blouse outof her skirt, sliding his big hands under to span her waist before they began to rise. Ildaria had pushed his shirt up hisstomach, and was eagerly running her hands over the wide expanse of his chest when he suddenly scooped her up and turned toset her on the desk.

G.G. nudged her knees apart, and moved forward to fill the space he’d created. He didn’t stop until he was pressing against her core, and then his kiss turned deep and voracious. His hands moved to the buttons of her blouse and suddenly it was undone, allowing him to tug it open to reveal a lacy black bra beneath that Ildaria had never seen before. Obviously, it was his input to the dream, which she didn’t mind at all. It looked much nicer than the white cotton bra and panty sets she always wore in reality. At least, that’s what she’d always worn up to now. Though, she had gone out and used some of her tip money from her waitressing job to buy a black lace set similar to the one he’d dreamed up. It was pretty and sexy and she only had one set, so couldn’t wear it every day in the hopes that something would happen. So, she hadn’t put it on at all yet. She was saving it for a “special” occasion.

“Oh my, sex in the office,” Sofia breathed, drawing her from the memory. “That is steamy. The whole secretary-boss thing, love on the desk, the risk of one of us entering unexpectedly and catching you. My,my, my.”

“Accountant-boss,” Ildaria muttered, feeling her face burn with embarrassment at Sofia’s reading her thoughts.

“Yeah. That might be a problem.”

Ildaria glanced up in question. “What?”

“His being the boss,” Sofia explained with a frown. “G.G. might look like a rebel, but he has a lot of honor. I suspect hewould never hit on an employee. It would be too much like taking advantage of his position.”

Ildaria was frowning now too, sure G.G. had said something about her being his employee in the dream and sexual harassmentor something. But until now, it hadn’t occurred to her that her working for him might be a problem.

“Which means you’ll have to do the hitting,” Sofia concluded with satisfaction. “He wouldn’t feel he was taking advantageif you jumped him. And it can’t be sexual harassment either, since you’re the underling.”

“Right.” Ildaria sighed the word unhappily, rather doubting she could do that. She didn’t have a lot of experience in suchthings . . . unless you counted the dreams she’d been sharing with G.G.

“Never say you’re a virgin?” Sofia whispered with amazement, obviously having caught her thoughts about her lack of experience.

Ildaria shook her head stiffly. “No. I’m not a virgin.”

Recognizing the way Sofia’s eyes were concentrating on her forehead, Ildaria began to recite a nursery rhyme, but either shewasn’t quick enough or it just didn’t work now that she’d met a possible life mate. She realized that when Sofia’s expressionturned sympathetic.

Ildaria stiffened. If she showed her the least bit of pity—

“Right,” Sofia said firmly. “Well, maybe we could work on it.”

Ildaria blinked, her grim expression turning to bewilderment. “Work on what exactly?”

“On your lack of experience. We could have you practice.”

“Practice?” Ildaria roared, outraged at the very thought. What was she thinking? That Ildaria should go pick up some man and—

“Not the sex,” Sofia said with exasperation, obviously picking up her thoughts. “The showing that you’re interested part,flirting and how to hit on him and make your interest known. Or maybe we can come up with ways for you to show your interestin other ways. Like wearing a sexy negligee when G.G. arrives to pick up H.D. one morning after the club closes.”

She paused and pursed her lips briefly, and then said, “Although, you’d probably still have to make a move on him. I suspectother than your ripping his clothes off and tackling him to the floor, nothing short of a Fuck me sign hanging from around your neck when you answer the door is going to move him past his honorable disposition. If thateven worked. It might make him worry there’s something wrong with you. Mentally.”

“The very fact that I’m sitting here listening to this nonsense proves there is something wrong with me mentally,” Ildariasaid dryly.

“That and many other things,” Sofia agreed easily, but then softened the words by adding, “But then most of us have our issues.You can’t live life without gaining an issue or two along the way.”

Ildaria nodded at those words of wisdom, believing them wholeheartedly. She’d met a lot of people in her life, especiallywhile sailing with Vasco. They’d lured a lot of people onto the ship, and almost all of them had had something in their mindsthat was distressing when she read them. Body issues, anger issues, memories of childhood abuse haunting their thoughts andactions. The few that had seemed well balanced and pretty much okay had been through some kind of counseling, easily readin their thoughts.

“Have you considered counseling?” Sofia asked softly.

Ildaria’s gaze shot to her and then away, but she just shook her head. She’d never been in a position to be able to affordcounseling. Besides which, who could she go to? She couldn’t tell a mortal counselor or psychologist about being immortal.

“Marguerite’s son-in-law, Greg, is an immortal and some kind of psychologist or psychiatrist,” Sofia announced, obviously still picking up her thoughts. “Maybe he’d be willing to work out some kind of payment plan you could handle,” she suggested, and then added, “Failing that, Elijah says the university offers free counseling services to students. He’s taking medicine at the uni. Plans to be a doctor.”

“Si, he mentioned that,” Ildaria said. “But I can’t talk to a mortal counselor, Sofia.”

“Not about being an immortal, no,” she agreed, but then pointed out, “But a lot of your issues around sex seem to come fromyour childhood, when you were mortal. So if you stuck to that, the free counseling at university could work. Just avoid mentioningthat your childhood was nearly two hundred

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