Like many people, my 2020 was filled with lots of disruption. I would have had this book to you a year sooner if things had gone differently, but I ultimately landed where I feel I’m meant to be at this point in my life. I owe all of that to James Fox and his family for taking me and my husband in when we were stranded across an ocean from our home after the borders closed for the lockdowns. They gave us refuge, but we ended up calling their family ranch our new home. We’d never met in person before, and I’m still floored by their generosity. The sense of community on the ranch has been so inspiring, and this book wouldn’t be the same without that experience. James is an incredible writer, and I’m proud to call him a colleague and a close friend.
Just as well, none of my books would be what they are without my amazing support team behind the scenes. I am once again indebted to my amazing beta readers for their honest feedback and patience as I pester them with questions. Sincere thanks to John Ashmore, Doug Burnham, Kaj Fleischmann, Charles Obert, SJ Schauer, Steve DeBacker, Troy Mullens, Gil Forbes, Jim Dean, Jeanette Bedard, Louise Bishop, Liz Singleton, David Frydrych, Heather Lewis, Leo Roars, Andrea Fornero, Kurt Schulenburg, Eric Haneberg, Kevin McLaughlin, Lisa Richman, and Brian Busby.
A huge thank-you to my incredible proofreaders, Diane L. Smith, Angel LaVey, and others, who always manage to see things everyone else has missed. Thank you for once again lending me your eagle eyes to help add the final polish!
I’d also like to acknowledge my family for their ongoing support. My parents, Randy and Deborah, for helping me become the person I am today; they have been so supportive of me over the years, and I don’t think I would have ever become a writer without their encouragement. Likewise, my husband, Nick, is my biggest cheerleader, and he always makes me feel loved and supported even when I’m doubting myself. I am so fortunate to have a family who always has my back!
Thank you again for reading this first novel in the Taran Empire Saga, and I hope you explore the rest of the Cadicle Universe while you wait for Book 2. Until next time, happy reading!
Timeline of Key Events
All dates are adjusted for the standard Earth calendar
~98,000 BC - Ancient war and signing of the peace treaty between Tarans, the Gatekeepers, and the transdimensional aliens
AD ~50 - Priesthood’s rise to power as a governing entity on Tararia
AD ~1000 - Taran Revolution period, following the split of the Priesthood when the Aesir left Tararia
AD 1587 - First skirmishes of the Bakzen War
AD 2016 - Invention of the Independent Jump Drive
AD 2025 - Official end of the Bakzen War; destruction of the Bakzen homeworld
AD 2050 - Fall of the Priesthood; transition of Dynasty corporations into public entities
AD 2054 - Reactivation of Gatekeeper tech
AD 2055 - Reopening of the rift/tear and reappearance of the transdimensional aliens
Key Terms
Aesir (Ay-seer) - A group of Tarans who broke away from the Empire around 1000 AD (Earth years) to engage in metaphysical pursuits, such as reading cosmic energy patterns. The founders of the Aesir were all former members of the Priesthood and possess strong telepathic and telekinetic abilities. The Aesir are isolationist and long-lived, possessing advanced technology lost to the rest of the Empire during the Priesthood’s corrupt reign.
Agent - A class of officer within the TSS reserved for those with telekinetic and telepathic gifts. There are three levels of Agent based on level of ability: Primus, Sacon and Trion.
Ateron (at-er-on) - An element that oscillates between normal space and subspace, facilitating high levels of telekinetic energy transfer.
Baellas (bAy-las) - A corporation run by the Baellas Dynasty, producing housewares, clothing, furniture, and other textiles for use across the Taran civilization. Additional specialty lines managed by other smaller corporations are licensed to Baellas for distribution.
Bakzen (Bak-zen) - A militaristic race that lived beyond the Outer Colonies. All Bakzen were clones and possesses varying levels of telekinetic capabilities.
Bakzen War - A centuries-long conflict waged primarily in a secret spatial rift, with the TSS fighting on behalf of the Taran civilization.
Cadicle (Kad-i-kl) - The definition of individual perfection in the Priesthood’s founding ideology, with the emergence of the Cadicle heralding the start to the next stage of evolution for the Taran race.
Course Rank (CR) - The official measurement of an Agent’s ability level, taken at the end of their training immediately before graduation from Junior Agent to Agent. The Course Rank Test is a multi-phase examination, including direct focusing of telekinetic energy into a testing sphere. The magnitude of energy focused during the exercise is the primary factor dictating the Agent’s CR.
Dainetris Dynasty (Dayn-ee-tris) – One of the seven High Dynasties, the Dainetris Dynasty was considered lost for nearly two hundred years. After members of the family spoke out against the Priesthood’s corruption, the Priesthood destroyed the family and buried the city that served as their seat of power. The Dynasty’s status was restored in 2050, and a new seat of power was established on the Priesthood’s former administrative island, renamed Morningstar Isle after the flower in the Dainetris crest.
Earth - A planet occupied by humans, a divergent race of Tarans. Considered a “lost colony,” Earth is not recognized as part of the Taran government.
Generation Cycle - Also known as the Twelve Generation Cycle. A genetic mutation in Tarans where seven generations will express no telepathic or telekinetic abilities, followed by five with those Gifts—the strongest expression being 10th Generation. It is believed that the genetic line descending from the Cadicle may hold the key to developing a genetic patch to fix the mutation. The Aesir left