“Absolutely,” she says. “As soon as Constance is finished with your reservation, we can step into one of the experience offices.”
“I'm finished,” Constance announces. “Thank you, Miss Griffin.”
She hands my card back, and I slip it into my pocket. Catherine smiles and gestures for me to follow her. We cross further into the lobby and go down a hallway to a row of glass-enclosed offices that look out over the lush landscaping behind the building.
"These offices are set aside for our experienced team to help guests plan their dream trip. If there's ever anything you want to do or that you need during your stay here, you let us know, and we will introduce you to your own personal experience coordinator, who can handle all the arrangements for you," she explains.
“That's good to know. Thank you.”
Rather than going to the desk near the floor-to-ceiling windows, Catherine sits in one of the plush teal chairs to the side.
"So,” she starts, gesturing with one hand to invite me to take the other chair. “What is it that you wanted to ask about?"
"To be honest with you, I had never even heard of this resort until I won the trip here,” I tell her as I sit down.
Catherine's smile is soft and amused.
"We pride ourselves on our exclusivity,” she says. “Being the only destination on the island means we are in the unique position of creating a world for our guests that is separate and distinct from anything else. We want to be an oasis. There are many guests who return over and over because of the experience they have here.”
"Oh, absolutely," I agree. “A few people have mentioned that to me. And I can see why. It's definitely a different world here. But that made me want to know more about it. I'm just that kind of person. One thing that I was particularly impressed by was how well Alonso handled the situation this morning."
Catherine's head lowers, and she shakes it slightly.
"So awful."
"Yes," I say. "And I know there was some tension initially, but the way he was able to stay in control and coordinate recovering the resort was amazing."
"He is very good at what he does."
"He is," I say with a smile. "Which got me thinking about it. That kind of calm and control usually doesn't just happen. It comes from experience. So, I looked into the resort, and I am curious about all the accidents."
Catherine's face falls slightly.
"The accidents?" she asks.
"Yes." I offer her the list I copied down from my research. "The resort hasn't been open for very long. But it seems like there have been quite a few serious incidents since it opened."
She scans the list.
"How did you find this?"
"Reports of incidents at tourist attractions have to be recorded if they require medical attention. Those reports are readily accessible if you know where to look for them."
Her expression recovers as she hands the list back to me.
"Then I'm sure you're aware that other resorts have similar accidents and incidents. It's just the nature of this type of destination. Water, natural environments, including rocks, and our alcoholic services. These attractions can pose risks if guests don’t use them responsibly or behave improperly. I can assure you Windsor Palms is safe and will continue to be."
"That's all I needed to hear. Thank you."
She smiles, and we stand up. I shake the hand she offers me.
"If there's anything I can do for you or anything you need, please let me know."
"I will."
We walk out into the lobby, and she heads back to where she first appeared. I wait until she's out of sight to go to the desk again. Constance glances up at me.
"Was there something else, Miss Griffin?" she asks. "Is there any issue with the change in your reservation?"
"Oh, no," I tell her, shaking my head. "I'm already browsing online shops to find a wardrobe for my extra days. I just had kind of a strange question you might be able to help me with."
"Alright," she nods. "I will help if I can."
I glance around like I want to make sure no one else is listening and inch toward her, lowering my voice.
"It's actually about Bellamy and Eric, the two friends who are with me."
"Can you be discreet?"
"Of course," she reassures me.
"Bellamy is concerned because the two of them… got caught up in the romance and beauty of the resort. If you're following me."
"I believe I am," she says with a slight nod.
"Good. Apparently, it happened on the grounds. She says no one saw her but is very worried there might have been security cameras hidden somewhere and now that footage exists. With the type of world we live in today, she is concerned it's going to end up in the wrong hands and follow her."
A knowing expression crosses Constance's face, and she nods, her eyes closing briefly before she looks at me again with a smile.
"I completely understand, ma’am. Don't worry; I won't let on to them or to anyone else. And you can reassure her that their secret is safe. The only security cameras in use at Windsor Palms Resort are the one covering the front door, one covering the service entrance gate so we can open it when deliveries arrive, and one that covers an area of the shoreline that is in the closest proximity to other islands, to ensure if someone from one of those islands accidentally comes here, we can guide them away."
"Oh? That's all the cameras?" I ask.
"Yes. There has never been an issue of security here, and we are confident there never will be. That is not a problem among our clientele. Of much greater importance is privacy." She tilts her head and gives a mischievous grin. "As your friend has proven."
I chuckle and step back from the desk.
"Perfect. That makes me feel better, and I'm sure it will make Bellamy feel much better."
"Anything else?"
"No. Thank you for your help," I tell her and walk