night!” I joked.
I fell asleep quickly, and slept a solid dream-filled sleep. I was soothed by the knowledge that Anthony’s message had
been delivered, and the Kalamunda ghosts would soon be in
the light. I was embarking on a new phase of my spiritual
journey, and it couldn’t come soon enough.
Upon asking Anthony to appear in a photo for his sister, Vee, he immediately showed himself as a beautiful orb.
chapter eleven
T h e G i r l
i n R o o m O n e
For reasons I don’t fully understand, the spirits of those who have taken their own lives always seem to gravitate to me. It
is a privilege to be able to pass on their messages of love and apology, as quite often there are things which need to be said before they feel they can move on.
I suspect that those who have suicided are compelled to
make amends for their actions; actions which are quite often
impulsive and made under severe emotional stress. In a split
second they can find themselves existing in another dimen-
sion, and are often plagued by regret. This is never more
true than when they see the pain that their death has caused
their loved ones, and consequently they will often go to great lengths to ensure that their messages get through.
The spirits of those who have suicided may also linger out
of fear-borne reasons. Perhaps they feel safer remaining in the familiarity of the earth plane, rather than crossing into the 83
84The Girl in Room One
light. Many believe that the light represents judgement, and
choose not to cross over lest they are punished for taking their own lives. Whenever I encounter souls such as these, I assure
them that love, forgiveness and healing await them in the light.
They have already endured enough without having to con-
tinue to exist in limbo between the living and the dead. Of all the souls who pass prematurely, these people are amongst those who need healing the most. I encourage them to cross over and
claim the nurturing and love which is rightfully theirs.
And of course, there are also many suicided souls who
have made the transition to the higher realms effortlessly, as that particular life-plan was part of their prearranged journey.
These souls are still able to check in on their loved ones, but for the most part they are continuing to progress on their spiritual journey. For me, these spirits are particularly inspiring.
Despite their earthly trials and hardships, they have risen above the negativity which plagued them in life and have embraced
their spiritual existence. Some even go on to support others
who have suicided, guiding them towards the healing that they
so desperately need and deserve. They have evolved to the
point where they have turned the tragedy of their passing into something positive; by continuing to grow and evolve spiritually despite the circumstances of their death.
I came across one such soul whilst conducting a seance
at the Kalamunda hotel; the last of a series of three I had
arranged to help its many ghosts cross-over. His name was Jus-
tin, and meeting him filled my heart with positivity and joy.
Although the seance was conducted specifically with the
hotel’s ghosts in mind, young Justin did not waste the opportunity to come through. He had come along with his sister-in-law, and was determined not to waste an opportunity to speak to her.
The Girl in Room One 85
Justin’s sister-in-law was similarly keen to make contact
with him, and before the session began, she asked me my
opinion on suicides. As I expressed my thoughts on the matter, the young woman smiled at me excitedly. It seemed as though
she was expecting her much-loved brother-in-law to speak to
her all along. Despite knowing that the purpose of the séance
was to connect with the ghosts of the hotel, Kellie couldn’t
help but hope that Justin would nevertheless come though.
As I closed my eyes and white-lighted the table, a cheeky
male presence was quick to take over. Given his strong and
vibrant energy, I was hardly surprised that he’d managed to
hijack the table. For now, the hotel’s ghosts didn’t stand a chance!
At this point, no one but Kellie knew his name. He quickly
addressed that, spelling out J-U-S-T-I-N with apparent ease.
His energy was confident and strong.
I looked towards Kellie who was seated directly oppo-
site me, whose tears confirmed that Justin was indeed her brother-in-law’s name. He had taken his own life over twenty
years ago, and Kellie had continued to feel a connection with
him ever since. What followed was message after message,
confirming that Justin had been beside her all along. Kellie
laughed with embarrassment as he referred to her speaking to
his photo, and confirmed that he is beside her listening when
she does so.
Quite obviously a bit of a larrikin, Justin made references
to his affection for smoking marijuana. He referred to enjoy-
ing smoking bud, which is indeed the term he favoured with regards to his favourite pass time! He was a jovial, vibrant
presence, and assured Kellie that he was happy.
Once he had convinced his sister-in-law of his presence
and had raised the vibration with his joking disposition, things 86The Girl in Room One
took on a more serious tone. Justin’s kind and caring nature
was about to shine through.
On a previous visit to the hotel, I had been made aware of
the ghost of a young woman lingering in one of the hotel’s
guest rooms. As the story went, she had taken her own life
some forty years earlier; in reaction to the demise of her relationship.
The young woman had remained in Room One ever since,
feeling trapped and confused by her sudden, untimely passing.
I felt sure she was the girl who had appeared in Jacqui’s photo.
I asked Justin if he was aware of the spirits occupying the
hotel, to which he emphatically replied YES.
Over the three weeks that I had been connecting with the
hotel spirits, it was the girl in Room One who concerned me
the most. The others