on her walk. "These will lookpretty in her room." She climbed up on the stool beside Russ. "Can Ihave some eggs for breakfast, Essie?"

Essie looked at her, aneyebrow raised.


"Of course, child.Stevie, bacon and waffles for you?" She walked to the stove top and pickedup a plate, ladling eggs out for Tam.

"Thanks, thatwould be great." He perched up next to his daughter and watched her eat.

"How did Rooneysleep?" Russ looked at him, hoping the low dose sleeping tablet did thetrick.

"Yeah, good. Shetalked for a bit, then snuggled down and was out for the count. I left hersnoring soundly when I heard Tam up."

"Keep an eye onher. Are you going in today?" Russ sipped his coffee.

"Later on I will.I'm going to take Tam to school then spend some time with Rooney. I can alwaysstay here if I need to. She won't need for anything, you can rest assured onthat."

"I know. It wasalways you for her. Glad things are working out for the three of you." Hetook his plate and placed it in the sink. "Better get going, Isuppose." Russ picked up his briefcase and walked outside.

The door banged behindhim and he looked up.

"Russ, a minute ifyou don't mind." Stevie walked up to him, his dark eyes watchful.

"I don't want tointrude on your business but Rooney and I were talking last night."

Russ tensed, waitingfor the advice he was sure was coming his way.


"It's not well knownaround town but Lizzie has had a few issues. It's the reason she is…well Isuppose you could call it standoffish. Rooney thought you ought to know in caseyou think she’s giving you a hard time."

"You may as welltell me then. To be frank, I could use some help after the way Paula did herbest to destroy my chances the other day." He dropped his brief case andgrinned. "Although I doubt she’s going to want to talk to me, I might haveto make her listen at least. How do you know so much aboutit anyway?"

"You seem toforget I'm involved in the community now. I know more than you would think. Shehad a bad experience with her ex-boyfriend. Guy threatened her and all sorts ofdrama. I have a lot of time for her, she's a lovely person. Most people get thewrong idea thinking she’s snubbing them, but that's not it. Lizzie has beenhurt more than most people and it's hard for her to let her guard down."He looked around the farm, his lips twitching at something only he knew."All I'm saying is…be kind to her. Rooney wanted me to tell you to get offyour arse and fight for her—her words, not mine."

"Sounds like her.Thanks. I appreciate you trying to help. She’s had a tough time and none of uswere there for her. That makes me sick in the gut, but at least we all have achance to make up for it."

"Have a good dayand good luck." Stevie turned back to the house, leaving Russ alone.

He walked down to thebarn and got in his car. Before he drove away, Russ tried to sort out in hismind what he was going to say to convince Lizzie to give him another shot.

Russ drove and thought,and by the time he pulled into the car park at the hospital, his mind was clearand focused. The drone of the lawn mower filled the otherwise quiet morning ashe walked inside the hospital.

"Morning, DoctorWilliams."

"Morning."Russ walked straight to his office and removed his jacket, hanging it on thecoat hanger before putting on his white coat. He was doing up the buttons whenDiane popped her head in the door.

"Doctor Williams,I wonder if I can have a minute." She walked in and shut the door behindher.

"What can I do foryou?" Russ stood where he was, the prickles of unease sliding down hisback.

"Well, it's likethis." Diane ran her finger over the edge of his desk as she sidled towardhim, her eyes half closed and a smile on her face. She ran her other hand overher hips, her gaze on Russ. "I think it's time you and I got together. Iknow Cold Fish Stanley doesn't do it for you, and she never will by allaccounts, but if you’re looking for someone warm and friendly you've found yourgirl."

She lifted her top,showing off a wide expanse of bare belly. Before Russ could say anything, Dianelaunched herself at him, winding her arms around his neck and leaning in for akiss.

"Stop right now!"Russ twisted away from her to avoid her lips, grabbing her arms and pushing herback. "I think you forget yourself, Nurse. If I wanted to take you out Iwould ask you, but I don't. You need to get that through your head."

Russ ran a shaking handover his face and tried to keep things from getting too nasty. "Look,you’re probably a lovely person, but to tell you the truth, you’re too youngfor me. I'm not interested in an affair, I'm sorry."

"You liar, I'veseen the way you look at her." Diane brushed her top down, glaring at himwith a sneer on her face. "She won't give it to you. Stanley is a frigidbitch."

There was a knock onhis door and he called out. "Come in."

Lizzie stood there, herface pale and pinched.

Hell, she heard that.

Diane brushed past herand stormed from the office.

"Lizzie, we needto talk." Russ walked toward her, saddened by the sheen of tears in hereyes.

"No, we don't. Iheard more than I needed to. You’re required in emergency, Doctor." Sheturned on her heel and rushed away.

Russ watched her hurrydown the corridor before he followed. Today is turning out all wrong. Hehurried to emergency and dealt with the growing number of patients lining upfor treatment. Diane was in a foul mood and avoided him as much as possiblewhile glaring pointedly at Lizzie. The stress was beginning to take its toll bylunchtime and Russ was relieved to get a break.

He returned to hisoffice, shutting the door behind him. Russ sat in his chair and leaned back,his head starting to pound with a tension headache. He lifted his hands andmassaged his temples, breathing deep to clear his head.

Before he could

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