Nate gave him a last look, before he left with York, Brad, and Alec. Only then did Dom empty the shot glass he’d been sipping from all night. And his stare burned all the way down to Jesse’s balls.
“You know, Gareth,” Harris said. “I think we should sit elsewhere. This is getting uncomfortable.”
“Yeah, you could cut butter with that tension,” Gareth said. “You don’t happen to need a carrot, do you, Dom? ‘Cuz I have an emergency one in my car.”
“Maybe another time,” Dom rumbled, signaling for the waiter. “Six shots of whiskey, please. That’ll be all.”
Jesse was about to protest that he hadn’t had a chance to order, when Dom met his eyes. And the realization struck him that Dom had ordered for both of them.
Because they would do the shots, and then they would—
Holy fuck. Jesse swallowed, his throat so dry that he needed a drink. Maybe straight off Dom’s chest.
“Yeah, no, we’re really going,” Gareth said. “Harris, are you covering the bill, or—”
“I’m doing it,” Dom growled.
Jesse’s entire body sang, and Dom hadn’t even touched him yet.
Things Get Real
Gareth and Harris disappeared elsewhere into the bar. Dom stayed in his seat. Jesse half-wanted to stand, but he couldn’t move. Then he decided that he wanted to be closer to Dom. To stare him down. Yeah, that was a good reason.
He heaved himself to his feet. Dom’s gaze raked down his body, hot and intent, dragging more heat between Jesse’s legs. Dom seemed to know how he affected Jesse—he focused on the growing bulge in Jesse’s pants, and Jesse had to gasp to refill his lungs. He wanted to unzip his fly. To show Dom his cock—because Dom had raked his gaze all over it, that time in the shower.
He shuffled two seats down, planting his ass right across the table from Dom. Then he sat back, splaying his thighs open. So Dom could look wherever he wanted.
Dom’s attention coasted down Jesse’s body, slowly, so sharp that it felt as though he could see through Jesse’s clothes, to his skin. Except he glanced back up, focusing on Jesse’s arms.
Dom’s jaw tightened; his eyes narrowed. This close, he could probably see the incisions. And the stitches. He clenched his fists like he wanted to grab Jesse; Jesse wanted to lunge at him, and show Dom those bead-free arms up close. He’d rub them all over Dom’s face, maybe. Shove his knee between Dom’s thighs.
But the waiter appeared, cracking the tension. He set six shots of whiskey between them.
“The bill, please,” Dom said.
Yeah, they weren’t staying long. Jesse grew so hard, it almost made him dizzy. He took the first shot, downing it in one go. The whiskey burned down his throat.
“Reckless again,” Dom growled, his voice so low that it thrummed through Jesse’s veins.
“Yeah? We gonna rut in the back?” Maybe Jesse should’ve put it more delicately. But Dom’s bulge was growing, too, and there was no question what they were doing tonight.
Dom took a shot, throwing it back. Then his eyes narrowed. “I told you not to hurt yourself.”
“My body,” Jesse snapped. “You want a say over it, then you better fucking claim it before you speak.”
Dom’s gaze burned coal-black. He leaned forward, his nostrils flaring. He was smelling Jesse, filling his lungs with Jesse’s scent.
Jesse had the thought that maybe... Dom would really try to claim him tonight. That maybe this wouldn’t just lead to some back alley humping. He shifted forward so his legs were within Dom’s reach.
Dom grabbed Jesse’s knees and shoved them open. Desire flooded between his thighs.
“Think carefully about what you’re offering,” Dom whispered, his gaze pulling Jesse’s balls tight. “You won’t have a cherry left to pop by the end of tonight.”
The thing inside Jesse snarled to life. It clawed through his veins, so desperate that Jesse’s hands shook. “I’ve thought about it. Long and hard.” He threw back his second shot, then his third, his throat burning with the liquor. “But who says it’s gonna be my cherry being popped?”
He glared—a threat. Dom only smiled, dark and hungry.
The waiter arrived with the bill. Like before, Dom didn’t even glance at it. He shoved his credit card at the man. With his gaze locked onto Jesse, he swallowed his second shot of whiskey, his throat working—vulnerable flesh that Jesse wanted to sink his teeth into. He wanted to feel the give of Dom’s neck, he wanted to taste the sweat on Dom’s skin.
He wanted Dom beneath him.
The waiter returned. When Dom signed the receipt this time, his pen dug into the paper, etching a hard groove into it. Then he dropped the pen and tossed back his third shot.
“We’re done here,” Dom rasped, standing. The fabric of his pants stretched—he was completely hard, and so much bigger up close.
Jesse was so parched, there was no drink in the world that could slake his thirst.
He followed Dom out the back. The second they cleared the building, Jesse grabbed Dom’s arm, slamming him against the wall.
Dom hissed, his gaze sharpening, fixing onto Jesse. And now Jesse had his full attention. Jesse brought their faces so close that Dom’s breath puffed onto his lips.
“Fuck you,” Jesse hissed.
Except Dom grabbed Jesse’s cock through his pants, roughly, squeezing. A jolt of bliss shot straight up Jesse’s spine.
“Don’t deny it,” Dom murmured, his eyes glinting. “You’re the one who wants to be fucked.”
He grabbed Jesse’s belt and yanked hard. So hard that every single one of Jesse’s nerves lit up, obeying him.
Dom knew exactly what he’d done, too, when he locked their gazes together, his breath slipping between Jesse’s parted lips—the most intimate they’d been all night. “Nothing to say to that?”
“I hate you,” Jesse spat.
Dom’s smile only grew. “That makes two of us.” He plunged his other hand down Jesse’s pants, a large presence that crowded out the rest of the space in there. This brought his palm flush against Jesse’s cock, the thin cotton of his underwear separating them.
Jesse grew