Moonslinger. I'm not sure where the name comes from, but it feels right for the weapon in front of me. I grab hold of it and swing it over my back using the attached strap. It's not the most practical way of carrying something like this around, and I can see it causing problems if I have to draw it in a hurry, but for now it's the only system they've given me to do it.
With nothing else for it, I leave the safety of the building and walk out into the arena.
I suck in a breath as I take in my surroundings. Everywhere I look there's something different, from boulders to trees. But most striking of all is the huge dragon skeleton right in front of me with colossal white bones bleached from spending a long time in the sun.
I'm not sure if it's there to inspire me into thinking anyone can kill a dragon, or there to scare me into playing the role they want me to take.
If it's the second one, then they've achieved exactly what they set out to do.
A dense copse of trees catch my attention. If I can get to it without finding any trouble, then I should be able to lay low there for a while. The challenge is going to be if anyone sees me. I keep half an eye on the area surrounding me. I doubt most of the contestants would do anything to anyone else so soon into the Duels, there are others I don't feel so confident about, especially when I recall how excited the two guys in the briefing were about the fact there are no rules.
I wrap my arms around myself, wishing I could have set off with Marina instead of on my own. A friendly face wouldn't go amiss right now.
But that's not how this works. Hopefully, I'll be able to find her over the next couple of days. While I'm not crazy about teaming up with anyone, the idea of either of us being out here alone doesn't sit right with me. I want someone who will watch my back. And if what she told me is true, and she got away from the Marriage Market, then she must have some skills she hasn't told me about yet. They could come in handy.
I make it to the trees without any incidents, and search around for somewhere to set up a small camp. All I need is somewhere enclosed enough that I can keep two sides safe. I don't even need it to be big enough to sleep in, I can't imagine feeling comfortable enough to let myself be unconscious. Maybe in a few days when the real exhaustion sets in, but not right now.
It takes me an hour or so to find the perfect spot. An old tree rises far higher into the sky that I'd like to fathom, but I'm not interested in the high reaching branches. It's the roots that hold promise for me. They've twisted around one another and formed a small pocket of space underneath them. It's actually more secluded than I first imagined.
I check over my shoulder to make sure no one has appeared in the past few minutes, and duck inside. It's a tight fit, but it should keep me warm from the encroaching wind, as well as keeping me out of sight. The only problem might be if someone else has the same idea as me and wants to hide in the same place.
If they do, maybe I could make an ally.
I push the notion aside. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to survive, and that'll be easier on my own or with Marina.
I lean my head against the roots and try not to dwell on the situation I've ended up in, but it's impossible not to. No one has prepared me for how boring it actually is to be in the Duels. I'm sure that won't be the case if I end up fighting for my life, or running from a dragon, but right now, it's pretty dull.
It isn't even nightfall, but I already find myself longing for dawn. Once everyone is in the arena, I can set out trying to find Marina. There's no point doing it now. I don't know how many of the other contestants are already inside the arena, and that makes it dangerous. For all I've been told, I could be the first one released, or the two-hundred-and-fiftieth. Though I doubt it's the latter. If I was in charge of this whole thing, I'd be releasing a dragon the moment everyone was inside the arena, just to remind us all of what's possible.
The cold sets in before I know it. I pull the fingerless gloves from my pocket and slip them on. They won't give me a huge amount of protection, but some is better than none. I pull my coat closer to me, grateful they let me keep it and didn't make me put on something different. Freezing to death is even further down my wishlist than being eaten by a dragon.
I strain my ears in an attempt to find out if there's anyone else around, but can't hear anything over the sounds of the mini-forest around me. I should get used to the idea of not knowing what's happening. That's going to be the case for the next ten days anyway. I won't know how many people are still alive until the very end.
If I make it that far.
I close my eyes and try to chase away the thoughts of impending doom. Instead, I fall into a fitful doze despite the surroundings. I didn't realise I was tired enough to sleep, but apparently, I am. I better make the most of it before something changes and I end up thrown into the middle of