"I knew she was amoney grabbing little tart." Cade’s lips turned up in a snarl. "Whatare you going to do about her?"
"I've spoken toTory. Just as well I have some money left over. He's getting a privatedetective to check her out. He seems pretty confident they’ll findsomething."
"She can't touchthis place anyway, can she?" Rooney asked.
"No, it's all tiedup, but she doesn't know that." He rubbed his hand over his face andsighed, shaking off his bad mood. "It's nice to see you again,Stevie." Russ stepped forward and held out his hand.
Stevie gripped ittight, shaking before speaking. "I know you probably all have a lot ofquestions but if you could keep them until Tam is in bed, I would appreciateit. Then you can ask me what you want."
"There’ll be nofighting, so don't look so damned pleased, Cade." Rooney frowned at herbrother and he sat down. "I'm sure we all have a lot to catch up on but asStevie said, after Tam has gone to bed would be best. Then we can air ourgripes and let that be the end of it. Understood?"
"Yes, good idea.Can I get you a beer, Stevie?"
He nodded his thanks,looking toward the door as Tam came running in, holding up her clean hands.
"Go on out to thefront and I'll call you when dinner is ready." Essie shooed them out ofher kitchen.
Russ walked outside andover to a post on the end of the veranda. He leaned on it gazing over the frontof the property. For a short time he’d imagined himself free of the tension hisjob and marriage had caused him. Being home was what he needed to relax andunwind from the stress of the city and finding a connection with Lizzie was thebest thing that could have happened. Now it looked as though Paula had ruinedall that. The budding romance, the peaceful return home, all gone with onewoman's greed and spite.
"Is there anythingI can do, Russ?" Stevie stood next to him, a cold beer in his hand. Helooked every inch the policeman he was and Russ was impressed with the change fromthe bratty kid he’d known.
"Thanks, Iappreciate it. Tory said there’s nothing he can do legally. We can search fordirt on her but at the end of the day, if she doesn't want to sign the papers,she doesn't have too."
"That sucks. Andthe hot little nurse you were keen on? Is she involved somehow, because I don'tget why you are so grumpy if it’s only about the house." Rooney slipped ahand through his arm and sipped a glass of wine.
"You see way toomuch for a little sister, you know that." Russ smiled at her and took along drink of his beer before he answered her. "Lizzie was the one who mether in reception. Apparently Paula made quite a fuss about seeing me. To top itoff, she announced she was pregnant in front of the whole damned emergencydepartment."
"Oh, shit."Rooney's eyes widened.
"Exactly, now theyall think I'm a scumbag for leaving a pregnant wife and playing around withLizzie. I can't win." He finished his beer and slammed the empty bottle onthe concrete at his feet.
"You have to fightfor her, Russ. Come on, don't let Paula win," his sister pleaded with him.
"It just isn'tworth it."
"Grow a spine forGod's sake, Russ." Cade's voice rang out in the calm evening. "You'reall about being fair and keeping the peace. Sometimes you have to put yourselfout to get what you want."
"He's right,"Stevie said. "I know Lizzie well. She's a great lady, Russ. If you thinkshe is the one for you, go in and fight for her. Bugger your wife, Tory cantake care of her."
"I can't walk awaylike that."
"Is there anychance it could be your baby, Russ?" Rooney asked.
"Not a hope ithell. I'm pretty sure sex is involved to create a new life from what I learnedat uni."
"Eveningall...Stevie, it's good to see you again." Kate walked around the front ofthe house, her clothes dirty and stained from work.
"You're a bit lateknocking off." Rooney raised her glass. "Can I get you a wine beforedinner?"
"No, I need ashower first." She showed her filthy hands. "If you can give me fiveminutes, I'll have one then."
"Sure. I'll have aglass with your name on it," Rooney replied. She watched Kate walk awayand wandered down the steps with Stevie following her. They walked over towhere their daughter played with her new dog in the roots under the huge MortonBay fig trees.
Russ watched them withenvy. If Paula's baby had been his, he would have tried to come to an amicableagreement with her. The dream of having his own child was up there in the listof things he wanted to achieve. Sadly, it wasn't working out that way.
"I don't know whyyou let her treat you that way, Russ. You deserve better and not just becauseyou're family." Cade hopped across the veranda to stand beside him. Theylooked down at the small family under the tree, bonding. "Don't let Lizziego if she means anything to you."
"I can hardly gocourting her with a pregnant wife in town." He struggled to keep the angerfrom his voice. "Sorry, it's not your fault and I don't mean to take itout on you either. It's been a shit of a day and I'm a little bit wound up overit all. I can't see a way out of this. Not one that will fix itself in a hurry,anyway."
"So, let me getthis right, you’re going to let her think you don't care and risk losing her,and let your stupid bitch wife win? I thought you were made of tougher stuffthan that, Russ. You always did act like the nice guy and try to keep the peacewith everyone. I figured as an adult you’d have more guts. Guess I waswrong."
Russ glared at himbefore turning on his heel and walking inside. He ran up the stairs to hisbedroom and slammed the door. Heading over to the window, he gazed down. Did hereally want to go