The picture from the dance had been turned around in her scrapbook. Unwilling to throw it away, but knowing she’d break down if she saw the smiling kids standing in the perfect pose. Closing her eyes, she floated back to high school, waiting at her locker trying to not be obvious in her want for him to walk down the hall and clasp her hand. Only Onyx swam in front of her eyes instead of her boyfriend, Byron, who had meant the world to her.
The similarities between the two of them was uncanny. Every time she ran into Onyx she remembered Byron in high school. It was as if he’d grown up and his ghost was haunting her. The pain of it all could crush her completely if she didn’t try to make him the villain tormenting her life.
Every time she ran into Onyx, did they have to have an argument? She hated that she was so rude to him. It was just the way it had to be. If she thought of him any other way, it would be bad. Even if Turnabout wasn’t New Bend, there were some things that are wrong, no matter how you try to excuse them. Her cousin’s words a warning before a harsh reality.
She stood and sealed the package to her grandma. Printing on the front her Grandma’s name and address. No return address, she knew better. Where she lived was her business, not her family’s and they’d made it more than clear what would happen if she darkened their door.
Grabbing her cell phone, she decided a call to Delaney was in order. Waiting for the other woman to answer it took three rings and she heard the sweet voice of one of her dearest friends. “Hello Topaz. How are you?”
“Dell. It’s good to hear your voice. I miss you.”
“It’s good to hear from you too, but I’ll be up soon enough. What’s going on up there in Montana?”
“Nothing too exciting. I just had a thought, so I wanted to run it by you.” Topaz figured moving back to the New Mexico charter wouldn’t be a bad thing, getting meds for Nanna would have to stop, but otherwise one club was the same as another.
“What’s your thought?” Dell asked.
“I was thinking about coming back to New Mexico with you and Steel after Dreamer’s wedding. Do you have a place for me down there?”
“Why in the hell would you want to move back Topaz? You have it made up there.”
“It’s boring here. I want to come back where there’s more action,” Topaz lied.
“Alright, Topaz what’s really going on up there?” Dell wasn’t buying her story and she knew it. “You live in the wildest small town in America. The last thing Turnabout Creek is…is boring.”
“I don’t know. Just looking for a change. I didn’t really want to leave New Mexico. I only agreed to come to Montana to help Red. Everybody is happy here and I want to move back. That’s all.”
“You stay put up there, Topaz. Red needs you to run those women. Not that I don’t want you back in New Mexico. I know the guys miss you.”
“Sure they do. They probably forgot about me,” Topaz whined, throwing a pity party of one.
“No way, they could never forget about you. Listen, I got to run, Steel needs me. But if you really want to come back, there’s always a place for you down here. Love you girl.”
“Love you, too. Thanks Dell.” Topaz disconnected the call and set her cell phone down on her table. “Well it was a good idea,” she whispered to herself, then glanced at the clock.
Her daydreaming and avoiding Onyx had to of passed the mail pick up time, now no matter when she gets to the post office it would be going out tomorrow. A bit defeated, she walked into her bathroom and started a bath. Too many thoughts and memories were stirring up depression. It wasn’t good for her to be feeling this way and she knew Zoe would keep everyone inline until she got back to the bar.
Maybe a long shower would help her.
Undressed, she stood, head pressed against the tile, cranked music and closed her eyes. Hoping the music could tamp down the nightmares always creeping in on the horizon.
With church at six o’clock, Onyx drove to the clubhouse. Most of the unattached men lived there, but so did the women. Convenience in all its forms. He chose to live with Hollywood and his Ol’ Lady, Free. In a way, it worked. He helped with renovations and had his own room as far from the couple as possible. Between Hollywood being the county’s Sheriff and Free working for the daycare center and dancing at the bar the home was empty more than it was full.
Allowing for thoughts, contemplations and the occasional sleepover with one of the Hoez. He wasn’t sure if he actually wanted Topaz, but he’d like the option to try. There was no delusion as to why she practically ran in disgust when she saw him. Onyx had seen racism in all its glory over the years, but not with people who actually knew him. Time and experience trumps all rhetoric and rearing. No matter who it was or how Klanny they were raised, he could show them not all black men were ‘insert random racial belief’. Much like snowflakes, they looked alike until you got them under a microscope and learned what their special hatred was. Once he could find that with Topaz, he could help knock down her beliefs with the simple fact he wasn’t that random truth, and if he wasn’t maybe others weren’t either.
Getting off the bike after he parked it, Onyx walked inside. They were just setting up for supper. Food was already on the counter behind the bar. It was more buffet style than cafeteria, but no matter the way they dished it out, the homemade food never disappointed and he was starving.
Twisting his wrist, he