Shock was all over his face. “Please… follow the script.”

Only Ashley couldn’t really hear him. She wasn’t even in the classroom anymore. The wooden floor of the Jolly Roger creaked beneath her feet, and the salty Neverland sea sprayed her face.

Never mind walking the plank! Freedom was on the horizon for Wendy and her brothers.

And Ashley knew just where to take the ship. “Tiger Lily, man the sails. Tinker Bell, you’re on watch. Let’s get outta here!”

Natalie seemed confused but committed. She used her hands as binoculars and surveyed the seas around them. Amy pretended to release the sails. And, with that, the girls were off.

Ashley stood on her tiptoes. “To Lake Monroe! For an adventure!” She pointed in the air, shouting loud enough for the room next door to hear.

Mr. Garrett sat back on the edge of his desk and shook his head. “This isn’t the script.”

“Wendy! You can’t take my ship!” Landon was still trying to get his hook back on. He shuffled toward Ashley, like he was going to take the wheel from her.

“Wait!” Elliot stepped in front of Landon. “It’s supposed to be my ship at the end of the scene!”

“Can’t you see!” Landon whispered to Elliot. “I’m trying to get us back on track.…” He moved around Elliot and continued for Ashley. “Wendy Darling! You will regret this!” He took one more step and tripped over Chris’s teddy bear. He fell with a loud THWAP!

Ashley gasped. “Hook? Are you okay?” She helped him up.

“I’m fine.” Landon readjusted his hat. A goofy smile came over his face. Then he seemed to remember he was Captain Hook. He cleared his throat. “Wendy! I’ll get you!”

“Stop!” Mr. Garrett stood on his chair this time.

Everyone looked at him.

He rubbed his head and removed his glasses. “I think that’s enough rehearsal for today.”

Ashley marched over to her teacher. “Wait! It was just getting good! Why’d you stop us?”

“Because.” Mr. Garrett looked tired. “That’s not the story.”

“I think it’s better.” She crossed her arms and tried to look like a superhero. “Wendy Darling takes over the ship! It’s a hit, I tell you, Mr. Garrett.”

“No.” He managed a slight smile. “You’re very… entertaining, Ashley. But that’s not what J. M. Barrie wrote.”

“Who?” Ashley wrinkled her nose.

“J. M. Barrie. The author who wrote the book.” Mr. Garrett held up his copy of Peter Pan.

Ashley sucked in air through her teeth. “Ah. Yes. I thought he sounded familiar. Maybe he’d consider a rewrite.” She shrugged. “Just a thought.”

“You, miss, are the perfect Wendy. And you’re a great leader.” Mr. Garrett looked right at her. “But, Ashley, you need to stick with the lines. That’s the only way a class play works.”

“I just… I thought a trip to Lake Monroe would be fun.” Ashley looked at her shoes. One of them was untied. It could wait till later.

“I know. But we have to be serious about this.” He closed the script. “Try to act more grown-up, okay?” He turned to the class. “Please gather your things and study your lines tonight. Also tomorrow is…”

Everything faded.

Ashley couldn’t stop her disappointment. Wasn’t the whole point of Peter Pan to stay little? And now her teacher was telling her to grow up. Of all things.

She packed her bag, tied her shoe and helped put the props away. The last item to go back in the closet was the pirate ship wheel. She held it for a few seconds and then looked out the window. For one more moment, she was Wendy, taking the ship and maybe all the Lost Boys to Lake Monroe. Where they wouldn’t have to worry about lines and parts and hooks flying across the room.

Where they didn’t have to be grown-up, even for a few minutes. Instead they could be forever young.

At least for a little while longer.


Dad’s Career Day


The meteor shower was twelve days away and Kari couldn’t wait. For now Ms. Nan’s class was still working on their essays. What they wanted to be when they grew up. Every day they talked about a different career and today was the most exciting assignment of all.

Today was Take Your Child to Work Day! A day to go to work with their parents.

Kari had thought about it all night. A hospital might be the perfect place to work one day. She and Brooke and Ashley all had permission to join Dad from morning to night to see what a doctor actually did. Kari had her notebook so she could write down what she learned about working with sick people.

Kids like Alex.

They were driving to the hospital now, and Kari stared at the first page in her notebook. It read: Kari Baxter’s Take Your Child to Work Day Observations. Observations were real things Kari might see or hear or experience today. Details she could use in her class essay.

Kari tapped her pencil. She felt like Lois Lane from the Superman comics. Or Nancy Drew, the famous fictional detective! Ashley and Brooke had to write reports on Career Day with their dad, too.

“Dad.” Ashley sat next to Kari. Brooke was in the front passenger seat. “I want you to know something.”

“Yes, Ashley.” Dad smiled over his shoulder at her. “Tell me.”

“I’ve thought about it.” Ashley smoothed the wrinkles from her jeans. “And I feel ready to perform surgery today. If that’s what we need to do.”

Dad looked at Ashley in the rearview mirror. “No one will be performing surgery today.”

“But I’m ready.” Ashley held a finger up in the air. “I’m not afraid at all.”

“Yes.” Dad’s voice was patient. “It takes more than courage to operate on someone, Ashley. You have to go to college many, many years for that.”

Kari put her hand over her mouth so Ashley wouldn’t hear her laugh. Her sister was hilarious.

Ashley was still trying to get into the operating room at Dad’s hospital. “Here’s something.” She leaned forward. “What if someone else does the surgery? Can we just peek inside?”

“I think you’re

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