the table. As Lady-Bird felt in her pockets for some buttons, the two rabbit-faces said in unison, “Please, Miss, they’re on the house.”

Luke raised his eyebrows at Cecilia and sipped his drink.

The three of them said thank you and Cecilia took a sip of the clean, refreshing liquid. Lady-Bird sat peacefully and after scanning the area, she removed her goggle glasses, set them gently on the table, untied her headscarf and leant back in her chair.

“You know,” she said, “you guys remind me of Kuffi and me when we were younger. He was my best friend. Before Jacques d’Or came into our lives and ruined it all.”

Lady-Bird looked into Cecilia’s eyes.

“I guess I was frightened of Jacques d’Or. He had so much power and it just kept growing.” Lady-Bird bowed her head for a moment then continued. “But now I know it’s no use counting your friends if the ones you have can’t count on you. I let Kuffi down big-time.”

“At least you’re trying to make it up to him now,” said Cecilia.

“I just hope it’s not too late.” Lady-Bird blew on her liquorice tea and sipped it with her beak.

Her expression changed when the goat-face man in the corner started shouting angrily, “Just hurry up! We don’t have long.” He flung the tin receiver on the ground and kicked it about in the dirt. Then he turned to Lady-Bird, Cecilia and Luke.

“I wouldn’t fancy being the poor chap on the other side,” whispered Lady-Bird.

“What are you looking at?” the goat-face shouted.

They tried to ignore him but he continued shouting. “Hey, wait a minute,” he said, pointing at Lady-Bird. “Don’t I know you?”

He started towards them.

“I don’t think so,” said Lady-Bird, rising out of her seat and gathering herself. Cecilia quickly handed Lady-Bird the goggle glasses she had taken off and thrust her scarf towards her, but it was too late.

“Yeah, you’re that bird that sings. Lady-Bird. That’s the one!” he was standing at their table now, looming over them. Cecilia felt very uncomfortable. She looked at Luke, who was beginning to rise out of his chair; Cecilia rested her hand on his arm. Lady-Bird called over for help but Robert and Jennifer appeared to be frozen to the spot with fear. Cecilia searched the red tunnel in both directions but there was no one else about.

“You’re coming with me!” growled the goat-face.

“Hey, get off her!” screamed Cecilia at the top of her lungs.

“Don’t you dare!” said Luke, lowering his head and threatening him with his antlers.

“Ha ha ha!” mocked the goat-face. “And what do you think you’re going to do with those baby stumps? Give me a head massage? I don’t think so!” he said, wrenching Lady-Bird up and out of her seat.

“Let go of me!” cried Lady-Bird.

The goat-face spat some chewed-up paper on the ground and started waffling on about how he’d been keeping an eye on Cecilia and Luke for a while. “We knew you were up to something,” he said. “But you were worth the wait, cos now you’ve given us Lady-Bird, and Jacques d’Or will see we are on his side!”

“We?” said Luke. “Us?”

“Heya, Lukey,” called a voice from behind all the commotion.

“Ella Bear. Get back, this guy is dangerous.”

“I know,” she said. “I like to call him Garry Goat-face… Killer!” She laughed. “He’s a friend of mine. We’re working together—you could say we’re besties. Right, Garry? Who do you think was on the other end of the line? Thank goodness for that hole in the wall, otherwise I’d have had to go all the way round. Anyway, like I said last time I bumped into you, Lukey Bear, you owe me… now you’re all paid up. Come on, Garry, and bring Lady-Bird with you. He’ll be thrilled to have her back. He doesn’t like it when others take what belongs to him!”

“No, Ella Bear, wait!”

“For what?” she said. “I’ve got what I came for. Garry and I make a great team, don’t cha’ fink?”

Ella Bear wasn’t a bear cub at all, just a cute bear with a very good cover-up act!

“Come on, Garry!” she shouted as she began to walk off. “Jacques d’Or will be waiting for us with a very tidy sum!”

“You work for Jacques d’Or?”

“Who else?” Ella Bear called out without looking back.

Garry started dragging Lady-Bird off with him and Cecilia yanked at his jacket, but he was much stronger than her and flung her to the ground. Luke was hurt and enraged. He backed off to get a run up at Garry, then charged forward, but the goat-face jumped out of the way and Luke dived headfirst into the tunnel wall.

“Amateur,” Garry sneered.

Cecilia grabbed hold of Garry’s arm but Lady-Bird pleaded with her to stop.

“Leave it, Cecilia, you might get hurt.”

“What? No, Lady-Bird!”

“It’s OK. Stick together, you’ll be fine.” She turned to the goat-face. “I don’t want any more trouble. I’ll come but on my own terms!”

“But where is he taking you?” cried Cecilia.

“Back to the Nest, I suspect?”

“Yep, Jacques d’Or will be very pleased with me for escorting you back. Maybe he’ll even give me a permanent job!” said Garry the goat-face in a very loud voice.

“NO! Nooooo!” screamed Cecilia, grabbing at his coat again. “I won’t let you.”

“Cecilia, it’s OK. Just stick together and do what we talked about and it’ll be OK.”

Cecilia was furious and unrelenting. She tugged at Garry’s coat a third time and he snapped. He’d finally had enough. Garry swung his head round and butted her in the forehead. Cecilia hurtled to the ground.

“I’m coming with you!” Cecilia shouted after them.

“Cecilia,” called Lady-Bird as Garry dragged her along, “you need to wait here for Luke to come round or he won’t know what’s happened.”

Cecilia, filled with frustration, cupped her head in her hands, rubbed her face furiously and let out a stifled scream. Not Lady-Bird too, she thought.

Luke sat up and rubbed his head, which was wet with blood. “What’s going on?”

“Ella Bear and Garry, they’ve taken Lady-Bird back to the Nest.” She sobbed.

“Hang on,

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