Jessica raised an eyebrow.
“The cold winters are getting to us. We want to move south. Once she sells the business, we’ll sell the condo and be on our way to Georgia.”
“Wow.” Jessica sat back and took in a deep breath. “I’m going to miss you.”
“And I you.” Debbie reached over and put her hand on Jessica’s cheek. “What is it you wanted to talk about? I’ll bet you and Yuri are back together.” Debbie smiled with a sparkle in her eye.
“No. I thought you said he was engaged.”
“I just talked to his mother, dear lady. She had more amputations. Diabetes is an awful disease. Anyway, she said Yuri broke it off a couple of months ago. She thinks because he still holds a torch for you.”
“Sorry to hear about his mom.” Jessica put her head down. She didn’t want him to go through the horror of seeing his mother slowly die. “But I haven’t heard from him for… gosh, I don’t even know how long. Please tell her I’ll pray for her.”
“I will. So…?”
“I read those obituaries you sent me.”
“Crazy, right? All three of those men so in love with your mama.” Debbie chuckled. “Can’t you just see them now all clamoring to be with her up there.” She looked up.
Jessica laughed. “My thought exactly. Did you notice they both have daughters named Virginia Elizabeth?”
“Yes. Like I said, they loved her.”
“Virginia Elizabeth Legotti is supposedly the daughter of Franco and Virginia Anderson Legotti.” Jessica held her phone out in front of Debbie.
Debbie took it. There was silence while she read the article, then she looked at Jessica. “The embryos. I knew it, I just knew it!”
“The what?”
“Your mom and Franco had trouble getting pregnant when they were married so went the in vitro route. When they got divorced, Franco insisted he get the embryos. I was dead set against it, but your dad talked me down, saying they’d never be used.”
“So you think he had a surrogate?”
“Had to be.” Debbie shook her head.
Jessica found the picture and showed it to Debbie.
“Beautiful, just like your mama.”
“I have to meet these girls, especially now I know it’s a possibility I have a sister.”
Debbie handed Jessica her phone back and then patted her hand. At first, she was very angry that Franco had done that, but then a peace filled her. That was the only way he could have his precious Gini.
“I think that would be good for you to know for sure. You should come to church tomorrow. I know everyone would love to see you. I’m often asked about the Young children. And you should see Candy and Charlie; they are busy busy and so adorable. I knew Aly would be a good mother, and she is. Come tomorrow.”
“I’ll think about it. Debbie, it’s good seeing you.” Jessica got a tear in her eye.
“Now, now, no tears, you’ll have us both blubbering.”
“I love you, Debbie.”
“And I you.”
The two women sat and talked about Jessica’s school and how much fun Debbie’s and Kensy’s lives were. About an hour later, Debbie left.
Jessica sat running her finger round and round the top of her glass. She possibly had a half-sister; Yuri wasn’t engaged and probably suffering with his mother’s illness. It was all mind-boggling.
She got in her car to go see Rob, but on second thought she drove to the old neighborhood. She parked and walked down the path to the pond. Sitting on the bench, she remembered all the times she and her mama had sat there and the joy in Gini’s face listening to the birds singing.
Jessica got up and walked on farther down the sidewalk and onto the cart path that led to the back of her old homestead. The yard was full of children playing. The new owners had put in a pool. She stood and watched kids jump in the water, get out and jump again. She didn’t notice a woman walk up to the fence.
“Can I help you?” the lady asked.
“Oh…” Jessica jumped a little. “I’m sorry, I… I didn’t mean to pry. I grew up in this house, and I was in the area, so I thought…” She looked down.
“I thought I recognized you from the closing with your dad.”
“Yes. Looks like you have a houseful.”
“Six. We always wanted a large family. I must say, the minute I walked in the front door of this house, it felt like someone wrapped me in love. We are very happy here.”
“I see Mama’s roses are blooming.”
“I never do anything with that garden but pull out a weed or two. Every year the flowers bloom all summer long.”
“Mama’s hand must still be on it. I helped Daddy make the raised garden so Mama could work in it, and she and I planted all the bulbs and bushes.”
“It’s truly beautiful. I come out here in the mornings when the house is still quiet and just enjoy all the wonderful aromas.”
“Thanks for letting me take a look.”
“Would you like to come in the house?”
“No, but thanks for offering.”
“Oh, before you go, wait a minute.”
The woman ran into the house and came out with a yellow hard hat. “We found this on the floor in the back bedroom with the original floor plans.” She handed it to Jessica.
“No, that stays with the house.”
“Okay, take care.”
“I will.”
She went to Robbie’s place, and they went out to eat. She told him of her findings. “I have to find these girls,” she said.
Rob showed little interest. He was more worried about getting through his summer semester and asked that she wish him luck on getting a work grant at a company that designed medical equipment.
For weeks she wrestled with calling