How big is the place and shit?”

I knew it was big and on a lot of land. Considerin’ it was a school and all that shit, my imagination was runnin’ wild.

“It ain’t small, but lucky for us The Bishop is a master at security. There is only one way out on either side. The exits are hidden and go into a back corridor in the walls. Everywhere can be gotten to in secret. He likes to keep the element of suspense with the slaves he has there and they never know where he’ll be.” Blitz opened up a couple pieces of gum and threw them in his mouth. “It’s a win-win, ya know what I mean? It’s top notch security there, but he has his fun with it too.”

“Okay . . . that’s good. What about the rest?” I leaned into the layout Blitz was startin’ to draw at the table. “Like this shit out here. . . who’s allowed to go in those places?”

The front looked wide open with a circular driveway and columns. It was like what I thought a fancy boardin’ school layout would be. I wondered where the bondage equipment was stored, because I knew he had a ton of it.

“That’s where the hoity-tois will be comin’ in. He said limos and town cars will be rollin’ for a while before shit kicks off.” Blitz chewed the gum hard and then took another sip of his drink before continuing. “All of this open mess up here is gonna be guarded to the max . . . he’s puttin’ on some extras. We get there early enough and there ain’t a soul who’s gonna see us. We can hang out in here.”

Blitz drew a room that was blocked off from the rest of the place. It looked like it was only accessible through that secret hall.

“What’s this here . . . I’m guessin’ it’s the place, no?” I smacked my hand down on a big area in the center that had to be where the auction would be. “This where those psycho-freaks are gonna be playin’ Sotheby’s?”

I felt all eyes on me and shrugged. “What? You think ‘cause I’m a biker that I’m a classless bastard? Nah, I know about those fancy auction places from when I bodyguarded for some Wall Street douchebag.”

They all laughed and Blitz smacked the pen on the map in an attempt to restore order. I had to admire the initiative in a room full of Royal Bastards. He was the newest kid on the block, but he wasn’t a pussy.

“Yeah, you’re right . . . that’s the place.” He drew quick little dots in the middle of the big circle with each tap of the pen. “The girls are always kept back here for special shit . . . your girl is gonna get separated from the rest. She’ll be in this room.”

I counted the rooms along the hall we’d be stashed in and he was pointin’ to the sixth one. It was the most midline room—closest to us and the exit. No problem.

It took awhile to go through the whole scenario, but we got it pretty tight and as streamlined as we could. Before we decided to cut out, I pulled FOCUS to the side. I needed to talk with him and square a little somethin’ away.

“You know better than any of these guys . . . better than anyone but me . . . how much I’ve gone through for this chick. I’m not takin’ a chance of her gettin’ rescued and haulin’ ass. I can’t keep her held hostage forever, but fuck, man . . . she needs to get it through that thick habit of hers how far I’m goin’ for her.”

FOCUS lit a cigar and called for the bartender to bring him a Jager Bomb and a shot of JD for me.

“I can’t just go in and snatch her outta there and make her feel all safe and sound. Her mouth says one thing, but that little bitch’s body has walked out that fuckin’ door too many damn times to count. I would never just leave her there but, motherfucker, I wanna scare the Jesus right outta her. She needs to finally understand how much I love her. Capiche?”

My intention wasn’t ever to fuck with her faith, but I was more than ready to do whatever it took to make sure she never set foot back in a church again. She could pray all she wanted—round the clock for all I care. There was no fuckin’ way I was gonna let her get involved with any kinda organized religion unless I was ashes in an urn.

“What Bish has planned could work stellar for that . . . ya trust me?”

I nodded and prayed I wasn’t makin’ a mistake.

“Then just let it roll with him, no matter what he does. I wouldn’t steer ya wrong. When shit’s over, tell Hazard to bring her back to the clubhouse like we got planned . . . you’ll see, man. She’ll be scared alright. I can guarantee ya that.”

I couldn’t believe I was finally gonna have Fi and kill those scumbags in the same night. It was about fuckin’ time.


Christian Woman

I heard them whispering the night before and I was only hours away from meeting my fate. There was no way to know if Sister Isabella had gotten to speak with Crucifix or what he might’ve said if she did.

After all the pain, why would he put himself out for more to save me? I can only be doomed.

Forgive me, this is the only way I’ll ever feel him touch me again.

I don’t deserve him.

My fingers were running over the deepest marks I could find on my skin. They were his final touches even if they were with the cane.

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