Usually the family dog, Rusty, greets him, but he sees no sign of her anywhere. He approaches the house with caution, looking for signs of trouble. Not finding any, he enters the house through the sliding glass doors from the deck that surrounds the house. Hunter walks quietly into his living room. Alex is in the kitchen making a cup of tea and looks relieved to see his dad.

“Dad!” he says as Hunter walks towards him.

“Alex, are you okay, what’s going on?” Looking at his son he sees the trepidation on his face.

“Okay, you’re going to need an open mind, Dad.” Alex starts nervously pacing, “Well, it’s like this. I was sort of watching today and…”

“What!?” Hunter interrupts “You know you are not supposed to do that alone. Polly said it is dangerous!”

Alex holds up his hand and waits for him to go quiet. “Dad, I found someone today who needs us. She was a prisoner and she was looking for the Keeper.”

“What do you mean you found someone? You brought her here?” he asks quietly looking around. He grabs Alex by his arm, “Where is she? How do you know she isn’t a danger to us all?”

Frustrated, because his father isn’t listening, he slams his fist on the bar. “Dad, enough! I did what I thought was best. I didn’t have a lot of time because she was being hunted! I shielded her and I think I still am. She is down stairs resting on the couch.”

He is stunned when he realizes how serious he is. Hunter decides see for himself the danger to his family. He decides to meet her, and get some answers from her. “Alright; I can see your upset but I trust you, lead the way.” Hunter starts for the steps to the basement and stops when his son calls out, “There’s more.”

Walking back to the tray, Alex finishes filling it with fruit, cheese, and a cup of hot tea. Hunter sighs, runs a hand over his face and waits for him to finish.

“She is very jumpy, fragile and I, I don’t want you to upset her. Dad, she’s special, and I intend to keep her safe.”

“I promise not to scare her. Have a little faith in your old man,” he says smiling at his son’s serious face. Turning quickly he advances down the stairs only to find Rusty blocking his way. She stares intently at Hunter, then hesitates a moment before she allows him to pass.

“You too, girl? I will be gentle, okay,” he promises and pats her head as he walks past.

Alex follows with the tray and stops when he sees his father openly staring at Varena. She is standing on the small deck off the back of the house, staring into the woods with her face lifted to the sun. Tears of joy roll unchecked down her face and she lifts her arms to the wind, letting it lift her curly, brown hair.

Hunter watches her and sees the bliss fade from her hazel eyes when she turns to find them staring at her. His guest wraps her arms protectively around the small mound beneath her dress; she begins to panic at the sight of the stranger. With her back to the railing she searches for an exit. Alex steps from behind his dad and quickly calms her fears.

“Varena, this is my father, Hunter. I told you about him, remember.” Hunter stops walking and stares in shock at the pregnant beauty before him.

“Did you leave anything else out, son?” He watches with pride as Alex puts the tray down on the table outside, noting that she seems to be more peaceful outdoors. He is a perceptive, gifted, and compassionate soul.

He moves out to the deck, but keeps his distance from the woman because he can see that she is trembling with fear. Varena moves closer to Alex, her hazel eyes never leave him. Standing close to each other, he notices that Alex’s aura is wrapping hers and shielding it. Before, her aura flashed brightly like a beacon, now Alex’s silver and gold aura blocks hers, dimming it completely.

“Varena, you are safe here. I mean you no harm.” He reassures her and moves to the table where the food waits. Hunter sits and waits for them to join him. At Alex’s coaxing, she moves closer and pulls a chair out. She carefully takes a seat facing both men, and keeps her eyes shifting constantly looking for an exit if she needs it. Hunter takes a small plate and fills it with fruit and cheese placing it in front of her.

She nibbles at the grapes and looks at Alex. “Your son saved me today, Hunter. I mean no disrespect to you,” she tells him cautiously, trying not to make eye contact.

“Maybe one of you can tell me what is going on? Who are you and how did you end up with my son?” He ignores the look on his son’s face as he shoots him a look. He is curious about their houseguest and needs answers.

Varena decides the story she has to tell should not involve a child. “Alex, could you get me some water? I am thirsty.”

Eager to please, Alex jumps up. He wants to make sure she is comfortable, he pauses before leaving, “Varena you are safe with my dad. He is a shield too.”

She watches him leave and turns to Hunter. “He is amazing. You should be proud of him.”

Hunter smiles a little. “I am. Tell me your story, Varena.”

“I don’t know where to start. You may not believe most of it. I was a prisoner and Alex found me. He freed me and brought me here. I am looking for a friend of mine named Elina.” Seeing the shock on his face, she becomes animated.

“Do you know where I can find her?” Hunter is not sure what to say. Quickly she tells him, “We are from the same village, and I grew up with her.”

“Dad, is Elina still at Polly’s?” Alex

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