Because then… then I may smile.
His death equates to my freedom. Except, Master Kaiden just said that he’s inherited everything Warren owned.
Including me, I realize, reading between the lines.
Because I’m not an equal. I’m property. A purchased bride.
And I’m barren.
Which means…
I swallow, lifting my gaze to Master Kaiden. “What will you do with me?” I ask on a breath. “Where am I to go?”
Chapter Five
This is why my Camilla is so perfect. She doesn’t waste time with platitudes or requests. She merely acknowledges her place and asks me for my subsequent command. And damn if that doesn’t make me want to send her to her knees.
I turn off my phone and return it to my pocket, then give her my complete focus. I asked her before if she understood what Warren’s death meant. I can see it in her eyes now that she does.
She’s mine.
I own her.
My inherited bride.
And I intend to indulge in everything she has to offer.
But there are a few items we need to see to first.
“Doctor Charleston is waiting for you down the hall. You’ll meet with him for a full examination. Then we’ll discuss next steps afterward.” I don’t bother adding that this isn’t a negotiable requirement. Warren and his friends were a bit too rough with her last night. Doctor Charleston will ensure her readiness for my bed and also prescribe any medication she may require to heal.
One thing he will not be doing is administering another birth control shot. She’s due for it this week, but it’s no longer needed.
Camilla’s cheeks redden as she nods, accepting her fate. “If the physician finds me infertile, will I be sent to the Elite Maiden program? Or somewhere else?”
I arch a brow. “You’re not infertile, Camilla.”
“Warren says—”
“My brother’s ineptitude no longer applies,” I interject, leaning into her. “You should be much more interested in what I intend to do with you after your appointment, Camilla. Not in the results of his tests.”
Her slender throat bobs as she swallows, her hands clasping tightly together in her lap. She’s wearing a fitted dress that flirts with her thighs and a pair of impressive heels that hook around her dainty ankles.
Always perfect.
Always beautiful.
I lean closer, inhaling her floral scent and loving the way it permeates the air around us. It’s from her shampoo—a brand I chose and have stocked in her bathroom regularly.
She has no idea how much of her life here has been beneath my supervision and orchestration. As if Warren ever knew how to properly care for her.
“You’ll do with me as you see fit,” she whispers after a moment, her breath a minty kiss to my senses.
“Yes, I will,” I agree softly, pressing my lips to her cheek. “Quinn will stand guard during your appointment to ensure no one interrupts. Then I’ll return for you.”
She nods, displaying her understanding and acceptance. I tell her to trust Quinn, and she does. Or perhaps she realizes it’s futile to fight me on it.
Regardless, he’ll prove an admirable protector for her. Which is why I’ve offered him a job as head of her security detail. He’s already accepted but hasn’t provided notice to his employer yet. Staying on the force will allow him some insight into my brother’s investigation. It also provides us with a suitable backstory for my recruitment of him.
He just did such a fantastic job with handling my brother’s death that I decided to offer him a job.
No one will question it.
Except those who know about our longstanding friendship. However, money can buy anything, including silence.
And with my family assets, I have a lot of money at my disposal.
I stand and hold out my hand for Camilla. She accepts the gesture without a word, rising to her feet with only a slight wobble. Her eyes no longer hold mine, but that’s all right. We’ll go through the rules after we wrap up everything today.
Her steps are measured as she walks alongside me in silence, allowing me to take charge and guide her wherever I want. She’s so well trained in that regard. And yet, I look forward to provoking a little disobedience from her.
We’ll make a perfect pair in the end.
We just have a few hurdles to jump over first.
I guide her into the makeshift examination room that Doctor Charleston has set up in one of the back rooms. Quinn is waiting inside, his mouth closing on whatever he was saying as we enter. The doctor falls quiet as well, both males looking at my now trembling bride-to-be.
“Take care of her,” I say to them both before capturing Camilla’s chin to force her gaze up to mine. “If you need me, I’ll be in Warren’s former office. Don’t be afraid to interrupt.” I kiss her cheek again, then release her without waiting for a confirmation. She’s in good hands. And in a short time, she’ll be exclusively in mine.
Just as soon as I finish cleaning up the mess my brother left behind.
Chapter Six
Doctor Charleston finally says we’re done after an intense round of questions and a thorough examination of every inch of my body.
I flinch as I draw my legs together.
“The pain will pass,” he assures me, handing me a glass of water and a pill. “Take this. It’ll help.”
I want to say no, but I know better than to fight him. So I accept the medicine without question and swallow it.
“There’s some minor tearing in your anus, so I’m going to send you back to Kaiden with a cream. I’ll make sure he knows that anal isn’t recommended until you’re healed.” He bends to review his charts, then keys something into the laptop on the table beside me.
It’s a good thing he’s preoccupied because I’m having a hard time controlling my expression.
I’ll make sure he knows that anal isn’t recommend until you’re healed.
Why did he say that? No, more importantly, why would Master Kaiden need to know that? Did he