“What does that mean?” Michael queried.
“Can you get him out of this or not?” Gray questioned, approaching Damien.
“I’m not sure. I cannot get through to him. We’ve lost the connection to him.”
“Is there anything we should do?” Alexander asked.
“We must keep him warm. Perhaps this is some kind of shock.” Millie pulled a blanket over him, tucking it in around him.
“Help him!” Michael demanded.
“I don’t think I can,” Millie conceded. “He must find his own way back.”
Chapter 6
Damien searched the surrounding landscape. Silence surrounded him as he scoured it. Everything was gray. Trees, ground, sky, all shades of gray. Where was Celine? “Celine?” he called. “Celine, are you there?”
He shivered. It was so cold here. The bitterness penetrated him. A screech pierced the environment. It deafened him. He clapped his hands over his ears. The sound was sickening and terrifying. He dropped to his knees, still clutching his ears as the gut-wrenching sound continued. He grew colder, his teeth chattering as he knelt on the ground. He squeezed his eyes shut.
A warm arm wrapped around him, pulling him close. He opened his eyes, uncovering his ears. “Celine!” he exclaimed, relieved to see her.
“Damien,” she said, her voice reverberating. “What are you doing here?”
“Looking for you,” Damien answered. “Why did you leave last time?”
“Damien… mustn’t… here alone… cannot stay… too dangerous.”
Damien furrowed his brow. “I can’t understand,” he began.
“Focus, Damien,” Celine instructed, grabbing his chin and staring into his eyes. “You must focus.” Damien nodded. “You must tell the others, Damien. Shadow World. Tell them, Shadow World, Damien.”
Damien tried to form the words, but his lips barely moved in the cold. “Shadow World, focus, Damien, you must focus. Shadow World. Remember, Damien, Shadow World.”
Damien blinked a few times, the world narrowing around him. He fought to stay but was unable. Celine’s voice faded to a whisper. “Shadow World, Shadow World, Shadow World,” she repeated as it faded away. Damien’s vision darkened, the world blacking out around him.
Michael paced as Damien’s breathing continued to be labored. Damien shivered uncontrollably. “I can’t believe this, I just can’t believe it,” he fumed. “I am here with two warlocks and a medical doctor, and none of you can do anything to help him. This is unbelievable.”
“Calm down,” Gray advised. “You aren’t helping.”
“Neither are you!” Michael shouted.
“Quiet, both of you! He’s trying to speak!” Millie shouted.
Damien’s lips moved, but no words came out. He continued moving his lips, the same motion over and over, yet no sound emerged. Michael rushed to his side. “Damien? Can you hear us? Say something, buddy.”
“Sh… Sh… Sh…” Damien whispered.
“Sh? What’s he trying to say?” Michael voiced. “Come on, Damien, you can do it. What are you trying to say?”
“Sha… Sha…” Damien struggled. He groaned, pinching his forehead, his eyes squeezed shut. “Shadow… Shadow World!” he managed, his voice at a fever pitch. After conveying the message, he slumped, motionless.
“Did he just say…” Alexander asked, turning to Gray, aghast.
“Sounded like it,” Gray answered.
“But that’s…” Alexander began.
“Impossible,” Gray finished for him.
“Damien? Damien?” Michael called. Millie felt his pulse. “Well?” Michael demanded.
“He’s alive, unconscious. He’s passed out from hyperventilating. He’s still quite cold.”
Michael pulled his hoodie from the back of the armchair, laying it across Damien’s chest. “Come on, buddy, warm up! And wake up!”
“His breathing is regulating, and his pulse is slowing,” Millie reported. She retrieved a vial from her medical bag. She waved it under his nose. His face contorted as he smelled the putrid scent. He startled awake, blinking his eyes a few times.
“Wha-What happened?” he questioned, his voice hoarse. His eyes were heavy, as though he was exhausted.
“You passed out, buddy. How do you feel? Are you warm enough?”
“Passed out? What?”
“You slipped away from us,” Millie informed him, again checking his pulse. “You displayed some concerning physical symptoms. Your breathing was elevated and erratic, your pulse was racing, and you were shivering. You passed out after a while.” Damien shook his head, trying to understand.
“Do you remember anything from the session?” Gray asked.
“Gray, please!” Millie implored.
“Uh,” Damien pondered, “I was in that place again. I was alone. I was so cold, and a loud screeching pierced my ears. Then Celine came. She was so warm. She told me to come back and tell you something. What was it?”
“Shadow something?” Michael recalled. “You said something about a shadow.”
“Shadow…” Damien began. “Shadow… Shadow… Shadow World, she said tell them Shadow World!”
Alexander and Gray exchanged a glance, shock on their faces. “Are you sure?” Gray asked, his eyes wide.
Damien reflected for a moment. “Yes, she said, ‘Tell them Shadow World.’” Damien nodded. “I’m sure.”
Gray and Alexander shared another glance. Michael noted the exchange. “Does that mean something to you?” he inquired.
“I’m not sure. Is it even possible?” Gray asked Alexander.
“Normally, I’d say no, but this is Celine we’re dealing with. Impossible is not in her vocabulary. If anyone has found a way, it would be Celine.”
“Would someone mind telling me what the hell is happening? What are you two talking about?” Michael demanded.
Alexander strode to a bookcase across the room. He selected a book, paging through it. He found the entry and handed it to Michael. Michael glanced at the page, reading aloud. “Shadow World… A non-earthly realm existing in the void. Shadow World is a harsh, unforgiving environment: colorless, silent and cold. The realm is rarely visited except by adjudicators, who enjoy its neutrality. What does this even mean?” He glanced to Alexander and Gray.
“Many spaces exist beyond the earth. Shadow World is one of them,” Alexander explained.
“I still don’t…” Michael began.
“He’s saying Damien was in Shadow World. That Celine was there with him. His description fits, but it’s impossible,” Gray contended.
“Why?” Michael asked.
“For many reasons,” Alexander expounded. “First, as the book mentions, Shadow World is harsh. A human could not survive there