hard. The people who were looking for you are your father employees. Your real father.” My breath catches inside my chest. My who? I know I’m adopted but dad told me they didn’t want me, so why now they’re looking for me? “I know it’s confusing. Let me explain. Your father didn’t fight for you when I kidnapped you. As I already said I changed your identity and I was sure that you’re safe. But your grandfather, your real father dad, died recently and he gave you all of his assets and money, and also shares in company. Because of that, your real father decides to search for you because he wants the assets, shares and money to himself. He doesn’t need you as a daughter, he is in a trap because his attorney is not able to fight against your grandparent will.”

I gape at him for a long minute. Is this the reason? I don’t need his money. I don’t even know the guy.

“Is that all? I don’t want it. I can give it to him. He could just tried to contact you and tell me what to sign and I will do it.” I answer.

“You see, this is more complicated because your grandfather stated in his will that everything goes to you and only you can be the CEO of his company. In order, if you will not accept his will, the company will close down and all the money and assets will go to the specific charity. Your father doesn’t want that. The only exception is that when you will die, everything will go to your father, Carol.” This name.

“Wait! Carol. I know that name! I remember him, his face.” I continue. My father’s face pales.

“Y- you do?” He slurs.

“I had this dream- chasing me for years now. In this dream someone is threatening Carol and telling him that he owes some money. I’m standing there, I’m small and then nothing.” I say and look at Liam who’s face look puzzled like he’s thinking about something very hard. His eyes focus on me as the realisation slams on him.

“You didn’t kidnapped her! They wanted her back! You lied to her!” Liam shouts at my father and my jaw drops. No one is allowed to talk to him like that.

“Son, you have no idea what you are talking about.” My father voice is calm and calculating as always. My eyes jump from Liam to him with shock. I don’t understand anything.

“I think I know! My father told me something about Carol and the day of Emlyn birthday, but she told me that she already had a birthday and it didn’t make any sense, but now I know. You were the guy who threaten Carol and took her away because of revenge, as a payment. You change her date of birth to the same date your son was born because you didn’t want Carol to find her! She is not nineteen, she’s eighteen and she had her birthday yesterday. You kept her away because she was underage and recording to law, he had all rights to take her from you. Now when she’s actually eighteen, he doesn’t have any right to her. That’s why she repeated her high school because legally she needed to attend it.” Everything what Liam’s saying seems correct. I can’t believe this.

“This is not true princess. You need to trust me! He’s the enemy here, not me. You know me!” My father stands up.

“Why would you do something like that?” Tobias asks.

“Because he didn’t want to lose again.” A hard voice sounds from behind me. I turn around and spot a man who looks exactly like Liam.

“Father? What are you doing here?” Liam asks.

“Son, you and this young lady here were signed to get married from the day she was born. Our family and her wanted to increase our names and decided that we will work together from the day you two will get married. Unfortunately, Tom took her away and she disappeared. We tried to find her, but we failed. I knew who she was from the beginning. She looks exactly as her mother.” I gape at newcomer with shock. This can’t be true.

“I don’t understand. What about the agreement with Simpson?” Liam asks.

“I needed to protect our family. After her disappearance, Carol hid somewhere and said that our agreement finished, so I decide to marry you to Simpsons because they had prestige and all that. But now that she’s here, my agreement with Carol reopen and officially you going to be my daughter in law.” Tyler stands up from his seat and run to me. He stands between me and Liam’s dad.

“After my dead body. My father protected her from your family for years. He didn’t take her without reason, and you know it.” Tyler says.

“Ah, yeah, Tom was right. Your real family doesn’t want you. I mean, Tom’s story wasn’t exactly wrong, Carol was looking for you of course, but only because he wanted to get his company higher, not because he loved you. Sorry but I know this bastard, he loves only money, nothing else. Tom took you and keep you but only because he knew how important you were for Carol. He wanted to destroy his business after he destroyed his, with my help obviously. Tom knew about the marriage agreement. Look at this Emlyn, or rather Amanda, because this is your real name. This family lied to you for years! They kept you hostage for years. They bring you here only because you are going to be a billionaire after you accept your grandfather will and Tom needs this money! They don’t love you. My son, on the other hand, he cares about you.” This is strange. How he knows how Liam feels. I look at Liam and he looks at his hands. Strange.

“I’m Emlyn Bonnet, a daughter of Tom Bonnet and I’m no one property. I don’t care about Carol money, for me he can take them. So

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