"Holy shit," Eric mutters.
"Yeah. I was coming out here to swim, and I heard screaming. The woman in the teal workout gear was jogging and apparently came into the pool area and found her," I explain.
"Here," he says, shrugging out of the button-up shirt he's wearing over his swim trunks and handing it to me.
“Thank you,” I say gratefully. "There's nothing quite like illegally taking over an investigation wildly outside your jurisdiction while in your bathing suit to put you in a good headspace first thing in the morning."
"You're not taking it over illegally," Bellamy offers. "You're… giving the professional courtesy of identifying and offering a guiding hand during an emergency."
"Remember that for my trial."
"What's going on here?"
We turn around and see a large, heavyset man in a dark navy suit coming toward us. Behind him is Alonso, as well as a woman I don't recognize.
"Are you resort security?" I ask.
"Yes," he nods, his Jamaican accent heavy.
Alonso steps up beside him, his usual serenely smiling face tight with worry and his hands wringing.
"This is Damion Campbell. Head of resort security. What's going on, Miss Griffin?”
“I don't know the specifics yet,” I tell him. “I only just came on the scene a few minutes ago.”
I step out of the way to reveal the body, and Alonso stumbles back a step. The woman standing with him tries to step forward, but he holds her back.
“This is Catherine Tovar. She's another manager of the resort,” he explains.
“Hello,” I say. I look to Desmond again. “I think it would be wise if you block off the area. I've seen several people go around the building, and I'm afraid they will be coming into the pool area soon. This probably isn't something you want them to see first thing in the morning.”
Alonso nods almost too enthusiastically, making his head look like it's flopping rather than nodding.
“Yes,” he says, gesturing toward the perimeter of the pool area. "We need to control access to the area. This is not an image I want plastered all over social media and associated with the resort."
"I see he has his priorities in line," Eric mutters to me.
"Do you know who it is?" Alonso asks before I can respond.
"No," I tell him. "We didn't disturb the body."
"Ma’am, thank you much for what you've done so far, but you should go with the other guests and leave the area," he says, reaching to put a hand behind my back so he can guide me away. "Please don’t allow this unfortunate accident to ruin your stay with us."
"Has anyone called the police?" I ask, resisting him moving me.
"The island has no police force. We only have security. We'll call into the mainland for them to send someone out here," Alonso answers.
"How long will that take?" I ask.
"It may take some time."
He's still talking, but I realize Desmond has walked away and is at the edge of the pool behind us, using the end of a pool net to pull the body closer. I stalk toward him.
"What do you think you're doing?" I demand.
"We need to identify the body," he says.
"Without taking pictures of the scene? Making notes? Anything at all? You're just going to skim her off the water like a bug?"
"I'm sure he means no disrespect," Catherine pipes up, in a voice that should belong to a kindergarten teacher. "This is obviously a tragic accident."
"How is that obvious?" I ask.
She gestures toward the water, stammering slightly like she can't find the words.
"She's in a bathing suit," Alonso points out. "It looks like she came out here for her morning swim, slipped, and hit her head. That knocked her out, she fell into the water and drowned. It's horrible. She deserves the dignity of not being left in the water in front of prying eyes."
"The scene needs to be documented," I tell him.
Bellamy comes up beside me and rests her hand on my shoulder.
"I got a few pictures. Eric will help them get her out of the water and lay her down where she can be covered," she says gently.
"Thank you," Desmond says.
The flippant note isn't lost on Bellamy. She turns, flashing eyes to him.
"And as soon as that is done, I suggest you keep Emma right here with you until the police come, and you listen to every word she has to say."
"And why would I do that?" he asks.
My eyes lock onto his, daring him to use that tone again. I drop my voice low.
"Look me up."
Chapter Eighteen
Taking off Eric's shirt, I ease myself down into the water with him. It's cold as it rises up my thighs and to my waist. We approach the body slowly. Behind us, Alonso, Desmond, and Catherine watch tensely. After taking my suggestion, they are more willing to step back and let us manage the situation until the police arrive from the mainland. I’m glad they aren’t fighting me on it anymore. After seeing how they're willing to treat the situation, I am not about to leave this in their hands.
Eric positions himself on the opposite side of the young woman's body. I carefully tuck my hands beneath her to roll her over into his arms. Her skin is cold to the touch, and I take note of the stiffness of her extremities. As she turns onto her back, her long hair falls away from her face. The blood and water altered the color of her hair, making it harder to recognize, but now I know I've seen her face. It makes my chest clench.
"This is the girl from the beach yesterday," I tell Eric quietly. "The one Bellamy and I were watching."
I keep my hands under her body for more support as we carry her to the steps leading out of the pool. Desmond is doing what he can to keep gawkers away from the pool area, but he can't cover the entire perimeter, and I notice