I'm a dog.

I'm about to lose it. My head aches with my anger, and Riley pulls out a chair for me and motions with a stern nod. No. I've got to keep control because if I lose it, then I'll ruin every chance all of us having of getting out of this meeting alive. We're already tiptoeing on broken glass.

Riley shouts for the others in the mansion, of which there are only five of us. I'm glad Stanley's not here because I still suspect him of plotting against Riley, even if my senses cleared him as the attacker. He'd love to see Riley go down in flames.

Trish, Walton, and Daeshawn all enter the dining room in silence, not saying a word. Trish takes a seat opposite me, and she's in her usual black dress with silver jewelry. Even if she's Stanley's girlfriend, she hasn't been that bad, but I know she'll give a report of this to Stanley himself. Daeshawn has swapped out his sneakers for black dress shoes, and Walton, an older Nightside whose mutation woke later in life, is already wearing a tan vest with a pocket watch hanging off the front. He's also on my business committee, helping to run the town and deal with the bankers, because he's the most mild-mannered Nightside I've found so far.

We're all seated a moment later, and the High Council motions for Riley to move to the end of the table. He does, nodding. “My apologies. I wasn't expecting guests so soon. What brings you here?” Riley sits at the head of the table.

“You must have some idea,” the woman says. “Or maybe not, as you are not of the advanced age we expected. I'm Stella Barden, assistant head of the High Council. I have been a member of the High Council since 414 A.D.”

Assistant? This powerful woman is just an assistant? If she's that, then what is the leader like?

“Ah. Yes. Stella Barden,” Riley says in recognition. He's clearly heard the name before, but this is his first time meeting her. My senses have cooled back down, but I can tell. There's a bit of fear under Riley's words, and I hope these High Council people can't hear it.

“And this is Urdasa.” She points to the guy with dreadlocks. “And Jorgen. And Sven.” She finishes with introductions. “We are here because we received word of a new coven here in Moon's Peak.”

I gulp. Dominic must have fled and told these High Council people that a bunch of Nightsides came in and took over. They won't enjoy having a new coven of the servant class here.

“Yes,” Riley says. “I am the master now.”

“I can see,” Stella says. It's clear she's going to drive the conversation and the big guys are here to be silent and intimidating. “There are some unusual circumstances here.” Slowly, she studies each of us at the table. Even Trish cringes and Walton, of course, will not argue.

“There are, and I am still working things out,” Riley says, casting me a warning glance through the corner of his eye. But he can't do much, sitting at the head of the table. I just hope the High Council thinks he's being condescending towards me. “I haven't yet created any new Truebloods, but I will soon, but for now, I am keeping control of this coven.”

The High Council is here because we Nightsides are. And we’re trouble.

Pressure builds again, now rising on the fear bubbling up through my chest.

I grip the bottom of the table with my palm, focusing as hard as I can on the wooden texture and the cherry smell coming out of it. No. Do not even try. If Dominic had that mental wall and knew when I was trying to control him, then these people will have mental bunkers around their minds. I'll have no chance. If I lash out, I'll just make them mad.

“Now, tell me. You are a former Beaumont, correct? You must be if you are occupying their mansion.”

“Yes. I am,” Riley says.

Shit. They’re getting dangerously close to figuring out what he did.

“Dominic Beaumont is your father, then. He has gone missing.” Stella stares down her nose at Riley.

I take my fingernail and drive it into my thigh, ripping through the fabric and focusing on the pain. I blink, and the pressure in my head lessens.

“Yes, he has. It has been a tough time,” Riley says.

“I highly suggest that you bring in more Truebloods and train them well, considering your father's recklessness,” Stella continues. She looks sadly around the dining room. “Your servants are well-mannered, and that is good. Unlike your father, perhaps you can follow Trueblood law and advocate for the well-being of all Truebloods around the world.”

Riley nods. “Yes. My father was reckless.”

“I can see why he chose you as his heir,” Stella says. “The Riveras spoke highly of you. However, it is unusual for a Trueblood so young to take over an entire coven.” Stella's tone drips with suspicion.

They know the Riveras? I hold back my shock. Of course the Riveras, having made truces with Truebloods in the past, would know about the High Council and probably wouldn't resist them. Maybe the Riveras even let these people into town. Ugh, they should have warned us.

“It is unusual,” Riley says. He gives away nothing more. “I know that there is much to do, and I am handling this one task at a time. We have already taken over the running of this town and the Beaumonts’ former assets.”

I breathe out. Maybe there's a chance these people don't know Riley stole his father's blood and became more powerful. Mr. Rivera, after the air got cleared of Riley's wrongdoing, wouldn't have thrown Riley under the bus completely. He'll never be warm towards us, but he's still willing to work with us, and he has no liking for Dominic.

“One task at a time,” Stella repeats. “You are the only Trueblood here, correct?”

Riley doesn't pause. “Correct.” Maybe lying to the High Council is punishable by

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