“What on earth am I going to about Ubix?” There appeared to be no other option than locking the cat out given his adverse reaction to Kyle’s presence. Bella didn’t want to do it but couldn’t see that she had any other choice. Unless they went off to a hotel for the weekend and left the cat in charge of Willow Cottage. For a brief moment she seriously considered the idea, the thought of indulging herself in four or five-star luxury beckoning temptingly. But then reality kicked in as she realised she’d be more relaxed in the cottage and, for another thing, she wasn’t prepared to put up with all the hassle of sorting out things to wear and packing them. She consoled herself with the thought that Kyle wouldn’t be expecting such a change of plan anyway, so that put an end to the matter. So, a lock-out it would be until Kyle had gone. Bella made a mental note to talk to Ubix and let the cat know what was happening, and why, just so’s Ubix wouldn’t hold it against her. With that matter settled she readied herself to go out, confident that she’d covered most of the important things she needed by making the list. Firmly closing the door behind her she felt, in some strange way, relieved to be out in the fresh air. It seemed to lessen the feeling of tension that accompanied the excitement generated by the prospect of Kyle’s visit, or maybe it was just her imagination. Driving into the village, Bella succumbed to a feeling of complete relaxation now that she’d left the Cottage. It was, she realised, helped by a sense of at last belonging somewhere, a totally new experience for her. However she may be regarded by others in the community, albeit the few of them she knew, Bella was now enjoying a degree of happiness that she had rarely known before. She only hoped, as she pulled up outside the general store, that it would continue now that Kyle had arrived on the scene.
Once back from her shopping trip Bella busied herself in the kitchen for no other reason than if she did some preparation now it would save having to do it later. This way she and Kyle could spend more time together. It also gave her an excuse to have a couple of glasses of wine. After all, it was a day off and she did need something to settle her down. It was impossible, of course, not to look at the clock as the hands wound their way through the afternoon on their relentless journey through time. She was expecting a phone call first to say that he was on his way and then things would really start to hot up. It hadn’t been like this with Ben but Ben hadn’t been invited to stay, with all that that implied. Bella realised she was perspiring and wiped the back of an arm across her forehead.
“Christ, I’m like a virgin bride!” she muttered. “I’m sure it’s only the heat of the oven doing this.” For good luck she took another swig from her glass, reminding herself to go easy in case he should turn up to find her pissed and unconscious on the kitchen floor. Opening the kitchen door which led out into the garden allowed a gentle breeze to find its way inside, cooling her down in more ways than one. With most of that evening’s dinner taken care of Bella now started on the meal she had planned for Saturday night. Planned so that it would require the least possible effort on the day yet still look and taste a little special. She was surprised to find how long it had taken to prepare everything, for it was gone two-o-clock by the time she had finished and she felt exhausted. It was a combination of the effect of the wine and the initial heat in the kitchen and Bella felt that she just had to sit down and put her feet up. Two hours later the phone woke her from a deep sleep and she jerked awake somewhat