of surprises.” Daniels strong hands wrap around her waist, and he lifts her into the open top carriage and is beside her instantly. Sitting in the corner, he wraps an arm up over the black leather seat built for two and grins at her. Lifting the blanket in an unspoken invitation, Daniel gives a little wiggle of his eyebrows. Delta can’t resist, laughing, she sits beside him and tucks into his side. Resting a hand on his muscular thigh, she jumps when his leg muscle twitches. Together they draw the blanket up around their legs.

“Nights in Montana can get cold, stay close and I will keep you warm.”

Her smile fades when she twists to look at him. “Is there really a bridge, Daniel?” He stares down at her and is struck with the desire to make her smile again. His hand wraps around her shoulder, drawing her back against him.

“Yes. Just wait for it.” He gives the okay to the driver, and they set off. Delta wonders at the feel of him next to her. His strength and warmth surround her, and she sighs, so far she sucks at avoiding him. A bump has her clutching his thigh. His hand covers hers, and his deep voice in her ear chases all the cold away.

“You smell amazing, Delta.” He inhales her scent nuzzling against her neck and chills run down her body.

“Thank you,” she whispers. The grounds are beautiful, and soft snow starts to fall delighting Delta. She twists to look at him. “It's snowing! Did you order this just for us?”

“Of course, I told you to trust me.” Daniel looks so smug, she can’t help but laugh.

“Snow in April, I can’t believe it! The only thing snowing in Carolina is pollen.”

“It will be gone tomorrow, so enjoy it.” Delta glances at him and grins, wondering at how thoughts of him have consumed her since the moment they met.

“Tell me the story of Sarah's bridge,” she urges before she does something stupid like climb up his body. No more red wind, Delta! They head out across the fields and turn to ride along a lighted path towards an aged wooden bridge. It sits across the wildflower meadows connecting two pieces of land with a massive river running under it.

“Sixteen-year-old, Sarah Jane was out with her father on a ride when her horse was startled by a moose. Her horse reared up causing Sarah to drop her reins. She screamed and held on tight to her saddle as the horse took off across this very field.” The carriage stops and Delta reaches for the hot chocolate and pours two mugs, handing one to Daniel. He sips on it and continues the story. Delta listens entranced by the sound of his deep voice she angles her body toward him. “Sarah Jane tried to bring him under control, but once a horse senses fear you’re in trouble.”

Delta nods, “Where was her father?”

“He was busy trying to chase off the moose, who was hell-bent on going after the horse Sarah was on. Have you ever seen a moose up close Delta?”

“Only on television. Are they very aggressive?”

Daniel nods, “Yep, and this one was in rut and during spring they become extremely hostile. Sarah was on the horse, and her scream reached the ears of Beau Matthews, who happened to be out surveying his property line. He was a homesteader. During that time if you lived on the land for long enough, the land became yours. Beau kicked his horse into a run in the direction of Sarah's scream.”

“What happened?” She asks, dropping a marshmallow into her hot chocolate.

“The property had a large river running through it, and Sarah was headed straight for it. Beau could tell by the way she was holding on, that the horse that was out of control. It ran with Sarah on its back, straight for the river, but just before the horse plunged into the river, Beau shot his pistol into the air, startling the horse.”

“That’s good, right?” Wide-eyed, Delta sips her chocolate entranced by the story.

“Depends on how you look at it. The horse skidded to a stop, and Sarah went flying straight into the river.”

“Oh, no!”

“She plunged into the river with a shriek, and the weight of her skirts pulled her under. Beau did the only thing he could do, he raced alongside the river and drove his horse into the water to save her.” Delta scoots closer and nudges him.

“Did he save her?” She asks sipping from her cup.

“Of course. He had to jump in and pull her to the side of the river. They were both soaked, and Sarah had a nasty gash on her forehead from a rock, but she was alive. She was holding tight to Beau and thanking him when he looked into Sarah’s beautiful green eyes he was overcome and kissed her just as her father was coming over the hill.”

Delta laughs, “That’s not good.”

“Worked out good for Sarah. They were married on the bridge he built, connecting both plots of land. Thanks to that moose, our ranch sits on over six thousand acres.”

Delta sighs. “What a beautiful story, it really brings the land to life.” Her hand touches his, and she says, “Thank you for sharing it with me.” Daniel reaches out and cups the back of her neck and draws her close for a soft sweet kiss.

Delta freezes as his mouth descends on hers. It is only a soft kiss and over before she realizes, but it rocks her to her core.

Daniel stares into her eyes, “You’re welcome,” he whispers. One of the horse moves and startles them.

“I need to get back and let Sasha out,” she scoots away from him. They ride back talking about the activities the ranch offers, including the guided tour, she's going on in a few days.

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