With a surprised laugh, Vic closed the busdoor and pulled back into the flow of traffic. “Yeah, blameme.”
In the mirror above his seat, he saw Mattgive him a look of such unadulterated love that it made him grin.::What’s with the shades?:: Matt wanted to know. ::Youlook hot. Are those mine?::
::Both the glasses and the freakypower they’re hiding,:: Vic assured him. ::Super dilatedpupils. Haven’t been able to see shit all day.::
::That’s not a superpower,:: Matt toldhim. ::That’s a side effect.::
Vic grunted. ::What, you fucked me so goodI can’t see straight?::
Matt grinned, glancing at the dog to play itoff. He didn’t have to worry, though—Roger was too busy with Sadieto pay the two men any attention. With her face cradled in bothhands, he had his nose to hers, making the same silly baby-talksounds Matt made whenever he played with the dog. Vic didn’tunderstand it. No wonder she was spoiled.
Stretching out in his seat, Matt waited untilVic glanced in the mirror again, then ran a hand up his thigh andover his crotch. He pressed down on the slight bulge there, and amoan of desire filled Vic’s mind. ::We’ll be home soon,::Matt said, adjusting the front of his jeans. ::I’ll kiss andmake it all better then.::
Through their mental connection Vic couldfeel that hand on his own cock. He couldn’t wait.
* * * *
When Matt had thought about meeting up withVic to ride home with his lover, he never anticipated there mightbe other passengers on the bus. Vic usually complained about hislast hour being pretty dead, so seeing the guy in the wheelchairhad thrown Matt for a loop. Sadie seemed to like him, though. TwiceMatt had to yell at her to get down when she tried climbing intothe fellow’s lap, and she now sat by his right leg, her head on histhigh, eyes closed in pure bliss as he scratched behind her ears.With his arms spread out across the back of his seat, Matt watchedher soak up the attention and wondered just how much longer it’d beuntil they were alone.
He didn’t have to wait long to find out. Thenext stop turned out to be Roger’s—as Vic pulled over to the curb,he told them, “End of the line. Your sister here waiting for you,Roger?”
The guy in the wheelchair turned to peer outthe window at the darkness beyond. Night had settled in, pressingagainst the bus as if trying to get in. “Nah, I doubt it. On a niceevening like this?”
He guided his chair into the aisle, but Vicdidn’t open the door. In the mirror above Vic’s seat, Matt couldsee the frown on his lover’s face. “How far do you have to go? Ican probably drop you off…”
“It’s cool.” Roger gave Sadie one last pat ashe waited for Vic to let him out. “I just live on the other side ofthe park. Really, it’s nothing. I do it every day, twice aday.”
Still, Vic hesitated, and Matt felt his heartswell in his chest at the concern lacing his lover’s voice. “Man, Imean, if it isn’t far—”
“Vic, I got it.” With a tight grin over hisshoulder at Matt, he patted Vic’s hand where it rested on the doorhandle. “Thanks, but you go on home. Don’t worry about me. I’ll befine.”
Reluctantly, Vic opened the door and engagedthe wheelchair lift. Once Roger rolled onto it, he raised a hand infarewell to Matt. “Nice meeting you. I like your dog.”
“She likes you,” Matt said with a laugh.“Have a good evening.”
Once Roger was gone and Vic was back on theroad, Matt ventured, “He seems nice.”
Vic looked into the side view mirror as if hecould see Roger through the night. Given his current superpower,Matt thought he probably could. “Some people you just want to watchout for, you know what I mean?”
A small twinge of jealousy shot through Mattbut he squelched it before it raged out of control. Still, hisvoice sounded strange to his own ears when he asked, “Do youusually take him home on the days his sister isn’t waiting forhim?”
Vic glanced up in the mirror sharply. Withthe sunglasses hiding his eyes, his features were unreadable.“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Matt shrugged. “Nothing, babe. It’s been along day.”
A slow grin crept across Vic’s face. “Shit,”he drawled. “I’m practically a married man now. I just got engagedlast night.”
Matt’s laugh lightened the mood between them.“So I hear. Roxie wants to be my best man, did I tell you?”
“God.” Vic shook his head.
Though Matt couldn’t see his lover’s eyes, heknew Vic had to be rolling them in exasperation. “Maybe she cangive you away instead,” he teased.
Vic’s response was quick. “Oh, hellno!”
Matt only laughed harder. “That’s whatshe said.”
The ride back to the bus terminal remindedMatt of his first evening with Vic. They first met at the gym,true, but Matt had been dating a coworker of Vic’s at the time and,as interested as he was in the brawny bodybuilder, he couldn’tpursue a relationship until Kyle was out of the picture. Matt hadknown from the moment he started going out with Kyle that he wasn’t“the one”—the guy was great to hang out with and hilariously funny,even if he did annoy the fuck out of Vic. But he kept pushing Mattto consummate their relationship and, given Matt’s propensity tobestow superhuman powers onto his lovers through sex, Matt wasn’teager to see Kyle take advantage of that. But when he learned thatVic had been asking Kyle about him, Matt thought he’d take achance. Something about Vic appealed to him from the start—healways claimed it was Vic’s strength that attracted him and yes,that played a big part in his initial interest, but there wassomething else there, something deeper, a glimpse of the tender manbeneath the rugged exterior whom Matt wanted to get to know.Through Kyle, Matt knew Vic drove the city bus. Once Kyle was outof the picture, Matt spent an inordinate amount of time riding thevarious bus routes in the hopes of hooking up with the strongmanhe’d seen only once before—lifting weights at the gym.
It was an evening such as this when Mattclimbed aboard Vic’s bus, wearing the very same sunglasses