eyes at myself  and watched as his expression changed. I was sure I saw a small smile creep across his lips. He almost looked as though he was enjoying himself by making me squirm. I found myself studying the way he lifted his pint glass, the way he gulped it down and how easily he has acquired a glass of wine for me. It was clear to me he liked his beer.

“I have never come across an Avaya before?” His voice was deep and I shrugged, as I looked away from his ridiculously intense stare. There was a glint in his eye, they seemed to have darkened in colour now, they were almost black, they matched his neatly styled dark hair. “It’s unusual.” I nodded at his remark about my name. It is unusual. I’m pretty sure my mother must have made it up as I’ve never come across another Avaya in my life. “For a girl with such a beautiful voice you don’t speak much do you?” His tone was more playful and I looked up towards his tanned face I couldn’t help but smile.

“Well you haven’t really asked many questions Mr?” It suddenly dawned on me that I didn’t know his name and he smirked before he shrugged his large shoulders. I watched as they rose and fell.

“Alfie would love it if you gigged here again Avaya.” Right so he’s not going to tell you his name… Who is Alfie? I followed his line of sight, there was a beauty of a man leaning across the bar towards us. He had bright blonde hair that was tousled in just the right way, paired with the most beautiful hazel eyes I had ever had the pleasure of looking at. I assumed that was Alfie. He has the exact same young and carefree look Nancy had, and I instantly warmed to him.

“That’s if you don’t mind?” His voice was lower again as he questioned me and I instantly shook my head.

“No that would be great thank you Alfie.” My voice came out as a squeak. He gave me a cheeky grin which made my cheeks flush. Fuck he’s hot. He gave me a small wink and he walked off. This bar is one we come to often and I’ve never seen this tall dark and handsome bloke before. There was never any trouble in here and I was beginning to wonder who this guy in front of me was and what his relationship was with the blonde god behind the bar.

“Alfie owns the bar. He asked me to find out if you could come back.” So that’s who the blonde is. I nodded.

“Is that your excuse? Not the fact that you’ve been eyeballing me all night?” The words escaped my mouth quicker than I could stop them. He snorted and started to laugh. It was a careful laugh, almost a cackle and it sounded forced.

“Oh you’re so sure of yourself aren’t you?” I shrugged and took a sip of my wine. Not usually.

“So your name?” I ran my hand over a glass of wine that was placed on the bar in front of me before I glanced at him shaking his head. The smile that was on his face was cheeky and infectious. I caught it.

“You don’t give up do you?” I shook my head and felt more determined to dig my heels in further. I was a little frustrated by his smooth talking deminer. My first impression of him was that he was a creep and although my gut is never usually wrong, I was pretty pissed with myself for giving into such a cheese ball so easily. I cleared my throat and tried my hardest to get Nancy’s attention. I rose from the barstool carefully and held my glass towards him.

“Well… It’s been a pleasure?” I grinned at him and watched as he bowed sarcastically at me.

“Likewise… I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around.” He sounded confident that this wasn’t the last time I would see him and I was suddenly uneasy. This is not the attention I’m used to.

“I wouldn’t count on it.” I smiled sweetly and made my way back towards my girls. I hit the tabled and watched as Soph wiggled her eyebrows at me.

“Come on you pair, up” I heard Nace groan as she stood and followed me out of the bar.

The feeling of the cool crisp air hit me and I took a deep breath as I gazed at the ocean a few feet ahead of us. The feeling of relief flooded me. He was so strange. I felt Sophia’s elbow in my rib and stared at her.

“Well… Who the hell was that?” Her tone was high and I could see that she clearly thought he was hot. I was more interested in the hottie behind the bar and I shrugged before I nudged her arm.

“I really don’t know. He was a creep.” Mhm.

“Hmm… But a fit creep?” Nancy laughed as she spoke the words and I grinned at her cool blue eyes studying me. She could always read me sometimes better than I could read myself. We said it was her gift. My feet took me away from them. The air was crisp and the wind had picked up. It was late September yet the temperature didn’t reflect that. England was always so bloody cold. My feet touched the sand and I watched as the girls ran across the beach throwing sand at each other and giggling. My eyes automatically rolled at their childish antics.

“Everytime we come down here you pair end up fighting… Nobody would think we were a bunch of 20 year olds…” the confession escaped my lips and I grinned towards them. The sun was gone but the moonlight bounced off them. Soph snorted at my comment.

“That’s the fun of the beach. Lighten up!” She threw sand towards me and I laughed a true belly laugh.

“I’m lightened I swear!” I threw my arms up in surrender and heard them

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