“How come?” Mason scrunched his forehead.
“Because I’m your uncle.”
Both children stared at Ross, wide-eyed.
“How?” Madison’s gaze narrowed, as if cross-examining him. “Aunt Stacia doesn’t have no brothers.”
“Any brothers,” Stacia corrected.
“Madison is all into sorting family out these days.” Daddy chuckled.
Mason rolled his eyes.
“No eye rolling. Ross is your father’s brother.” Stacia’s tone held no excitement.
“You know our father?” Mason, his interest obviously piqued, stepped closer to Ross.
“I do.”
“Have you seen him lately?”
Stacia’s breath stalled.
* * *
“Not too long ago.” Ross glanced up at Stacia, trying to remember what the kids knew about Ron. All color had drained from her face. “I was passing through where he was working his job and he asked me to come and check on y’all.”
“Really?” Madison stepped nearer. “Where was he?”
“I’m afraid that’s classified. You know, since his job is so important.”
“But he sent you to see about us?” Mason asked.
“He sure did. Because, even if his job is important, he wants to know y’all are okay.”
“Then why doesn’t he come see us?” Madison’s chin quivered.
And if Ron were anywhere near, Ross would deck him.
“His boss won’t let him.” Stacia set one hand on each child’s shoulder. “Remember, I told you.”
“I wish he’d quit.” Mason looked down at the floor. “I mean, I know he’s important and all, but surely somebody else could do his job, so he could come home.”
“Do you work with him?” Madison asked. “Is that why you’re just now coming to see us?”
“I didn’t know about y’all.” Ross closed his eyes. “Until your dad asked me to apply for his job. But his boss didn’t like me, so that’s when your dad told me why he wanted to leave his job. Because of you two.” As he added to Maverick’s story, he understood the reasoning behind it. Five-year-olds shouldn’t know their dad was into his career instead of them by choice.
“So I promised to make sure y’all were okay and to make sure you stay happy and healthy. So are you okay, happy and healthy?”
The twins nodded in unison.
“Except we can’t remember our mom,” Madison mumbled.
“Or our dad,” Mason added.
“I’m sorry about that.” Ross’s chest squeezed. This was harder than he’d expected.
“That’s why your mom left you with me.” Stacia knelt between them, hugged them to her sides. “So Grandpa and I can help you remember her. And because she knew we’d take extra good care of you.” Her gaze never left Ross.
“Aunt Stacia shows us pictures of our mom.” Mason wiggled out of the hug. “Do you have any pictures of our dad?”
Just the one. Of a pale, sickly looking Ron in character with blue hair and overdone eyeliner lying in a hospital bed. His publicist had insisted on doing his goth makeup before she’d allow any photos. Just in case the press ever got a hold of it. These two innocent bystanders, products of his brother’s wreck of a life, didn’t need to see that.
“I’m afraid not. But he looks a lot like me.” He used to anyway, before he changed into Ronny Outrageous.
“Okay, I think that’s enough questions.” Maverick clapped his hands. “How about that supper you promised this old grandpa?”
“On the table.” Stacia stood. “Just let me get ice in the glasses.”
Mason rubbed his stomach. “I’m starving.”
“Me too.” Ross’s gut growled to prove it.
“You can sit here.” Madison motioned to a chair with no plate or utensils. Obviously, Stacia had hoped he’d be a no-show.
“I’ll get the extra place setting.” Maverick hurried to a cabinet. “What do you want to drink, Ross?”
He eyed the tea pitcher as Stacia poured the amber liquid into four glasses.
“Tea sounds great.”
“It’s sweet.” Distrust glowed in Stacia’s eyes.
“Just the way I like it.” At least they were even since he didn’t trust her either. The difference was, he’d give her a chance to prove herself. Would she do the same? Or was she like his ex-girlfriend, Nora—incapable of trusting anyone?
* * *
The chicken enchilada sat untouched on Stacia’s plate. It was usually one of her favorite meals, but not tonight. Not with Ross Lyles sitting across the table from her, chatting up the twins, endearing himself as their newfound uncle.
“Well that was delicious.” Ross folded his napkin, set it beside his plate.
“Come build Legos with us, Uncle Ross.”
Stacia’s tea went down the wrong way. She grabbed a napkin, coughed into it, gasped and hacked her way back to a clear airway.
“You okay?” Ross asked. “I know the Heimlich.”
Of course he did. He was perfect, already had the twins calling him uncle.
“I’m fine. I’m afraid it’s almost bedtime for these two though.”
“But Uncle Ross is here,” Mason whined.
“We have church tomorrow. And if we get up early, we go to bed early. So go on, get your pajamas. I’ll get the showers going.”
“Can’t Uncle Ross stay, Aunt Stacia? He could even tuck us in.” Mason tried another tactic.
“Absolutely not.” Stacia’s nerve endings pinged, past keeping it together. “And remember the no whining rule.”
“What your aunt means is she doesn’t know me yet. But don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. In fact, I’m working here at the store and the ranch, so you’ll see a lot of me.”
“Yay.” Madison headed for the stairs in the foyer.
“I got this.” Daddy followed the twins. “Why don’t you come to church with us tomorrow, Ross?”
Stacia shot Daddy a withering look, but he totally missed it.
“I just might do that.”
It wasn’t that she didn’t want Ross at church. She just needed some space from him. But it was too late; her dad was giving him the church’s name and address.
“I’ll let you see our guest off, Stacia. Good night, Ross.”
“Good night, Maverick.”
“Good night, Uncle Ross.” The twins echoed each other. And their new name for him made her want to scream.
“Let me help you clean up.”
“That’s really not necessary.” She started for the door.
He didn’t follow but gathered plates from the table. “I insist.”
“I have a dishwasher.”
“Then I’ll help you load it.”
“Fine.” She rolled her eyes, opened the dishwasher.