ground and hold her tight for several seconds. I honestly don’t want to put her down. I bury my face in her hair and inhale her scent. It’s true that I love the powdery scent from her shampoo and conditioner, but it’s more than that. It’s mixed with her own personal scent, and that makes all the difference.

She tips her head back. “What are you doing home? I thought you wouldn’t be here until dinner.”

I kiss her briefly. “I decided to take the rest of the day off.”

She squeals. And God, I love that sound. I also love the fact that she’s so delighted I’ll be with her for the rest of the day.

As I let her body slide down mine until her feet touch the ground, her dress rides up. I set my hands on her bottom and give a squeeze. “Were you good? Did you get your morning chores done, sweetie?”

She nods, wiggling in my hands. I know the way I’m holding her, especially the fact that I’m teasing her bottom now with my thumbs against the seam of her panties, is making her squirm. “I made my bed and cleaned my bathroom and I even put away my tea set after Bunny and I played with it.”

“Good girl.” I pat her bottom and release her reluctantly. I’d rather hold her all day like this, but it’s not practical, and besides, there are other things I’d like to do also. “Did anyone come to the door?”

“Yes. But I didn’t answer it like you said and I was very quiet. I hid under the table in case they looked in the window.”

I smile at her. “Good girl. I bet it’s a package for you. Shall I go take a look?”

She claps her hands together. “Yes.”

I leave her standing in the kitchen where she can see me as I make my way to the front door and open it. Sure enough, there is a package on the front stoop and I grab it before closing and locking the door again.

I carry it to the table and set it down. “You can open it after lunch, sweetie.” I love prolonging her excitement. Denying her for a while will make her eager and fidgety.

She gives me a look I was half-expecting but couldn’t be sure she had in her before now because I haven’t seen it. As we navigate this new dynamic, I’ll slowly get to know all of Britney’s quirks alongside her. She pouts. “I have to wait?”

“Yep.” I pull her close once more and kiss her forehead. “Just until after lunch. Unless you want to continue pouting. In that case, I’ll keep it for another day.”

She forces her lips back to center and shakes her head. “I won’t pout. I promise.”

“Good. Now, how about you pull out the lunch meat and cheese while I go change clothes? Then we can make sandwiches.”

“Yes, Sir.” She rushes to the fridge as if hurrying through lunch will get her package into her hands faster.

I chuckle as I leave the kitchen, but I don’t waste time either. I’m back at her side in worn jeans and a black T-shirt five minutes later. I’m also not carrying a gun. “Did you find everything, sweetie?”

“Yes, Sir.” She points at the island where she has indeed piled up the bread and lunchmeat and cheese and a few condiments.

“How about some apples too? Do you like apples?”

“Yes, Sir.” She rushes back to the fridge and finds two apples. “Will you cut it up for me?”

“I sure will, sweetie.” I swing her up onto the stool and proceed to make us both a sandwich. I cut hers into triangles and slice her apple into bite-sized pieces before arranging it on one of her pink plates. “Do you want milk or water?”

“Water, please.”

I pour her a cup of water in one of the matching pink plastic cups and set it in front of her.

She takes a big bite of the sandwich and starts chewing.

“Slow down. You’re going to choke. And it’s not going to get you to the package any faster because you have to wait for me to finish also.” I watch as she fidgets on her seat, rocking back and forth while she eats. She takes my breath away. I’m so attached to her already that I know it will kill me to lose her. I need to remind myself that she is not mine to lose yet. She needs time. A lot of it. I can’t pressure her.

Her dress today is white with pink horizontal stripes. It has a pink ruffle along the top and bottom. The sleeves are just an extension of the ruffle. It’s short. It also has no definition. It hangs straight down from the ruffle. Which means it’s swaying across her nipples all the time.

The upside is that she’s squirming. The downside is that I can’t see the definition of her nipples. Tomorrow I’m going to choose something more fitted.

When I watch her stuff two pieces of apple into her mouth at once, I reach over and set my hand on her wrist. “Slow down,” I remind her. “Chew your food. Smaller bites.”

“Yes, Sir,” she murmurs after she swallows. She picks up just one chunk of apple next and brings it slowly to her mouth between her finger and her thumb.

“Good girl.”

She finishes before me and sits semi-patiently. She plays with the hem of her dress, and I gather she has something to say. “Talk to me, sweetie. What’s on your mind?”

She lifts her gaze and bites her bottom lip before finally opening her mouth. “Can I call you Daddy?”

My chest seizes. My ears start ringing. I can’t move or breathe. And I have to shake myself out of it before I freak her out with my inability to respond. No sweeter words have ever been spoken to me.

I reach over and cup her face. “That would make me very happy, sweet girl.” I’m in so much trouble. How will I ever let

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