
after death, 77, 117

anonymity, 63, 65

control of copyright, 58

false confidence and, 63

guarantors of rights of, 100

history and, 62

rights of, xii, xiv, 58–59, 119, 216

unrestricted access to, 68–69

voice of, xiv

writer’s block, 163


Baldwin, Alec, 28

Barbarians, 17–18

Barbarism, 200–217

Barnes & Noble, 116, 120

Beatles, 39

Belgium, copyright law in, 128

Bell Labs, 153

Berkeley, Bishop, 122, 123

Bern Formula, 128

Betjeman, John, 80

Bible, 105

Bibliotheca Alexandrina, 156

Bissell, Richard, 89–90

Blackwell Publishing, 156

Blake, William, 80

Blogs, 42, 69, 76, 127

Bonheur, Rosa, 170

Book publishing industry, 37, 55–66, 82, 91, 208

book returns, 156

in the eighteenth century, 131

Books, 5–6, 16, 85

digitized, 156–160, 157

orphan works, 159–160

out-of-print, 158

pricing, 113, 158

profitability of, 157

replaced by electronic books, 152–153

supply and demand, 77–78, 112

titles published, 120

value of, 78

Bosch, Hieronymus, 98

Bourjaily, Vance, 169–170, 174

Boyle, Professor, 105

Brendel, Alfred, 78–79

Breyer, Justice, 114

Briggs John C., 59–60

British Imperial Copyright Bill of 1910, 124

Brueghel, Pieter, 98–99

Buffett, Warren, 67

Bunyan, John, 119

Burton, Richard, 118

Bush, President G. W., 120


Carroll, Jeremy, 64

Carson, Rachel, 105

Chamberlain, Neville, 196

Chardin, Teilhard de, 189–190, 197, 198

Cheever, John, 80

Chronicle of Higher Education, 44, 68, 128, 129

Churchill, Winston, 31, 192, 197, 210

Civil War, 192

Clarement Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy, 44–45, 87

Clarement Review of Books, 27, 59–60, 138

Cold War, 53, 196

“Command of the Commons” (Posen), 51

Common law, 124

Communism, 168

“Communitarianism,” 54

Community, 181

Computers, literacy of, 14

Convergence, 182–199

Copyright. See also Public domain

as abstract, 129

after death, 117

anti-copyright movement, xiv–xv

anti-cultists, 68

in Austria, 128

in Belgium, 128

Bern Formula, 128

from common law to statute law, 124

compared to property ownership, 44–45

control by authors, 58

defense of, xii

in Denmark, 128

destruction of the system of, 204

duration of, 77

effect on culture, 119

efficiency of, 203

entitlement, 213

expiration of, 45–46, 164

extension of term of, 30, 32–33, 106, 164

fair use, 58, 115

in France, 128

in Germany, 128

in Great Britain, 128

in Greece, 127

heritability of, 47–49

in Holland, 128

in Hungary, 128

in Italy, 127

in Japan, 128

legitimacy of, 33

licensing of, 201

logic of, 75

monopolistic, 59, 69, 115–117, 119, 128, 204

movement against, 213

in New Zealand, 127

in Norway, 128

ownership, 28

versus patent, 132–133, 138

payment for, 201

perpetual, 45, 111

in Portugal, 128

principles of, 113

protection of, 28, 45

provision in the Constitution, 125

revenue, 111

in Russia, 128

in Spain, 128

in Sweden, 128

in Switzerland, 128

taxes and, 114

term, 28, 30, 110, 131, 132

value of, 49–55

violators of, xiii, 119

Copyright Clearance Center, 159

Copyright-Term Extension Act (CTEA; 1998), 125

Coulter, Ann, xii

“Creative Commons,” xiii, 50–55, 62, 67, 180

Crime, 97

Croce, Benedetto, 137

CTEA. See Copyright-Term Extension Act

Culture, 206–207

Arabic, 161

barbarism, 200–217

Christians, 105

communism, 168

cults of antiquity, 183

current, 33

definition of, 20, 214–215

demands of, 96

effect of copyright on, 119

electronic, 64, 88, 143, 184, 195–196

historical, 29–30

of the Internet, 41–42

Jewish, 70, 105, 162, 183, 209

Marxism, 105

Muslims, 105

old versus new, 29

privileged, 161

socialism, 168


Daniel, Howard, 99

Das Kapital, 105

Death, 98–99, 193, 197

of author, 117

Death of a Salesman (Miller), 129

Declaration of Independence, 102, 104, 140–141

Deconstructionism, 72

Dee, John, 184

DeFoe, Daniel, 119

De Gaulle, Charles, 19

Democracy, 173

Denmark, copyright law in, 128

Derrida, Jacques, 72

Desktop publishing, 152

Diamond, Neil, 29

Dickinson, Emily, 75, 80

Digibook, 152

Digital age, versus age of brick and iron, 12

Diplomacy (Kissinger), 113

Disney, Walt, 126, 127

Doctor Zhivago (Pasternak), 50

Dos Passos, John, 80

Dubliners ( Joyce), 164

Duke of Marlborough, 107

Dunaway, Faye, 89, 178

Duncan, Isadora, 21


East India Company, 116

E-book, 152

Economics, 112

rationalization of, 82

Education, 13–14, 53

academic modus operandi, 161

Arabic, 161

contemporary, 98

Eichmann, Adolf, 209

El Al, 146

Eldred v. Ashcroft, 114, 115, 125

Electronic Frontier Foundation, 204–205

Electronic media, 32, 88

alienation and failure of, 152

digital music, 67

e-mail, 3, 36

Internet. See Internet

loneliness, 212

research and, 64

E-mail, 3, 36

Encyclopedia, compared to Wikipedia, 65

Enlightenment, 199

Epstein, Jason, 156

“Everything That Rises Must Converge” (O’Connor), 198


Fair use, 58, 115

Federalist, 124

Finance industry, 29

Financial Times, 106

First World War, 192, 196

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 91

FNAC (Paris), 116

France, copyright law in, 128

Franken, Al, xii

Franklin, Benjamin, 29

Freedom, 171

Freelancers, 56

Free markets, 169

Free speech, 185

French Revolution, 103

Frome, Ethan, 32


The Garden Party (Mansfield), 73

Gates, Bill, 28, 67

Germany, copyright law in, 128

Gibson, Mel, 33

Ginsburg, Madam Justice, 125

Gmail, 159

Golding, William, 33

Goldman Sachs, 29, 211

Goldwater, Barry, 165

Google, xiii, 31, 126, 160, 204, 206

Gore, Al, 154

Gravity’s Rainbow (Pynchon), 78

Great Britain, copyright law in, 128

Great War, 197

Greece, copyright law in, 127


Haig, Christopher, 53

Hamilton, Alexander, 29, 131

Hardwick, Elizabeth, 106

Hardy, Thomas, 197

Harvard University, 89, 178, 182–183

Hawkins, John, 108

Hazlett, William, 153

Heidegger, Martin, 72

Hemings, Sally, 103

Hemingway, Ernest, 165

Hermeticism, 183, 189, 193

History, recording of, 9

Hitler, Brittany, 118

Hoare, Sir Samuel, 196

Hogan’s Goat (Alfred), 89

Holland, copyright law in, 128

Holocaust, 196

Homer, 46

Homer, Winslow, 97

House of Commons, 106

How To Be A Domestic Goddess (Lawson), 195

Hugo, Victor, 113

Humans, 25

aging, 25

immortality and, 193, 194

individualism, 53, 55

individualism versus community, 181

narcissism, 195, 208

nature of, 136, 150, 171, 184, 194, 195, 199

patience of, 7

physical constraints, 8

Hungary, copyright law in, 128


I-book, 152

Ideas, 29, 43, 139

Iliad, 46, 192

Images, versus words, 10

Immortality, 193

Imperial Copyright Bill (1910), 127

Individualism, 53

Individual voice, xiv, 61–62, 63, 83, 99–100, 209


availability of, 201

centralization of, 204

quality versus quantity, 10

Intellectual property rights, xiii, 138

abolishment of, 160

copies of, 123

litigation and, 205

versus physical, 128

International Security, 51

Internet, xiii, 31, 33, 64, 138, 156, 160, 171, 176, 185, 188, 201, 215

culture, 41–42

as a research tool, 64

iPhone, 187–188, 201

Italy, copyright law in, 127


Japan, copyright law in, 128

Jarrell, Randall, 80

Jefferson, Thomas, 29, 101–141, 175

Johnson, Samuel, 80, 111, 192

Jones, Thomas, 174

Jovanovich, William, 153, 154

Joyce, James, 164

Justice, 49, 180, 181


Kennedy, President John F., 102

Kiernan, Fran, 57

King, Martin Luther, 54

Kissinger, Henry, 89, 113

Knowles, Reverend Michael David, 84–85


Language, 6–7, 16, 60–61, 70, 146

barbarism in, 17

contemporary, 31

Law, 121–130

Lawson, Nigella, 195

Leary, Timothy, 89

Legislation, 114, 124

British Imperial Copyright Bill of 1910, 124

Copyright-Term Extension Act (CTEA; 1998), 125

Imperial Copyright Bill (1910), 127

Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act (1998), 120, 125–126, 127, 139, 140

Statute of Queen Anne (1709), 124, 127

U.S. Copyright Act of 1998, 128

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 138 Les Misérables (Hugo), 113

Lessig, Lawrence, 125, 139, 163–164

Letters, via postal, 4–5, 7

Liberty, 165–181

Library of Congress, 120, 154, 194 Life, 118

Lilly Foundation, 113

Lincoln, Abraham, 59–60, 87, 96

Literacy, 43, 208

of computers, 14

Literature, 10, 59, 196

ancient view of, 137

literary criticism, 71–72, 89–90

The Lord of the Flies (Golding), 33

Louis IX, 179–180

Love, 136, 181

Lowell, Robert, 89

Luddites, 143


Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 84–85, 101–141

on copyright, 106, 113, 204

Mackenzie, Rachel, 57

Maclean, Norman, 164

Macmillan, Harold, 47

Madison, James, 131, 175

Mansfield, Katherine, 73

Marsh, Jeff, 156

Marx, Karl, 121

Marxism, 161, 169, 192

McPherson, Isaac, 132–133, 134

Media, electronic, 32

Mein Kampf, 118

Meir, Golda, 24

Melville, Herman, 75, 80, 140, 178

Microsoft, 51, 126

Miller, Arthur, 129

Milton, John, 111

Moby Dick (Melville), 140, 178

Monopoly, 59, 69, 115–117, 119, 128, 204

Montaigne, Michel

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