reservations, and that you worry…”

“I’m always going to worry, Sid. But I’m also always going to be in your corner. Always going to be right behind you. Keeping you safe, propping you up, doing whatever you need me to do. I am right here. No matter what.”

“I love you.”

“I love you.”

His lips were soft and firm when they pressed against hers, and Sidney melted into his embrace. Their tongues caressed in a kiss so slow and deep she felt it in every part of her body. They were both breathless when they came up for air.

“Are you hungry? I’m sorry there’s no dinner.”

“It’s okay.”

“If you give me a few minutes to get comfortable, I’ll order us some takeout.”

“I’ve got a better idea.”

Isaac looked at her with a twinkle of mischief in his mysterious light grey eyes, and Sidney couldn’t help but smile.


“Why don’t we get our takeout and go back to the beach. We can sit on a bench and watch the waves and the lighthouse. Might give us some more wedding ideas.”

Sidney melted again, this time for a wholly different reason.

“I love that idea!”


“Where did you find the time to buy all these candles and rose petals, let alone set this dramatically romantic scene?”

Isaac smiled that big, panty-dropping-full-double-dimple smile that always made her insides weak, and glanced around their bedroom assessing his handiwork. Sidney could only giggle at him.

She’d come home from the salon — a reward to herself for the tough two weeks she’d just endured — to find their bedroom set for a seduction, complete with flickering candles, rose petals sprinkled on and around the bed, and chilled sparkling white grape juice at the ready.

Now, they were lying among tangled sheets with the scent of sex and roses still lingering in the air as she softly panted.

“Well, you didn’t think I was going to make our first time after our medically induced abstinence a run of the mill occurrence, did you? I mean, not that any time with you is ever run of the mill. But it had to be special. It had to be unforgettable. It had to be romantic.”

Sidney caressed his face, and stared up into his mystical eyes.

“Every time with you is special, unforgettable, and romantic, Isaac. You have no idea, do you?”

She could see him searching her eyes as if looking for the truth.

“No idea of what?”

“Of how much you mean to me. Baby, no man has ever loved me the way you do. And I’m not talking about sex. I’m talking about the way you encourage me, and protect me, and lift me up. Your love for me is so pure and true. You worry about me, you fight for me.”

Isaac took her hand from his face and kissed her palm.

“And I always will, darlin’. You are my whole world, Sidney. I lived like a hermit or a monk for so many years. In a lot of ways I was afraid of interacting with the world around me. Afraid of being touched or of touching others. Locked inside the prison of my own body. And then you came along and freed me. You freed me, Sidney, and you opened up the world to me. I love you so much.”

“I love you back, baby. And I cannot wait to become Mrs. Isaac Taylor.”

“Isaac and Sidney Taylor.”

“Detective Sgt. and Mrs. Ike Taylor.”

“It all has a very nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”

“It most certainly does. And it’ll be official in less than two months time.”

“Can’t come soon enough for me.”


“Hell no. I can’t wait to marry you, and raise a family with you, and grow old with you.”

“Ooh. Well, that might be a problem.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I don’t plan to grow old. I’m going to grow more fabulous, but I’m not going to get wrinkled and gray.”

“Oh, I see. Well that’s ok. I’ll grow old and gray and wrinkled, and you can be this fabulous, snazzy-dressed, jazzy grandma type with the old geezer of a husband. How’s that?”

“Can you imagine being a grandpa someday? Telling our grandkids all about how we fell in love, and the adventures we had when we first met?”

“I wonder if I’ll be teaching one of our grandkids the ins and outs of being a hype, the way my grandad is with me.”

“You aren’t going to have to go through what Sterling and your dad did. None of our kids are going to be ashamed of your superpowers, baby. I won’t allow it. I’ll make sure they know how special and important those abilities are.”

“Maybe none of our kids will even have the freaky abilities anyway. Then we won’t have to worry about it at all.”

“Or maybe all of our kids will have your abilities. Did you ever think of that?”

Isaac groaned, and Sidney stared at him.

“Ike, would you really not want to pass your abilities on to our children?”

“Their lives would be much simpler without them, Sidney. You have to realize that.”

“Of course I realize that. But simpler isn’t always better. Your psychic abilities are what make you unique, baby. And you can do such incredible things. Your abilities saved my life on more than one occasion. I believe that when you’ve finally mastered them, they will become a source of strength for you, and give you a power like you’ve never known. Just like what happened with that home invasion guy, and the telekinesis.”

“You’re startin’ to sound like Geneviève now.”

Isaac looked into her eyes, and Sidney wondered what he was thinking. He reached out and ran a single finger over her cheek.

“You’re so amazing, Sidney.”

He changed the subject, and Sidney wasn’t going to let him get away with that.

But then his lips touched hers, soft and firm. Their tongues slow danced.

She moaned as his hands roamed her body, caressing her hip, her waist, her breast.

He trailed kisses across her jaw to her earlobe and down her neck.

Sidney touched him everywhere, allowing her hands to travel the taut muscles of his back down to his firm

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