Is he a confirmed bachelor?" Kateasked.
"So far, yes. But you never know." Anniechuckled.
Kate thought about that for a while. Itdidn't matter to her if he was a confirmed bachelor. She doubtedtheir dancing would go much further than that.
But it might give Wes some food forthought.
She'd never made Jim jealous all the timeshe knew him. And maybe she should have. Maybe then he'd realize hewas getting a pretty nice girl.
But before she left the