Raina didn’t like it but Roman was right. Rick probably was on shaky emotional ground and didn’t need an excuse to give in to his fears and push him away from Kendall. “I’ll keep quiet.”
Even though her silence assured her relationship with Eric would continue to be rather difficult and strained, she deserved the trials she suffered now. Roman rewarded her with a huge hug and she squeezed her youngest back. Raina had made her bed, so to speak. She smoothed the heavy covers over her legs. She’d just have to lie in it.
* * *
Kendall decided to spend the hours after breakfast with Charlotte cleaning out the closets in the guest house as another way of insuring a sale. Make the storage room look big and enticing, she thought.
She’d no sooner changed into her cleaning outfit than the doorbell rang and the front door swung open wide and Pearl entered without invitation.
“Why you’re just like a native, leaving your door open to the neighbors.” The older woman walked inside, a foil-wrapped package in her hand.
“Hi, Pearl.” Though she should feel imposed upon, instead Kendall realized she was genuinely happy to have company. Another odd sensation for someone who’d always lived alone. “Come on in and sit down.” She waved inside.
Kendall had already taken the slipcovers and drop cloths off the furniture and Rick had finished the walls in the entry and living area. The smell of fresh paint added to the cleanliness and appeal.
Pearl joined her in the family room. “Take this. My special brownies for a special girl. You remind me so much of your aunt.” She smiled and the weathered lines in her cheeks seemed much less apparent.
“That’s such a sweet compliment.” Kendall accepted the home-baked treat, the smell of chocolate making her stomach rumble.
“Get us something to drink and we can indulge, women-style,” Pearl said, shamelessly taking over and telling Kendall what to do.
Kendall blushed, knowing she didn’t have much to offer. “I’ve got water,” she said and shrugged. Filtered water had always been her drink of choice. Easy and healthy, she’d always thought but the fact that she had nothing to serve Pearl shamed her a bit.
Pearl waved a hand in the air, obviously dismissing the idea too. “That’s what I was afraid of.” She dug into her purse and came out with a jar of iced-tea mix. “You can’t live in the suburbs and not have some good old-fashioned iced tea or lemonade with your dessert. Eldin hates lemons, so I buy iced tea for the man. Gotta keep ’em happy, but you’d know all about that, wouldn’t you, what with a virile man like Rick around?” She walked to the kitchen as she spoke, making herself at home and chattering the entire way. “So what’s with all the painting going on here?” Pearl asked.
“Well . . .”
“Don’t tell me. You and Rick are planning on moving in here after all. I told Eldin so, but he said no, you’d stayed at Rick’s apartment last night and this old guest house wasn’t your style, with you coming from the city and all.”
Kendall blinked. She didn’t know what shocked her more, Pearl’s pronouncement that apparently everyone seemed to know where she’d spent the night or the speed and consistency with which she spoke. With Pearl and her mouth in residence, Kendall didn’t have to worry about taking part in the conversation.
Still, she needed to make sure anything repeated was either accurate or helpful to Rick and his cause. “I’m sure you realize by now Rick and I aren’t married.”
“Yet.” Pearl popped a chocolate piece of brownie into her mouth, then washed it down with the iced tea she’d made, sliding Kendall’s glass toward her at the same time.
With a sigh, Kendall shut herself up with a brownie and a sip of the sweet, delicious drink. She was coming to understand what Rick meant when he said not to bother correcting people’s inaccurate assumptions. In such a small community, they believed what they wanted to, evidence or assertion to the contrary be damned. She was shocked to discover she didn’t mind, rather she enjoyed Pearl’s stubborn rosy view.
“Well, I’m fixing this place up and I’d like to start on the main house too.” On another visit to Pearl’s during the week, Kendall had discovered that though the outside was run-down, the only inside problem seemed to be the paint job. She had no desire to insult Eldin by criticizing his skills or suggesting they redo the walls. There were other ways to refresh a house for resale.
“Really? Like what kind of fixing?” Pearl asked. Kendall didn’t mind answering the what. It was the whys she didn’t want to get into yet. Why cause Pearl concern over being displaced before Kendall had the chance to look into other relocation options for the older couple? It was the least she could do for Aunt Crystal’s friends. “I thought I’d buy some flowers, Rick said he’d mow the lawn and power-wash the exterior,” she began to explain.
“You are such a sweetheart.” Pearl lurched over and pulled Kendall into a huge hug. “Why, Eldin and I will be living in splendor in no time. You know we couldn’t afford to do those kinds of fixings on our own. You’re not just as pretty as your aunt, but as sweet too. And of course Eldin and I will help in any way we can.” She sat back down, beaming with happiness and pleasure.
Kendall didn’t know what to say. How could she destroy Pearl’s illusions and scare her into thinking she’d be displaced, yet how could