don’t want you to change too much, you’re all right as you are.” He began reading again.

Michelle sank on a nearby chair, her knees feeling decidedly weak. As compliments went, it sure hadn’t been spectacular, but to her, it sounded wonderful.

For a long time there was silence in the room as they each worked. Once Michelle had sorted all the papers, she took a pile and put it in chronological order. The work was not difficult, basic record retention. But from the stack of papers, she knew Josh’s business was behind in billings, and in responding to some of his clients. He needed to catch up soon or it would definitely impact the bottom line.

Michelle said good-night sometime later. Josh was still working his way through a stack of papers, jotting notes in the margins, or attaching sheets with his scribble on it.

As she prepared for bed, she again thought of his wild proposal on Saturday. What would it be like to give in to the fantasies that filled her nights? To make love with Josh? She didn’t have any experience. She was twenty-five years old. Was there some special man out there for her or was she destined to remain alone once this marriage ended?

She hadn’t thought much about it before. Now she thought about it all the time.

Especially since Josh told her he wanted her to change the terms of their business marriage.

The kisses they shared would only be the beginning. And she knew she could scarcely think after one. What would it be like to move on?

Hurriedly brushing her teeth, she dashed down the hall to the safety of her own room. But the closed door didn’t shut off the images that danced in her mind. Climbing into bed, she shut her eyes, and relived every kiss the man had given her. It didn’t help her at all to fall asleep.

Late Tuesday morning Josh called Michelle. He just wanted to hear her voice.

“Is something wrong?” she asked when he identified himself.

“No. I just wanted to let you know that thanks to you, the temp is able to do more than just answer the phone today. She's typing up several reports and I’ll be able to issue invoices once the clients receive their reports.”

“Good. You know, if you had a computer at home, we could do some of that work in the evenings to get you caught up even faster.”

He was surprised. Sylvia never offered any help. She’d resented his work and time he spent on the job. He frowned. He was not going to compare Michelle with Sylvia. Everything about the two marriages was totally different.

“I suppose I could bring one home from the office,” he said slowly. He’d tried to keep work separate from home life, but if Michelle could help him get caught up, he’d be a fool to resist.

“We can work after Penny is in bed each night.”

“How did Penny do this morning?”

“Fine. At least today she didn’t give me her famous ‘don’t gots to’ routine.”

Josh laughed at the dry humor in Michelle’s voice. “Bad habit, huh?”

“Josh,” Michelle’s tone turned mocking. “You have to teach her proper manners so she can take her rightful place in society.”

He laughed again. He seemed to do that a lot around Michelle. “That definitely had to be your grandmother’s voice.”

“Yes. And it sounds funny now, but it didn’t when I was growing up. You’re lucky I didn’t buy into all her lecturing or Penny’d be whisked off to finishing school before you knew it.”

“You wouldn’t do that to such a little girl.” He knew Michelle’s heart was too soft.

How had he known that? They hadn’t known each other for long. But the way she stood up for his daughter convinced him she was as sweet inside as she appeared on the outside.

“No, I wouldn’t. I think it’s wonderful she has such a great dad. I’m glad you let me help so you could keep her with you.”

Josh studied the clouds through the window. “Is that the only reason you’re glad about our marriage?”

He didn’t know why he wanted to push the issue, but he wanted something more.

“Of course not. You’re going to find my father, aren’t you?”

The disappointment surprised him. Those were the terms of their marriage. When he’d told her he wanted a more physical relationship, she hadn’t agreed. Nothing had changed from the original agreement.

“Yeah. I’ll bring a computer home tonight and we can start catching up on getting some money.”

“I’m happy to help,” she said quietly.

“Do you plan to go straight home today?”

“Yes. We don’t need to stop at the park. I’ll tell Penny you called when I see her at lunch.”

“You don’t have to spend your lunch hour with her every day,” Josh said.

“I know, and there will be days when I won’t. But that’s one of the nice features of having the day care in the building, parents can spend time with their children during the day. It’s a good way for us to get to know each other.”

He thought of her jealousy of Abby and knew she wanted the extra time to try to establish the same kind of rapport.

“Give her a kiss for me and I’ll see you both tonight.”

Josh ended the call but didn’t move for a long time.

Michelle was proving to be unexpected in more ways than one. Initially he thought she proposed this marriage just to get information on her father. But her attempts to draw closer to Penny and her offers to help him were surprising. Sylvia would never have done such a thing.

In fact, Sylvia had complained long and hard about any extra hours he put in and then complained about the lack of money when he didn’t. She liked to play and had never been content with what he provided. She had been a good mother, but wanted everything on her terms.

Michelle was quite different, shy and quiet, but generous. And so beautiful it hurt to look at her

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