The door opens, revealing a silhouette with glowing eyes. The lights come on as Stanton’s foot rises, and before he can slam it down on me, Prudencia telekinetically catches it. She’s struggling to suspend him. Her power isn’t as strong without the Crowned Dreamer. I roll a few inches, enough for Prudencia to release her hold. Stanton’s foot slams against the floor like a heavy step.
Stanton laughs. “You’re not strong enough to stop me.”
Prudencia telekinetically throws various instruments and shards of glass at him. His skin is getting cut up, and still he’s smiling with his terrible teeth.
Dr. Bowes rises, and eight illusions pop up—two Brightons, two Emils, two Prudencias, two Dr. Boweses. They’re running around Stanton and he swipes at them, going through them like air. Then Stanton closes his eyes for a moment, spins, and lunges straight at the real Dr. Bowes, snapping her neck. The illusions vanish before her body can hit the floor.
Her death isn’t that shocking. She’s the first of four in this room.
Before I’m added to the count, I gather all my strength and grab a shard of glass, then jump onto Stanton’s shoulders and stab him in the chest. He’s trying to shake me off, but I keep digging and digging even though the glass is cutting into me. He wants to grab me, but Prudencia is binding his hands. Stanton bites my hand and his teeth sharpen, extending into fangs like a real basilisk that puncture straight through my palm. It’s the greatest pain I’ve felt since the Reaper’s Blood warped against me. Fire feels like it’s shooting through my veins, so hot that it wants to melt my bones. I fall off him.
My hand is bleeding.
Prudencia keeps Stanton fixed in place before he can charge at her.
Gold and gray flames light up the corner; Emil, sprawled out on the floor, is carrying a glowing orb, although it appears he’s too weak to throw it. Prudencia releases her hold on Stanton, and he is so close to reaching her when she telekinetically pulls Emil’s fire-orb as if she’s tugging a rope, and it strikes Stanton in the back. She dives out of the way and Stanton slams headfirst into the wall and collapses, still.
“You okay?” Prudencia asks me as she gets up.
I can’t even speak. My bloody hand is shaking uncontrollably, and the fire within is pulsing. No better time to be in a hospital, but seeing Dr. Bowes’s head angled so unnaturally reminds me of how mortal we all are. How mortal I wouldn’t have been with the reaper powers.
Prudencia assists Emil as he tries getting up by himself. He’s groaning as his power automatically heals the glass cuts across his face and arms.
“Whoa.” Maribelle appears, stepping over Stanton, while pressing her fist against her shoulder. “You’ve been busy.” So has she, judging by the blood on her face and the fresh coat of gray-and-red blood on her oblivion dagger. June must be dead.
“Stanton killed Dr. Bowes,” Prudencia says, unable to look at her corpse.
I groan in pain, and Maribelle crouches beside me, her eyes immediately going to the bite mark on my hand. Everything is getting blurry, and I’m suddenly cold.
“That’s basilisk venom. We need an antidote,” Maribelle says.
“What’s going to happen to me?” I ask.
“It can kill you within days,” she says.
My life sentence keeps shrinking. “Find an antidote!”
Prudencia frantically checks the cabinets, and Emil tries to help but he’s too slow and weak. We’re in a hospital that specializes in gleam injuries; finding an antidote really shouldn’t be that hard.
Iris barges in, at first surprised to see Stanton on the floor, but then she steps on him as she makes her way over to Maribelle, holding her bloodied hand to her chest. “Where did you go?!”
“I had to get June,” Maribelle says, still searching for an antidote.
“I hope to the highest stars you killed her, because Dione bested me!”
“You lost a fight; get over it,” Maribelle says.
“I lost more than a fight! The acolytes captured Eva and Carolina and got away.”
Emil and I turn to each other at the same time, like a person and their reflection, wondering what this means for our mother especially.
Then my hand fully tenses, so rigid that I can’t even twitch my finger. It’s like thick clay is drying all over me. My veins are shifting to a dark green, the venom slithering up my arm, and going straight for my heart.
Everything is hazy in the moments after I wake up, especially as I try to figure out why there are fresh scars across my ribs and another above my ankle. Everything clicks as soon as I get a closer look, because my complexion isn’t on this paler side. I’m fresh out of a nightmare where I was torturing Emil with the infinity-ender dagger. The whole thing was more monstrous than how it happened in real life, but maybe it represented how Emil felt in that moment, and that’s why I shifted into him while I was sleeping.
Judging by the sun, it looks like I’ve slept the entire day away. I can’t believe the Senator hasn’t put me to work yet.
I remain in Emil’s form and stare at the scars that his phoenix powers couldn’t heal. We had a moment in some art supplies room at Nova where I helped clean his wounds while keeping my eyes shut because he didn’t want me to see his body; even the form I’m looking at right now is mostly imagined since Emil always hides himself in baggy shirts. There’s a lot I would give up right now just to touch him again. To explore our feelings. Maybe even discover each other without any clothes on.
“That Spell Walker your boyfriend?” Jax asks from the door, his presence completely surprising me.
My blood rushes to Emil’s cheeks, and I glow gray as I revert