I hear movement in the adjoining bathroom and I open the door and walk inside without knocking.

Esme is standing in front of the mirror. Her eyes catch mine instantly.

“Hola,” she greets with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

I walk up behind her and put my arms around her waist, pulling her against me. I’m already half-hard, and the moment her ass meets my crotch, I’m fully erect.

“Where’s our boy?” I ask.

“I had Talia take him home,” she says. “Adrik and Alexei went with them.”

“Good,” I say, spinning her around so that she’s facing me. “Did I tell you how fucking beautiful you look in that dress?”

She smiles, running her hand down the front of my shirt. “Hmm, I can’t recall,” she says playfully. “But you’re welcome to say it again.”

I laugh. “More beautiful than a brute like me has words for. But honestly, you look the most beautiful when you’ve got nothing on.”

“Well, then,” she says, pushing me back, forcing about a foot of space between us, “there’s no point in this dress staying on.”

She undoes her halter neckline and lets the fabric slip off her beautiful breasts. She shimmies out of her dress and kicks it to the side on the terrazzo floor.

She’s wearing a white lace bra that barely covers her nipples and a matching white thong that has me salivating instantly.

She removes her bra slowly, while I watch with hungry eyes. The moment her panties are off, I pull her to me again and hitch her legs up and around my waist.

I set her on the marble counter and she gasps slightly as her skin makes contact with the cool surface.

Then she starts ripping away at my clothes, her nails grating over my skin.

When I’m as naked as she is, I slip my finger inside her as her hand wraps around my cock.

She’s so fucking wet. I groan with want. I feel her shiver against me as she grinds against my cock impatiently.

I’ve explored her body in every single fucking position, in every single fucking way known to man in the last several months.

But it’s not enough.

It’s never enough.

My desire for her seems to go on endlessly. No matter how many times I have her, I always want more.

And the feeling seems to be mutual.

“I want your cock inside me now,” she whispers as her tongue plays with my ear.

I push her thighs apart and slide my cock inside her. She moans loudly, wordlessly, until her lips form the shape of my name.

“Fuck me hard, Artem,” she groans.

I breathe her in as I fuck her, watching as the waves of her hair toss wildly in the air with each thrust.

I still remember the first time we’d fucked. Just like this. Hot and heavy and desperate in a club bathroom. Clinging to each other like we were the only things on earth that mattered anymore.

That’s where it all began.

And we’ve ended up right back here.

I grab Esme’s face as I push into her, our lips are separated by half an inch. Her breath, hot and wild, mixes with mine.

“Artem,” she whispers.

“Esme,” I whisper right back.

I press my lips to her neck, letting my tongue tease the sensitive skin at her nape. I feel her nails dig into my back, I feel her pussy clench around my cock and I feel her orgasm rear up to meet my own.

And it feels like this moment has been a fucking lifetime in coming.

It was worth the wait.

Thanks for reading GILDED TEARS—but don’t stop now! Click the link below to get your hands on the exclusive Extended Epilogue to see Artem’s special surprise for Esme!


Sneak Preview of CORRUPTED ANGEL: A Dark Mafia Romance

I found my angel.

Then I broke her wings.

Alexis should’ve never set foot in my world.

Men like me stain girls like her. We take their innocence and tear it to shreds.

She thinks she’s tough. She thinks she can handle me.

But she doesn’t know just how deep my darkness goes.

It was for the best that I claimed her for a night and left her behind.

Anything more than that would have been cruel.

I thought I’d seen the last of Alexis Wright.

So imagine my surprise two years later when the door to my office opens…

And she walks in.

The girl I ravaged. The girl I devoured.

Now that’s she’s in front of me again, I have just two questions for her:

First—what is she doing here?

And second…

What does she mean, “our baby”?


It is getting dark outside.

I flick on the lamp at my desk and stretch up in my chair, trying to avoid the inevitable end-of-the-day hunch. My stomach grumbles and I slide open the bottom drawer of my desk, eyeing the goodies inside. Ah, yes, the good ol’ secret snack drawer. It’s a secret not because I’m ashamed of how much I snack, but because Vicky Oberman in the cubicle across from me will pop over the divider like a meerkat if she hears the tell-tale crinkle of a bag of chips.

I pull out a packet of Twizzlers and slide the drawer shut. I stare at the blinking cursor on my computer screen while I gnaw on the end of a stick of strawberry licorice. I told my fiancé, Grant, that I would be home late tonight because I wanted to finish up this story, but I’m not sure I can be bothered.

It’s just a fluff piece—the unlikely story of how a community center caretaker found the exact skates he used to wear when he visited the center as a child. Mr. Finkel spent half of the interview reminiscing about how much everything used to cost in those days (a can of soda—a nickel; a hot dog—a quarter; two scoops of ice cream—ten cents), and the rest of the time talking about how kids these days have no appreciation for the luxury of having a community center to go to.

Now, it is my job as the dedicated local news journalist to turn that pile of

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