up. I don’t know if it would have done any good anyway.”

“You could have given me a false number.”

“The phone number is on the website.”

With no way to deny that she’s right I exhale, “I didn’t want to do it. So I handled it badly. I’m sorry. Natalie, I really want you on this project. I need you here.”

“You know I’m here willingly, right?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t you be? There are no chains on your feet.”

Glancing to the computer she absently touches the keypad. “Just checking.”

“We never talked about rate.”

She shakes her head, quiet and not like herself. “We need to meet at your place, or mine if I know my roommate is gone. My boss doesn’t like that I’ve taken on another job.”

“Whatever you need. But what about money, your rate.”

“Just pay me when it makes money. I’m going to help this fucker fly and when I do, I want a percentage.”

With gratitude I grab her arms. At her expression, I let go and hold my hands up, “Sorry. No touching. But what if it flops? What then?”

Her eyes steel. “That’s not going to happen. Now tell me what he said in the email.”

Excited, I lean over to open it up, watching her eyes widen when she realizes that he’s read my script. “See that, he knows what he’s signed on for. He wants to come on board. Hey, did you read my script?”

“I did. It’s what made me get in my car today.”

“My film is supposed to be made.”

She locks onto me with this fierce look in her eyes. “You know what? I think so, too.”

Leaning close I say, “Then that’s all I need, Natalie. Me…plus one other person who believes.”



M ax has worked around my schedule, only showing impatience once over the last couple of weeks when I couldn’t meet with him for three days straight.

We did crew interviews at his loft, and have gathered who we need. It was interesting meeting people who work behind the scenes. Some were clearly not good candidates—odd how they weren’t the least bit prepared or even on time.

I love Rain, the cinematographer, also called the Director of Photography—D.P. for short. He laughed a lot and with the talent he showed in that film Max showed me, plus a couple others he pointed us to, I’m excited he’ll be behind the camera.

A few locations have been locked down, too. Max and I drove around Atlanta discussing scenes in his script, debating if this park had the right vibe, or if that underpass suited the tone for when the lead characters meet a drug dealer there, when things begin to turn bad.

Now we’re on our way to his cousin’s apartment to talk with Eric about using it for one of the first scenes. I’m sipping the pumpkin spice latte Max brought me when he picked me up. I made sure A.J. wouldn’t be home. It’s been a nail-biting balancing act. Sitting in his Jeep I couldn’t help but notice that he didn’t ask to come into my apartment. He’s been so great about respecting my space…and hasn’t touched me. That part I’m having a tough time with.

I said I wanted to keep things platonic, but spending all this time with him under these conditions—hashing out ideas and solving problems—it’s been stimulating on many levels. Even without the excitement of being a part of something so new, I’d crave his touch.

I’ve been watching my back, and I wish I could lean into him. Hide in his arms for a while.

There have been so many lingering glances. He always opens the doors for me and insists on helping me out of his Jeep, which feels comforting considering the secret I’m carrying.

But I have to take his hand during those moments and it’s gotten to the point where I don’t want to let go. Such a struggle to remain distant on the outside when on the inside I’m anything but.

Paul asks about him, has on several occasions. My nonchalance has been convincing as I’ve repeatedly lied to his slimy face. I dropped the project. No, I haven’t heard from him. I keep telling you I’m not working for anyone but you, Paul. I love it here.

“This is the place,” Max ducks his head to look up at the skyscraper through his windshield, green eyes catching in the sunlight. “Wren should be here, too.”

“Is that his wife?”

“Yeah, I officiated the ceremony.”

Surprised I ask, “You married them?”

“Don’t look so shocked,” he chuckles, jumping out of the Jeep and walking around. Opening my door he offers me his hand and teases, “I’m not the devil. I just fuck like him.”

A grin flashes as I place my hand on his and climb down. “Thank you for the reminder.”

Max gazes down in my eyes, smiling, “Anytime.”

We stare at each other a hot beat, and I step around him and tilt my head to check out the building, and catch my breath.

“This is nice,” I offer with as much casual friendliness as I can muster.

“Yeah, I don’t know if you know, but Eric’s kind of important.”

Chuckling, I follow him to the entrance. Max holds the door and we walk into a shiny lobby with modern chandeliers and a directory. “You have to buzz him or something?”

“This’ll be a pain in the ass on the day of shooting until everyone gets upstairs.” He pushes a button and we wait.

“Max, that you?”

“Hey, Eric, yeah. We’re down in the lobby.”

“Come on up!” The elevators whoosh open and the buzz of the speaker silences.

He takes my hand and leads me. This is new, we don’t walk around holding hands. As we step onto the car he sees me watching him and blinks to our hands, letting go and running his fingers through his hair. “Sorry. Didn’t realize I was doing that.”

“It’s okay,” I mumble, chewing my lip and holding my latte with both hands. “So the elevator opens when he pushes a button from his apartment?”

“And that’s the only time it will

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