with him.

They passed Frank Campbell's ranch and hespotted them. He rode out to see what was going on.

"Looks like you got a herd of mustangs."Frank smiled.

"Yes, I did." Wes nodded.

"Who are they?" Frank asked staring at theIndians.

"This is Black Feather, Blue Dog, and WhiteFox, they helped me get this herd through the thick mass of treesand rough terrain."

Frank nodded at them.

'That's quite a herd you got there."

"Yeah, I sure needed their help." Weschuckled.

"Seen Kate lately?" Frank asked, waiting foran answer.

"No, but I'm sure I will, why?" Wes askedcuriously.

"Just wondered. I haven't seen her or thatDickens fella all winter."

"Well, that's understandable."

"What do you mean?" Franks' frown wasshowing.

"I asked Dickens to build a bigger corral,so he's been busy, and I doubt Kate would get out much in thewinter."

"I'd like to know something." Frank askedfolding his lips in a decided frown.

"What's that?"

"You got a claim on that gal?"

Wes smiled, "If you are referring to Kate,then I'll tell you. Not yet, but I sure intend to try." Wessmiled.

Frank opened his mouth to say something,then shut it. But before he rode away, he just had to open hismouth again. "She's got a lot to learn about being a lady." Heblurted.

"That's alright, I like her just like sheis."

Frank stared after him a long time then rodeslowly back to his ranch.

Black Feather was quiet a moment then asked,"He make trouble for you and your woman?"

"He tried." Wes smiled again, because now heknew Kate hadn't been seeing him. His heart swelled with pride.

About ten o'clock that night, the ranch wasin sight.

Wes smiled, there was still a light on,someone was up. He couldn't wait to see them both again. It hadbeen a long hard winter.


As the horses came riding into the ranchyard, it made enough noise and Dickens came running out. He saw thehorses and smiled. He made it! By Golly he made it!

He ran to open the corral for the horses andwaved his hands in the air to direct them.

Wes saw him and smiled.

Then Kate came out and saw the horses.He's back! Thank God, he's back!

She ran out and hitched herself onto thecorral fence and watched as Wes and his companions kept pushing themustangs into the big corral that Dickens had built for them.

When the gate closed on the corral Wesdismounted and walked slowly toward Kate.

She jumped down and smiled at him, "I can'tbelieve it!" she murmured.

He just stared and suddenly she ran andjumped into his arms. The moment their lips met it was bliss. Wesknew he'd come home, finally. He wrapped his arms around her andkissed her like there was no tomorrow. She was hungry for hiskisses and she didn't care that she had an audience either. Heloved that.

"God, I missed you." He whispered as hekissed her face.

"I prayed you'd come back," she kissed himnow, all over his face.

He pulled away and smiled, "There wasn't achance in hell I wouldn't."

She laughed.

When they finally got some sense, theyturned around to see Black Feather, Blue Dog, and White Fox, alongwith Dickens staring.

"Well, geez boy, ain't you gonna introduceus to your friends?" Dickens chuckled.

"I'm sorry. Got a bit distracted." Wessmiled. "Kate, Dickens, this is Black Feather, and his sons, BlueDog and White Fox. If it hadn't been for their help, I wouldn'thave got all these horses down alone." Wes confessed.

Dickens shook hands with Black Feather,"Well come on in out of the cold and have some coffee and now wecan cut into that apple pie, that Kate made."

Dickens took the Indians inside, while Kateand Wes hugged each other for a minute more.

Moby came slowly up to Wes, licked his handas Wes stared into Kate's eyes. "I got so much to tell you, but allI want to do is kiss you." He said and pulled her into his armsagain and kissed her.

Lucky and Moby walked away, nipping at eachother in a happy hello.

It took a lot of kissing to satiate hishunger for her. But they finally went inside and watched Dickenspouring them all some coffee and taking the pie off the counter andcutting them all a piece.

"You must have got a hundred mustangs inthat bunch." Dickens glanced at Wes.

"Maybe a little more," Wes smiled.

"I hadn't figured on that many, but I'm gladI made the corral extra big now." Dickens told him.

"You did good."

"Kate helped me." Dickens told him.

He hugged Kate to him, not wanting to lether go just yet.

They finally joined them at the table,holding hands under it, as he told them all about the trip.

Black Feather joined in the conversation andhim and Dickens seemed to hit it off well. The boys were supertired, and Kate went to get them some blankets so they could curlup around the fire.

As Dickens and Black Feather got along sowell, Kate and Wes went outside on the porch.

It was cold, but they didn't seem tonotice.

Wes drew something out of is pocket and felldown on one knee. "Kate, I've thought of little else all the timeI've been gone. And my drifting days are over. But first I gottaask you something."

Kate smiled, "Ask me what?"

"Will you be my wife forever!" He asked witha shy smile.

"Are you serious?"

"'Bout as serious as a man can get." He saidsolemnly.

Suddenly, she went down on her knees andsmothered him with kisses. "Yes, yes, I'll marry you." They made somuch noise, Black Feather and Dickens came out to see what wasgoing on."

"What in tarnation?" Dickens asked.

Wes came up off the floor of the porch,laughing. "She just said yes, she'd marry me!"

Dickens and Black Feather burst out laughingand shaking his hand. Then they politely went back inside. LeavingWes and Kate out in the cold to kiss and talk.

"Are you sure you won't want to take off onme?"

"Yep, I'm sure. My rambling days are over.We are gonna raise horses on this place. We are gonna turn thisfarm into a ranch. Is that alright with you?"

She hugged him and smiled in his arms. "It'svery alright. I never liked farming much, anyway." She laughed.

He reached for her hand and slid a plaingold band on her finger. "For now, I want you to have my mother'swedding

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