making something for dinner and snacks.

It was about 9:00 p.m. when we all gathered. We had a lot of fun, talked, read some funny comments on the Internet, and watched a movie. Somewhere around 1:00 a.m., we still didn’t want to go to sleep. However, we had no idea what to do. I suggested checking for something else to watch, but one of my friends wanted to tell ghost stories and urban legends. Everybody loved the idea, except for me. I never believed in any of those stories, thinking how most of the “real testimonies” about paranormal activities are provided by some random people who just crave attention. However, I wanted to be a good host, and since everyone liked the idea, I had no options but to follow up.

And, as I suspected, all the stories were all around “there was some guy,” or “there was some girl,” with no details, and if they wanted to make their stories sound more believable, they would add that it had to be true, because they “know the guy who knows the guy.” It took about a half hour until I said how we can either start doing something else, or I will go to sleep, leaving them with their scary stories. I really didn’t want to stay awake just to listen to those stupid stories. That’s when the debate started. How can you not believe in ghosts? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in anything? Why you believe a commercial when they try to sell a product…?

It’s incredible how once you show you disagree with others, those others attack you with the bunch of questions and “facts” at the same time. As if my own opinion suddenly made them feel angry. I love my friends, but sometimes it’s hard to talk with them. But, let me stick to the main topic. One of them suggested that we should summon a ghost so that I could see the truth. The other two were terrified by this idea. One even said how it might bring a tragedy to the house. She seemed really worried, but I just smiled. I asked what we need for such “experiment.”

We made some sort of ghost summoning table with all the letters, “yes” and “no,” numbers … I’m not sure what those things are supposed to look like, so I let them do it. I brought the candles—the ones my mom uses when she wants to relax in the bath. We took each other’s hands, and my friend started talking. It was something like, “Spirit among us, hear our call and answer our questions.” After a while, each of us had to put one finger on the small glass that had been placed upside-down on the board.

As my friend asked for the thousandth time if the spirit was with us, the glass under our fingers started moving towards “yes.” They all were surprised, shocked, and even scared a bit. I told them to calm down; I was sure that one of them moved the glass with their finger. They started looking at each other, wondering how I could make fun out of such a thing. And, so, I suggested that a good way to see if the spirit is really there is for each of us had to ask it a question that no one else would know the answer to.

We all agreed. The one who spoke to the spirits, our “medium,” had the priority, so she asked what name she had given to her first doll. When the glass showed the letters, and revealed the name “Tessie,” she remained calm, but I could see the tension in her face. The answer was correct, but I still refused to believe. She could have been pretending just to make me look ridiculous. With the other two, it was quite similar, except the part in which one of my friends, Julie got so hysterical, that she ran out the house. We called her back, but she just stood in the front yard, crying. She called the cab and went back to her home.

I was quite angry with these two, since I was sure that one of them knew the answer to the question she asked. I suggested that they finish the circle and let me ask a question. They said it was not possible without Julie. The circle was broken. As they started thinking about calling a cab, or a priest, I went to the bathroom. I had just had too much of it all.

I took a shower, trying to relax. I just hoped that our hysterical friend came to her senses, and that she wasn’t too traumatized for no reason. Once I finished showering, I start brushing my teeth. Condensation was all over the mirror in front of me. I don’t even why, but I asked, out loud, “Are we going to remain good friends after this?”

I can’t describe how I felt when I realized that there was a word revealing itself in the mist on the mirror’s surface. It said “YES.”

I ran out, screaming. I was shocked, scared, and I literally wanted to kill my friends, thinking of them as foes who had brought something sinister into my house. As I screamed at them, they grabbed me and forced me to remain still. When I managed to calm down, I told them what happened. Our “medium” smiled and said something about the complete circle, and that she was happy that we all saw the truth, whatever the truth is.

She said that it was all fine now, and somehow, we went to bed. I called a priest in the morning; I wanted to talk with him about what we did. He blessed the house, but I could see that he was not happy at all with our crazy way to spend time. I promised I would never do it again.

Iswung the Jeep onto the dirt parking area and the headlights flashed over my friends

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