Hi? Who is this?
Gran floated close to her head. Raine batted at her like it would help her fly away. "Geez Gran. Give me a little privacy."
"Sweetheart, if I give you too much you will just ruin things. You need to open up."
Kian. The crazy shifter from the coffee shop.
She smiled to herself, her fingers poised over the keyboard. "If you ruin this child, I promise I will be your nightmare. Be nice to that boy."
Raine thought for a minute. She didn't need to sound desperate.
Right. That guy.
Because the sane shifter from the coffee shop hasn't texted me yet.
Raine had given him her number reluctantly, or maybe she gave it thinking he wouldn't really call anyway. A part of her would much rather have been in charge. Fate played huge part thank goodness, if this were left in her hands the relationship would go down like the Titanic, only it wouldn't have even gotten out of the harbor.
Ouch. Would you say no to a movie then?
She chuckled to herself. He got her, even just a little.
I can't. I have 2 classes tonight.
Grabbing a banana, she started to peel it and smirked as she imagined Kian. His hands were huge, hard to say if that meant anything, but the way his pants bulged she was certain that he made this banana look small.
"What are you thinking of young lady?"
Raine jumped at her grandma’s voice.
"I'm having a snack before classes. Can't teach kids on an empty stomach..."
Raine glanced at the banana and Gran and quickly took a bite.
"See?" she said around a full mouth.
"Oh please. I was married and had a child. I think I know when you aren't looking at a banana as a snack."
Raine almost choked as she pushed down the bite.
"Gran. Seriously? I don't need to hear this."
Gran's semi-transparent body rested on the couch as if she could sit and crossed her arms.
"Good Lord aren't you repressed. Don't you let that deadbeat wolf you dated ruin things for you."
Raine's phone chirped. Her stomach a ball of flutters.
I'll meet you after class. What time?
The flutters quickened at the thought of seeing him tonight. What would it be like to kiss him?
"You are hopeless child. Don't over think. Just do."
Raine nodded. "I don't think I can say no to him, regardless of how much I think."
"Alright then. Just tell him okay."
She typed exactly that, biting down on the banana absently.
"Now what kind of underwear are you wearing? Please tell me it’s not that old crap that even I wouldn't wear. Remember, what happens if you get in an accident?"
Rain's brow flexed. "Gran. Please stop worrying about my underwear. Besides, if I got in accident the last thing anyone will care about is it it's cute or not."
Gran stood and mimicked walking, as if her spirit missed the human action.
"Fine. Going. Cute underwear. Got it. I have some from the last time you freaking stalked me through the lingerie store."
Raine shook her head and headed for her room.
"Sweetheart, if I don't push you you'd end up alone and your vagina would shrivel up. Do you want that? Believe me. No one wants that."
Plugging her ears Raine started humming.
* * *
"Alright kids. Ten more seconds. Keep up the momentum. Focus. Mental strength and physical strength are very important."
The ding of the door distracted her for a moment as she glanced to see who was there.
Muscles she didn’t even know existed contracted at the sight of his tall muscular frame walking through the door. How could she have ever thought he was just another all muscle and no brain kind of guy?
The timer went off and the kids stopped. She forced herself back to her job. "All right. Great class. Thank your partners and then go thank your parents. Have a great night everyone."
One little girl grabbed her leg from behind almost knocking her off balance. Kian reached out and grabbed her arm before she fell off the edge of the mats. "I love you Miss Raine. Did you know that my brother went poop today? Did you know he has a penis? I bet you that guy has a penis too. He probably has a big one. My dad has a -"
"Okay Sky, that’s enough." Raine tried to stop the little girl before this went south. She was sweet, but she had no filter.
"Did you know boys have a penis? My brother -"
Raine couldn't be certain but her face was boiling hot and was probably as red as a tomato. "Sweetie? Where is your mom?" Raine craned her neck around looking. She caught sight of Kian's face. It was red, but not from embarrassment. His lips pressed together, she realized he was holding in laughter.
"Sky, honey. Say goodbye to Miss Raine," said the girl’s mom.
Oh thank goodness.
"Bye," said Sky. The girls mom waved as she hurried her out.
Raine closed her eyes. She raised her hand to her face. Kian let go of her other arm.
"So. Uh. Cute kid," said Kian.
"Yeah. Super sweet. She has no filter. And she has two older brothers."
The laughter that Kian had been holding broke the surface.
The embarrassment finally chased away by the humor of the whole conversation finally sank in, and she smiled. One by one the kids filed out. No one stuck around long after classes. She preferred it, tonight more than normal.
"So. Should I just wait over here?" Kian asked
Raine looked around the room. "No, I think we are good. I just need to grab my stuff and close up."
The last family left as Kian and Raine stood looking at each other. Silence, nothing but the air in the ventilation system around them.
Kian stood in front of her, a t-shirt stretching across his chest. His jeans hanging low on his hips. Her eyes moved over him, running back to his face. His eyes more gold than green sparkling back at her. She wanted to touch his