you can’t let the pain paralyze you. Which, by the way, is exactly what you tend to do.”

This time, she couldn’t resist the urge to argue. “Nonsense. I’ve been hit plenty of times and I don’t ever allow it to paralyze me.”

“Yes, you do,” he replied emphatically. “There’s always a moment, after you get hit, when you stand there, all wide-eyed, like a deer caught in the headlights. Like you can’t quite believe anyone would have the audacity to actually strike you. In that moment, you offer your opponent the perfect opportunity to finish you off. And, trust me, if you give any of The Five Finals Competitors that opportunity, they’re going to take it, and once they do, you probably won’t be around to regret giving them the opportunity in the first place.”

“Even if you’re right, it’s human instinct to react to pain.”

“I agree,” Jason said lightly. “But right now, you react to pain like it’s your enemy.”

“Yes, because I’m not a masochist. Like every other normal person, I generally try to avoid pain.”

“Except you’re not just some normal person. You’re Gifted. And pain is not your enemy. Pain is strength, embrace it and allow it to feed your rage, your vengeance. Let it be the adrenaline rushing through your veins, make it your greatest weapon.”

“That is an incredibly dark and rather twisted outlook on things.”

“Do you want to win or not?”

“I don’t want to turn into a sadistic psychopath like Don or Clara.” Or you, she added silently.

“You’re still holding yourself apart, like you’re a visitor in this world. Like it or not, this is your reality now. And we all do what we need to in order to survive. By now, you should really know that better than most.”

* * *

There was still a memory of Alex waiting for her in the Council Chamber.

The corridors were deserted, but Allyra wrapped silence around her like a cloak, using all of her Gifted stealth to get to the Council Chamber unseen. The Council Chamber was the only restricted space in the Training Grounds, and getting caught would surely earn her a few more laps around the Training Room or worse.

Probably worse.

As expected, two Sentinels appeared as she arrived at the door. Allyra offered her hand, palm up, waiting for them to go through the ritual of testing her blood. But instead of a dagger, the Sentinels drew two massive swords and crisscrossed them at her throat.

Shocked, Allyra tried to back away but found the sharp point of a dagger digging painfully into her flesh, directly over her left kidney.

Just as she was considering whether or not to panic, bright words written in flames seared across her vision.


“I don’t know—” she started to say.

Only those whose names are spoken may enter alone. Now speak.

As if to make their point, the point of the dagger pushed deeper into her.

It was quite the dilemma. She’d walked into the Council Chamber without issue for the challenge, but that had been in the company of the Council Members. Obviously, it was the alone part that was currently the issue.

“Hmmm, it looks like you’ve gotten yourself into a little bit of a bind here.”

Allyra looked around and found Alex looking at her, an amused smile pulling at his lips.

“What are they doing?” she croaked out, her neck stretched back uncomfortably to avoid the sharp edge of the Sentinel’s blade, which felt all too real against her throat.

“They’re protecting the Council Chamber—it’s what they’ve been tasked to do. Only Council Members, Five Finals winners, and selected others are allowed access to any of the Great Halls without an escort.”

Allyra took another shallow, careful breath, doing her best not to move, but her heart seemed to have taken up residence in her throat. And every adrenaline-fueled beat seemed to tap her throat against the sharp edge of the Sentinel’s blade. It didn’t help that the quick, shallow breaths she was forced to take were starting to make her feel lightheaded.

“I’m not a Council Member, nor have I won The Five Finals. So, how do people get into the final category?” she asked, trying not to let the desperation seep into her voice.

His mouth twitched with barely suppressed laughter. “I’m afraid that you’re not going to like the answer. Only an Elemental High Master may grant special access to someone. But that happens rarely, because why would just anyone need to get into any of the Great Halls unaccompanied?”

He raised an eyebrow at her, studying her carefully. “For that matter, why are you trying to get into the Council Chamber alone?”

“Can we get into the details once I’m out of danger of getting my throat slit?” she whispered, her sarcasm significantly dampened by her current circumstances.

Alex took pity on her. “Just speak your name. If you’re supposed to be here, they’ll allow you in.”

“And if I’m not?” Allyra asked, a sinking feeling in her stomach.

“Then you’ll be here until one of the Council Members comes to release you.”

That was going to be a fun explanation. Marcus was sure to enjoy seeing her squirm. She tried not to think of the type of punishment he would inflict upon her—it was sure to involve an immense amount of pain. On the plus side, she was probably going to have the whole night to come up with a good lie.

“Allyra Warden,” she croaked out.

Swiftly, with supernatural grace and speed, the Sentinels stepped back and bowed to her, the sword at her throat dissolving like mist under the midday sun.

She slumped with relief, almost hyperventilating as she gratefully breathed in great lungsful of air.


She looked up and found Alex studying her intently.

“I know you’re participating in The Five Finals. That means you’re young. It also means—for lack of a better

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