girl behind me say mockingly.

I grab the cloth and stalk back to my room, slamming my door and locking it behind me for what seems to be the tenth time today. I wipe my black dress, trying to get the beer out of it, but there’s no way I can salvage it for tonight. I sniff. I really liked this dress. It was cute and casual in a not trying kind of way. Perfect for dates, cafes, and long autumn walks. I sniff again. It’s not the end of the world.

I shrug out of my dress and lay it neatly on my makeshift desk, careful with it despite the fabric already soaked with beer. I grab a short floral patterned dress. It’s still cute and goes with my accessories, but still. I really, really wanted to wear the black dress. I run my hands over it, scowling when I hear laughter behind me.

“I bet she’s crying,” I hear Tom slur soon followed by Millie’s giggles.

“The dress is like a cheap knock off,” one of the girls cackles. “It wasn’t even that cute. You did her a favor Millie.”

I throw open the door. It knocks into the wall and I stalk outside ready to- ready to- I grab the mop still leaning against the wall and go for the television.

“Wait!” I hear Lucas, but I don’t care.

An eye for an eye- or whatever the saying is.

I stand beside the television, holding the mop by its dusty head while aiming the pole at the screen. I swing it back over my head.

“No!” I hear the boys shout together.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Lucas’s gaze filled with horror. I turn my head slowly, slightly reminded of a scene from the Exorcist. I feel my lips split into a grin while I stare back at boys, huddled together behind the couch.

“Please don’t,” says Lucas, putting his hands together.

“Not the TV,” says Seth, coming around the couch.

“Stop,” I say, taking a practice swing at the television, stopping right before I hit the screen.

“No!” Everyone shouts together.

“Why are you such a psycho bitch?” Asks Millie.

“What do you want?” Asks Hunter. “We’ll do anything. Just leave the TV out of this.”

I drop the mop and tap my chin thoughtfully. My eyes go to Seth sitting on his knees on the floor. “Everyone, go home.” I look around at the crowd of strangers.

They look at each other curiously, yet they don’t bother to move.

“Go. Home.” I annunciate each word with a tap of my mop on the ground.

Millie rolls her eyes and I fight the need to whack her in the face with my mop. “You’re not going to listen to her, are you Seth?”

Seth hangs his head.

Millie leans over and taps his shoulder. “Seth?”

“You heard the lady!” Shouts Hunter, running for the door and swinging it open. “Party over. Everyone out.”

Millie scoffs, but still doesn’t move her ass from the couch. “Seth?”

Seth sighs and slowly stands. “Out,” he says to Millie.

If I was a better person I would have felt sorry for her. But, instead, she smacks the couch and stalks towards the door, casting me a dark scowl. “Whatever,” she mutters.

Hunter shuts the door when everyone is out and all eyes are on me. I still don’t bother to drop the mop, or move from their beloved TV.

“Alright,” starts Seth. “You got your way. Everyone’s out.”

Hunter groans. “I didn’t even get laid.” He throws himself on the couch and stares up at the ceiling. “My good luck lay for the game tomorrow.”

“You’ll live,” I say.

“Alright, give me the mop,” says Lucas, reaching for my weapon.

I lurch away from him and aim it at the screen.

Lucas’s hands go up, but it still doesn’t stop the scowl from returning to his face. “What the hell! We did what you want.”

I tap my chin again, feeling on top of the world for once in a very long while. “Hmmm, I don’t know. The kitchen is a mess again, the bathroom is completely destroyed, and someone said something about messy rooms.”

Seth narrows his eyes on me. “So?”

I twirl the mop in front of me before taking another practice swing at the screen. The boys gasp in unison. Lucas even falls to his knees. “No!” Shouts Hunter.

I laugh manically. “Well, get to it boys.”




This fucking sucks.

This really fucking sucks.

Sure, going through her room while she was out, definitely an ass thing to do. Keeping her from going out… also an ass thing to do. Millie dumping beer on her dress- not my fault. Not Lukie’s or Seth’s fault, either. Threatening to destroy the TV- like what the fuck! What a fucking batshit crazy bitch! It’s like she’s completely lost it. Who threatens the number one most important thing in the household?

Psycho bitch. That’s who.

I glance over at her, now sitting on the couch while watching some girlie Netflix show. Gilmore Sisters? Gilmore Family? Something stupid. The mop is resting next to her while she types away at her phone. It’s completely unguarded. Seth catches my gaze from across the room. He’s been put on trash duty while Lucas cleans the bathroom. Ah Lukie. Poor bastard lost at rock paper scissors. I definitely don’t want to be him right now.

Seth nods towards toward the mop and I nod back at him. I set my wash rag on the counter and slowly step towards Rachel. I grimace when my footsteps cause the floor to squeak. Seth scowls at me, yet Rachel remains glued to her phone. Hell, why have the TV on at all if you’re just going to stare at your phone? It’s a complete waste of energy.

I’m standing right behind her and the mop is only a foot away. I watch Rachel as I reach for it. Slowly so I don’t draw attention. Nearly there. And I know as soon as I grab that mop there is going to be hell to pay. Just need to get it.

The phone rings and Rachel grabs

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