“About fifteen minutes from here. Toward town. Needed to be in the Summit Creek School district for the kiddo. Out here, though. This is the dream. Out here all alone.”
I flick on the light in the bar cabinet and reach for the bourbon and two crystal glasses. “Summit Creek is the best school district around here. I can’t blame you. It’s hard to get into that neighborhood.” Again, I think how lucky Turner is to have a father who puts his needs above all else.
Lincoln strides toward the sliding glass door that overlooks the forest. “It was challenging for sure, but I’ve discovered anything worth having in my life is probably going to be difficult.”
He spins to face me, and I extend a glass to him. “You’re saying I shouldn’t be easy then?”
Biting his lip, he stifles a grin. “I’d have to say that you’ve been anything except easy. Since I’ve met you things have been… complicated.”
“Because you’re quite hard when you’re around me?” A joke to lighten the mood seems appropriate even if I have a horribly inappropriate sense of humor. “Get it? Easy, hard?”
Blushing, I blame it on my torrid upbringing. You find humor in places normal people don’t. I sip the good bourbon, because I’d never offer a man I want to impress the mixer stuff. It stings on the way down and warms my chest.
“Listen, I’m being awkward because I don’t know how to approach this.” I hold out my palm when Lincoln opens his mouth. “What I feel when I’m around you is here, present, and accounted for.” As I say it, a jolt electrifies my entire body. Merely watching Lincoln slip his hand into his jeans pocket makes me think what’s in his pants that I crave. Obsessively. In a way that’s inexplicably… familiar. “But I’m not accustomed to making bad decisions.”
His smirk curls into something devious. “I’ll make it a bad decision you won’t be able to regret.”
The knot in my stomach blossoms and my head swims. It’s odd to feel out of control, or out of my own body, but this is something I recognize I need to see through. I take another swig of the amber liquid, and try not to rush this even if I know this is only going to end one way. At least tonight is going to end one way. Tomorrow could go a multitude of different directions—bad, excellent, otherwise awkward. Lincoln slurps down his drink and swaggers toward me, the glass echoing against the high ceilings when he sets it down on a side table. A rush of adrenaline courses my body, awakening after a dormant period I never thought would end.
I clear my throat. “I’m kind of counting on that. At the same time, I’m kind of hoping I do regret it.”
He takes another step toward me, and I can taste him in my next breath. Just as enticing as he’s always been except now even more potent. This is the point of no return. “Why would you want to regret this?” he asks, appraising me with more than casual interest.
“It will stop me from making repeated bad decisions.”
“This can only happen once. Right here and now. Let’s go all the way,” Lincoln says, gaze flicking across my face and body. “I can’t do casual, so we have one shot. Might as well make it count. One, hot, wet, mind-numbing, bad decision.” His words are like a magnet, drawing me nearer.
“And if one bad decision isn’t enough?” I retort.
He chuckles, but it’s a hot guy, turned on chuckle so it immediately, thoroughly, wets my panties. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. You might be an awful lay.”
My mouth drops open. I don’t have a chance to reply because he grabs my face with both of his hands and presses his mouth against mine. The kiss is literal fire. I feel it from my head to my toes, it wraps me like a scorching breeze meant to sedate and conquer at the same time. There’s no question of my response, my body decides for me. Wrapping my hands around his neck, I let the moment carry me away. My tongue brushes against his, and a quiet moan escapes when he tilts my head back to kiss me at a brutal angle, chin all the way up. With one hand on my neck, he controls the kiss. It’s furious lips, and passion, and promise that this is going to lead to exactly what I thought it would. What I wanted it to lead to.
“That’s not awful,” Lincoln says, lips moving against mine. “Not at all.”
I can taste him, smell him, feel him under my palms. I trace his pecs with my fingertips and find the hem of his shirt. Trailing under, I feel his abs, taunt and sculpted. “Not one bit,” I reply, just barely, in between our frenzied mouths. His teeth against my bottom lip, his tongue flicking against the top. I lose my breath, and for a moment forget why I need oxygen when an all-encompassing ache such as this exists.
Lincoln backs me into the hallway that leads to the bedrooms, and pushes me against the wall—his hands pinning mine on either side of my body. When he momentarily pulls away because he seems like he needs to catch his breath, I admire him from this new perspective. Lincoln Wilds, completely out of control. I scold myself for such a mental cliché and grin.
Breathing heavily, I say, “Now that I know what kissing you feels like, and I think you feel the same, what were you saying about this only happening once?”
His lips are perfectly sculpted and velvety soft, and as they appear now, parted softly, as he gazes at me with an indescribable emotion, I think they might be