“You too. So what’s the mystery? If Stacia isn’t your girlfriend, why are you here?”
“About that, Stacia and I will explain everything tomorrow. Tonight, I need to talk to Ron for a minute.”
Ron looked up from his phone.
Mom chuckled. “Well, I’d love to give you boys some privacy, but the only place your father and I can go is in the bathroom and it’s pretty tight quarters.”
“In my truck.” He shot Ron a look, daring him to argue.
“Let’s go.”
“It’s late, so after we talk, I’ll shove off. But I’ll see y’all in the morning. Come to the ranch about ten or so.”
“We’ll be there.” Dad’s eyes said he wanted to ask more questions, but he didn’t.
Ross ushered Ron out and to his truck. Inside the cab, he gripped the steering wheel, focused on the sheet of rain crashing into the windshield.
“Why are you here? With her?” Ron slammed the passenger’s door.
“I wanted to see my niece and nephew. To make sure they’re all right.”
“They looked fine to me. Have you been here the entire time?”
“Seeing them did nothing to you, did it?”
“They’re kids. You know that’s not my thing.”
“I don’t understand you.” Ross gripped the steering wheel even harder. “From the moment you told me about them, I had to see them. And once I did, they melted my heart. I can’t imagine my life without Mason and Madison in it.”
“So that’s what she named them. I’d forgotten. Clever for twins.” Ron stretched his back, something he’d done often since his accident. “Look, I told you about them, in a weak moment when I thought I might die. I didn’t mean for you to go all uncle on me. I guess you plan on telling Mom and Dad.”
“Of course I do.” Ross let out an exasperated sigh. “They’re grandparents, don’t you think they’d like to know that.”
“I guess.” Ron shrugged.
“I was about to head home to tell them, when they called and said they were being evacuated. Since they’re here, Stacia and I will tell them together. I don’t guess you’d like to be there.”
“Not at all. I was planning to take off and this whole hurricane thing put a wrench in my plans. All I want to do is get back on the road and salvage what’s left of my career.”
“I’m not surprised.”
“Enough of the browbeating, big brother. I’m not a paragon of virtue like you and I never will be. So get over it already.”
“Trust me, I am.”
“I’m supposed to be in a treatment center right now.”
“Well, that’s a good plan.”
“If I have to stay in this tiny cabin with the folks one more minute, I’ll go crazy. I’m thinking I need to take off tonight.”
“Um, in case you haven’t noticed, there’s a hurricane-scale storm out there.”
“It’s letting up.”
Ross peered through the windshield. He could see more clearly and the rain wasn’t pounding anymore.
“You could take me to a center in San Antonio.”
“Tonight. I don’t know, all this drama, it’s making me antsy.”
For the first time in years, Ron was clean and Ross didn’t need a reversal. “What about Mom and Dad?”
“You can tell them where I went when you get back.”
“You can tell them now.”
“If you go in and tell them, right now, I’ll take you. Tonight.”
Ron rolled his eyes, but opened the truck door and got out.
Ross followed.
“What?” Ron splayed his hands. “You don’t trust me?”
“No, brother. I’m afraid I don’t.” He checked his watch, almost midnight. “Hurry up with it, we’re getting soaked again and I’d like to go to bed sometime tonight.”
They splashed their way back to the cabin.
Ross didn’t trust his brother just as surely as Stacia had no faith in him. But the difference was, Ron had given him plenty of reason for distrust, while Ross hadn’t given Stacia any.
Though it was Thursday, school was out due to flooded roads on the bus route and an enormous fallen tree that damaged the lunchroom. Stacia had left the twins to sleep in with Daddy. With the B and B order complete and loaded, she was at loose ends and it wasn’t time to open the store yet. She stepped outside, saw Ross’s truck and vaulted toward the barn.
The rain had stopped during the night, but the ground was soaked, sucking at her boots with each step.
The cattle and horses stood contentedly at their troughs and she found Ross in the stall with Stockings and Rust. The foal was up and nursing.
“He looks great, doesn’t he?” Ross didn’t turn to face her. “If you could have seen him last night, you’d be impressed with his progress.”
“I’m really glad you found them. So, did you tell your folks yet?”
“No, I told them to come to the store at ten. I figure we can break the news together.”
She drew in a big breath, closed her eyes. “What about Ron?”
“He left last night. Being here was too much for him.” Anger edged his tone. “I took him to a treatment center in San Antonio.”
“In the storm? When did you get back?”
“It let up a little by the time we left. I got back about two a.m.”
“You must be exhausted. We could put off—”
“No we can’t.” He whirled around to face her. “It’s been put off long enough.”
“Okay. But school’s out, so the kids are still in bed. We’ll have to have our discussion in the workshop.”
“I figured as much. That’s why I told them to come to the store.”
“Have they heard anything about their house or the business yet?”
“No. They probably won’t know until they head home. Unless some of their neighbors get there before they do.”
“That would drive me crazy, not knowing if I still had a house or not.” But not as bad as how she felt right now. Waiting for his folks to show up. They’d probably be angry she never tried to find them.
“I guess they’re used to it.”
An engine sounded, the crunch of gravel.
“I think they’re here.”