By the time she returned to Willow Cottage breathless, laughing and absolutely wet through, she had been out for over forty-five minutes. The walk had not only succeeded in turning her day around but had made her appreciate, yet again, the benefits of her inheritance. Rupert could never know how he had transformed her life and helped her discover something in her own nature that she had been mostly unaware of. Bella thought about this as she tugged at her gumboots, in turn, to yank them off. Perhaps she wouldn’t have been ready for this existence before now. Her grown-up life had always been a bit like a fairground ride, which she’d stepped on as a teenager and been swept along by ever since, never having time to stop, think or look around as she enjoyed the thrills and sensations it provided. Maybe the ride had slowed down or had she now got off altogether, seeking an alternative form of amusement more in keeping with her age. Uncertain of what it might be she thanked her lucky stars as she got to her feet that Laura had got the bracelet and she had inherited the cottage. It was difficult to imagine life now anywhere else but Willow Cottage and the thought of her sister owning it made her shiver. Only then did she remember that she was soaked to the skin and ran on tip-toe towards the stairs, stripping clothing off as she went.
Standing under the shower it felt as though she was beginning the day all over again but she was now filled with an enthusiasm to carry on with her work that had been uncharacteristically absent earlier in the day. Within a very short space of time she was dry and warm, dressed in Jeans and a Nike sweatshirt, and seated at the computer munching on an apple. What had started off as a disaster was now turning into one of the better days as ideas began to flow and time slipped past almost unnoticed. Only the sound of the phone ringing caused her to stop and instinctively look at the clock as she picked up the portable.
“Bella Foxton!”
“Bongiorno, carissima!”
“Maria!” She had forgotten how good it was to hear her mother’s voice. “How are you?”
“Enjoying life, Bella mia. But how are you in that draughty old cottage of Rupert’s?”
“Who said it’s cold and draughty? Oh, let me guess. Never mind.” It was obviously Laura’s handiwork. “I’m fine mother. I got your card, thank you very much. How was Capri?”
“Beautiful. It is somewhere I have always been in love with.” Bella remembered the harbour from her one and only visit as a child and could understand how her mother felt.
“So when do I get to see you? Sometime soon, I hope, otherwise I shall be forced to take some time off and come over there!”
“That won’t be necessary. I would like to see your sister and you so I will do the travelling.” Maria’s voice sounded strained.
“Are you sure you’re alright, Maria? You sound a little tired.” Bella thought she heard a wry laugh.
“I’m fine for an old lady. Just a little problem with my breathing. It’s nothing…”
“I know you, mother. Are you taking care of yourself?” Bella interjected.
“Don’t fuss, child! I told you, I’m fine but there are things we must talk