
He wasn’t so much taller. But Jesse had to step close if he wanted a chance at retrieving it.

Dom met his eyes, his gaze dark. “All you have to do is say ‘donut’, Sinclair,” Dom murmured, his voice raking down Jesse’s spine. “And I’ll stop.”

Heat whispered through Jesse’s veins. His body remembered that night, it remembered submitting to Dom. Letting Dom thrust inside him. And Dom was just casually talking about it here in the locker room, like it hadn’t changed everything between them.

“Fuck you,” Jesse hissed.

He tiptoed and snatched the donut out of Dom’s hand, trying not to feel the way their chests bumped, the way electricity sparked between them. Dom’s eyes gleamed, satisfied.

Jesse stalked over to his locker. He opened it and threw the donut in, and slammed it shut. “I’m gonna give it to someone who actually wants it,” he muttered. “Unlike bastards who throw them away.”

“Suit yourself,” Dom growled, glancing at the locker.

Jesse flipped him off and stalked out, letting the door slam behind him.

Later that day, between calls, Jesse sneaked back into the locker room.

He knew where everyone was. He’d made sure that they were all busy, that he’d finished his duties so no one would come looking for him. He’d made especially sure that Dom was in a meeting with Gareth and Harris, that they wouldn’t wander off anytime soon.

He washed his hands, dried them off, and retrieved the donut from his locker. It was the same one he always received—a large donut with a glazed chocolate frosting, wrapped neatly in a bag with the Ben’s Buns logo.

It smelled sweet and chocolatey when he pulled it out, squishing between his fingers. Jesse didn’t know how donuts could be so light and airy—they were fluffy rings of heaven, and he needed to eat this one so he’d stop thinking about it all day.

Just in case Dom looked into the trashcan and found the packaging, Jesse balled it up, stuffing it into his pocket. He headed into the furthest shower stall and bit into the donut. The decadent flavor of fried dough burst across his tongue, accompanied by a hint of salt. Then, chocolate and sugar.

He stifled his groan, leaning against the wall. He imagined what it’d be like if Dom made him eat this off his cock. Jesse wouldn’t even complain about it.

Well, maybe a little. He wouldn’t want Dom to think he was easy.

Jesse took one bite, then another. The donut was gone before he realized it. Which sucked, because he could eat another three of the same.

He licked his fingers, then washed his hands. Then he made his way back into the garage where the others were. Jesse was about to see what Alec was doing, when Dom brushed past him. And stopped.

Dom turned, his stare heavy on the side of Jesse’s head. “Sin—Jesse,” he said. “A word.”

Jesse’s heart skipped. Dom had almost called him Sinclair. Jesse was getting to him, wasn’t he? He bit his smile down, following Dom into the kitchen. It wasn’t like Dom knew he’d just eaten the donut. Besides, it was gone now. Dom had no proof of it.

The moment they were alone, Dom rounded on him. His gaze raked down Jesse’s face, pausing on his lips.

And Jesse realized that maybe this wasn’t about work, after all.

Dom grasped Jesse’s chin, tipping his face up. “Did you know?” Dom murmured, so quietly that Jesse had to strain to hear him. “You have chocolate here.”

He brushed a callused fingertip along the side of Jesse’s mouth, a warm, light touch. Then he did the same on the other side, lifting it to show Jesse the smears of chocolate he’d found.


“Didn’t think that through so well, did you?” Dom whispered, pressing down on Jesse’s chin to force his lips apart.

Dom leaned in, his nostrils flaring. For a second, Jesse thought Dom might kiss him. But Dom only sniffed at Jesse, his eyes gleaming. Dom had smelled the donut on him, then.

And Dom licked the chocolate off his fingertip, rolling it through his mouth like he was savoring that taste.

Fuck. Heat swelled through Jesse’s face. He wasn’t prepared for that. Not for Dom to smell him, not for Dom to taste the chocolate from his donut.

For the past few hours, he’d imagined Dom secretly judging him whenever he’d eaten Dom’s donuts. He’d thought maybe Dom had been playing a trick on him.

But this... Dom looked like he wanted to devour Jesse. That wasn’t the reaction of someone playing a trick.

Why the hell had Dom bought him donuts, keeping his identity a secret the whole time?

“There’s a bar night next week,” Dom murmured. “Will you be there?”

Jesse’s stomach flipped about sixty times before he found his voice. “No.”

“Yeah?” Dom glanced down. “Your ass still hurt?”

Jesse’s face scorched so hot, it felt like his head might explode. “No.” Maybe just a little. He’d definitely felt it yesterday.

“You’re not so good at lying, you know.” Dom rubbed his thumb over Jesse’s lower lip, where his bite had scabbed up. Thankfully, their team hadn’t said a word about the matching mark on Dom’s mouth. “It’ll heal by next week.”

And he didn’t mean Jesse’s lip. The invitation sent more heat thumping through Jesse’s veins.

“I’m not an omega,” Jesse blurted before he could stop himself. “So it’ll be nice if you could stop pretending I’m one.”

Then he wished he hadn’t said it—Dom didn’t need to know what Jesse was so torn up about.

A shadow flickered through Dom’s expression. “I didn’t say you were.”

“Then why are you being so nice?” Jesse hissed. “Why the fuck are you so damn confusing?”

This time, Dom looked more guarded. “I’m just treating you the way I think you should be treated.”

“Like an omega?”

“No.” Dom’s gaze darkened. “Like someone I want in my bed.”

Holy fuck. Jesse’s ears rang. He hadn’t been expecting that. His stomach flipped. But why would Dom give him donuts in secret, then?

Before Jesse could ask, someone stepped into the kitchen.

He jerked away from Dom, his skin too tight. He

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