abominable little creature it was, and put it in Arlenius’s arms.  It cried out a sound that was equivalent to that of Wretch’s. Mer-Alz-Azkiban gave me another hateful look.

“Can I talk to you outside, now!” she said and practically pulled outside, “You come here and save the day, that’s great, but when you impose on my work, that’s not right. How did you know it was boy?”

“I touched her stomach and saw it. How did you know it was a boy?” I asked.

“I’m a witch,” she said.

“That explains why you don’t like me, that old hag in Gomorrah didn’t like me either,” I said.

“That old hag,” she brought her finger up to my face, “Is my mom,” she then poked my chest and her finger popped. Her eyes widened, and she shoved me out of the way. As she passed, I noticed her pointer finger, from the middle knuckle to the tip, was bent upwards.

“Have a nice night!” I said and laughed as I went back in.

“Where did Mer-Alz-Azkiban go?” Al Hubarb asked.

“She had another birth, I guess,” I said.

It was then I heard a knock on the door and no sooner I had turned to look the door burst open and there stood Derium, rubbing his hands together, a deranged look on his face, his eyes glowing red.

“Baby blood is best,” he said and stepped forward, but I blocked him.

“I don’t think so Derium,” I said the smell of death was thick on him.

“Brother I will fight you over this,” he said.

“Then fight we shall,” I said, and he threw the first punch. I flew back and through the hut and landed hard on the ground. A few of bones broke and it was the first time I felt intense pain, but by the time I stopped rolling I was healed.  I ran back in the hut and Derium had his back to me, but I could tell he had the baby.  Al Hubarb was unconscious and Arlenius was sprawling on the ground towards Derium.

Derium brought his head back and opened his mouth and I acted.  I came up behind him, placed two fingers from each hand in his mouth and placed my thumbs on the curve of his jaw and pulled down and forward.  His jaw popped out and he spun around.  The baby went flying, I jumped and caught the him just before he hit the floor.  Derium stood there, his jaw dislocated, looking at me.  His jaw popped back in place and he started to come towards me.  Arlenius grabbed onto his leg, she tried to stop him, but he kicked her off like she was as light as a feather.

She cried out as she flew over the bed and crashed into the side of the wall.  It gave me enough time to set the baby down and go running as hard as I could into Derium.  I took us up into the air, through the roof of the hut down to the ground, right next to a fire. I forced him down to the ground so hard, that blood spewed out of his mouth.  I got up and not too far from the fire was a pitchfork in a bale of grass. I walked over and picked it up and heard Derium scream out.  I turned around with the pitchfork and Derium flew himself into it.

He screamed out as the tines slid into his mid-section, his black blood spewed down the handle onto my hands and clothes. He swiped at me and hissed, spitting blood all over my face.  It didn’t stop me from running and putting him in the fire and pinning him to the middle of the firepit.  He burst into flames. His screaming stopped, and I started to turn back to the hut to check on the baby, who I heard crying, as well as Arlenius and Al Hubarb.  Suddenly, a screech hit my ears and I saw a fire ball fly over my head and land in the lake.  I grabbed another pitchfork and took guard.

The villagers, awakened by the noise, I suppose, started to gather around me, all armed.  We all watched as Derium started to surface, but stopped with just his nose and eyes above the water.  He stayed there looking at us then I felt him enter my mind.

“How dare you brother, father will not be to happy about this. That baby will be mine.”

“You’ll have to kill me first,” I said back to him, “I don’t care if your father isn’t happy, he isn’t my father.”

“Are you sure? Why else would you call us brothers?”

“I don’t have time for this.” I said and shut him out.

After a couple of minutes, Arlenius and Al Hubarb showed up with the creature I wanted to protect so badly.  It was shrieking again, part of me wanted to toss it to my brother but I knew that wasn’t the right thing to do.  We stood ground for hours and the sun started to peak. The light moved over slowly towards Derium.  He backed up slowly and when the sun reached his face, he just let it sizzle a little bit before he retreated to the water, which smoldered and smoked as it extinguished the flames on Derium’s face.

“Will we be safe?” Arlenius asked.

“I have kept you safe thus far have I not?” I asked.

“He got close to getting our baby.”

“You won’t have to worry about it,” I heard a voice say behind me that I hadn’t heard in a long time.

I turned around and there stood man who looked like Lucifer minus his wings and long hair. His hair was short, faded on the sides and a combover on top.  He had a goat-tee that came to an insanely sharp point, “Lucifer?”

The crowd gasped and stepped away, “Yes Roldian, it is I,” he

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