darkening sky. “Can you believe this house once belonged to a single family?” Nina said.

“I can,” Grace said. “It belongs to my family now.”

Nina jerked forward, and drops of prosecco flew onto her lap. “You own this hotel?”

“My father does. I run the day-to-day operations.”

No wonder Grace carried herself like the grande dame of the château! It all made sense. But it didn’t explain Grace’s chronic dissatisfaction. Wealth, position and beauty—she’d inherited the trifecta. What exactly was her problem?

Voices rose in the courtyard, a chorus of “Welcome back, Mr. Knight!”

The hotel staff loved Julian. He was always polite and greeted everyone by name. Nina bolted her rear end to her chair. She would not dart out of the garden and tackle him. For one thing, she would not give Grace the satisfaction.

In the end, it was Grace that offered her an out. “Any dinner plans tonight? It’s later than you may think. Shouldn’t you be getting ready?”

“You’re right.” Nina stood up. “I should get going.”

“Enjoy dinner, Ms. Taylor.”

“Thank you. Enjoy your night, Grace.”

* * *

Julian was on the grand staircase, scaling the stairs by two. Nina had to sprint to catch up to him. When he left with an overnight bag, she worried that she might have to spend a night without him, which would be a first since arriving in Miami. The idea had terrified her. “Hey!” she called out. “You’re back!”

He didn’t hide his delight in seeing her, drawing her to him for a kiss. Nina stiffened only because she was aware of Pete entering the courtyard. He had likely picked Julian up from the airport. He went over to the front desk and just lingered there. But even Pete couldn’t distract her for too long. She shook off her worries and relaxed into Julian’s kiss. Let the world see. Let them post about it. And when their relationship came to its inevitable end, let them tweet up a storm. This time together in Miami could be all they’d ever have, and she didn’t want to ruin it with doubts and fears. She was going to live it fully.

“I need a shower before dinner,” he said. “Want to come up with me to Paradise?”

“You mean Oasis.”

“I said what I said. It’s paradise with you.”

“Fine!” Nina cried, as if she weren’t elated beyond words. “I’ll grab a few things.”

Arm in arm, they made their way up the winding stairs. “Enjoyed your day?” he asked.

“It was productive.”

In truth, her day hadn’t been as productive as Nina would have liked. She’d wasted a good chunk of time scrolling through photos of JL and Bettina in happier times. They made a handsome couple; there was no denying it. His dark good looks contrasted with her pale beauty. On the red carpet, they flashed matching smiles. With each swipe, jealousy had churned in her chest.

“How was your trip? Did she say yes?”

“She didn’t say no.”

They’d reached her door. “If she says yes, I’ll make sure she has killer lines.”

She had little doubt Bettina would accept the role of Amanda King—it was that good.

He wrapped his arms around her and planted a kiss in the curve of her neck. “How are you so lovely and generous?”

Nina unlocked the door and switched on the lights. Julian abandoned her for her bed, stretching out with a sigh of contentment. Nina watched him from the foot of the bed. He likely sensed her looming over him. “Did you forget the plan? Go on. Grab what you need.”

“Yeah. Right.” She went into the bathroom and blindly stuffed a few toiletries into a case.

“You okay?” Julian called out from the bedroom.

“I’m fine!”

She wasn’t, of course, and couldn’t explain why. A minute ago, she was joy personified. She returned to the bedroom and grabbed her travel tote bag from the armoire.

“Are you sure about that?” Julian asked. He was propped up on one elbow, watching her. “Did I say something wrong?”

“Yeah!” she said, awakening to the truth. “I’m not lovely or generous.”

“You’re not?”

“No! I’m jealous.”

He sat up, all of a sudden alert, bright-eyed, engaged. “Tell me more.”

“I spent the day looking at—” She bit down on her lower lip, thinking it might be best to keep the crazy details to herself. “I was worried that you two—” Was there any way to talk about this without sounding like a complete basket case?

“You were worried that Bettina and I would take one look at each other and fall back in love?”

“Something like that.”

He reached out to her, wrapped his hand around her wrist and tugged her close. She stood between his parted knees. “It was nothing like that. I promise you. We spoke for all of ten minutes. Then I left and headed straight back to the airport. I spent the day at the lounge, waiting for clearance to fly. I didn’t want to waste any of the few nights we have left.”

Nina’s heart was hammering in her chest. “Ask me again.”

A spark of hope brightened his expression. “Have you had enough time to think it through? I don’t want to rush you.”

Nina took his face in her hands and ran her fingers along the angles. Stubble pricked her fingertips. “Just ask me.”

He took her wrist to his lips. “Stay. Please.”

He wasn’t asking. He was pleading. Her response was a plea as well. She circled her arms around his neck and slid onto his lap. “Hold me. Don’t let me go.”


Nina had long forgotten that disastrous commercial flight to Miami, and the delays and inconveniences that came standard with flying coach, when she boarded the private jet chartered to take her home. And now, at cruising altitude, sitting across from a handsome movie star, sipping espresso from a porcelain cup, a cashmere throw on her lap and no packets of peanuts or granola bars anywhere in sight, Nina wondered if she’d won some cosmic lottery. It was a good thing that clawing anxiety kept things in perspective. Too good to be true is no good at all, her mother

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