nodded my head. “If you’re still hungry, you can feed from me when you are finished with him. Is that okay?”

I nodded my head again, then realized he wanted me to agree out loud. “Yeah, yes. Sounds good.”

Matias rose from his seat and he looked to Xander, indicating for him to get up too.

“Emelia, did you feed before coming to my room this morning?” he asked as Xander pulled his shirt up and over his head and dropped it on the chair that he just vacated.

My eyes were glued to Xan’s rippling chest and stomach and a different emotion began to surface.

“Yeah… I had… four glasses of blood earlier.”

I couldn’t help it. I was upset by Matias’ words because of what it meant for us, but I still wanted Xander as much as I wanted the blood that pumped through his veins.

“Perfect,” Matias told me, his voice becoming more strained.

I didn’t dare look away from Xan and his naked upper body because of fear of falling out of the lust haze I was starting to get into. I needed to stay in that frame of mind because the sooner I vamped out, the sooner I could feed and get away from the uncomfortable situation my insane hunger created.

“Xander, go ahead and sit down. Emelia, you know what to do. I’ll be over here.” His voice was even more strained, as if he wanted to be anywhere but in the room with us. With me. I hated it. I hated it so fucking much.

Xander nodded his head to Matias and sat back down, spreading his legs. Awkwardly, I climbed onto his lap, straddling him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

“You doing okay, baby?” Xan asked.

“Of course,” I told him.

Not really believing me, Xan sighed. I didn’t blame him. Not at all. Despite both of our hesitancy with the strange situation, Xan made the first real move and his hands slid up my sides from my hips to my waist. His fingers dug into my back and he pulled me forward into a kiss. It was as beautiful as every kiss I shared with Xander, but the heat behind it was fizzling. My fingertips ran across the dips and valleys of his muscles in an attempt at exciting us more, but nothing happened. We were both uneasy and no matter how much we kissed or our hands roamed, I wasn’t feeling it and neither was he.

I just couldn’t get the picture of Matias’ stoic look from his face when he gave me the news and the indifference in his voice. It haunted me to the point that it was all I could think about. I pinched my eyes tightly and tried to think about the man underneath me, but I just couldn’t

“Emi…” Xander sighed. I looked into his eyes and saw the understanding and love in them. It was hard for him watching me go through it and knowing there was nothing he could really do.

I heard the sound of Matias’ breath exhale and then his footsteps as he walked toward us. Xander looked up and over my shoulder and gave the vampire a slight nod. I didn’t understand what he had agreed to until I heard the sound of clothes rustle and then hit the floor. After that, rough hands touched my sides and wrapped around my waist.

I gasped as my hair was brushed aside and lips kissed the delicate skin that was exposed there. Xander pulled me back down into a kiss and I kissed him back with the incredible amount of passion I had for him. Our tongues brushed against one another and our teeth crashed as my hands went into his short hair and I ground against his hardening cock.

Matias’ hands went under my shirt, touching the soft skin of my stomach and they worked their way up until he cupped both of my breasts. I moaned again and pushed my chest out toward his hands. He took the hint and moved the cups aside, revealing my nipples to his nimble fingers.

“Oh shit…” I pleaded. I needed more. I need them both to touch me, to be inside of me and make me theirs.

As those thoughts crossed my mind, my fangs descended and my hunger increased tenfold. I took my lips off of Xan’s and ran my hand through my hair as I licked my lips. I needed to feed. I needed to fuck.

“Good,” Matias whispered in my ear.

I was startled at first by his words and my feeding haze slowly melted away. I was more aware of my surroundings, which was what I needed because I didn’t want to get caught up in it and do something I would forever regret.

“You remember what you have to do?” he asked, his lips brushing the shell of my ear. I closed my eyes and my lips parted from the sensation of it. “Listen for his heartbeat…”

Matias’ hands moved away from my body and I moved closer to Xander, my face mere inches from his neck. It took a second or two, but then I heard it loud and clear. It was beautiful and promised me everything I needed.

I kissed his neck at the crease, making him slightly jump, as if he didn’t expect such gentleness from me in that moment. I kissed his neck again, then licked up to his ear and back down again. He exposed his neck to me even more, turning his head to the side. It wasn’t what I was after, but the gesture was welcomed. I kissed him once more, then opened my mouth wide and sunk my fangs into his neck.

He audibly moaned as his exquisite blood hit the back of my throat. It tasted different from Matias’, but not in a bad way. No, not bad at all. The more I drank from Xander, the more I craved it just like I craved Matias’.

Xan’s cock grew impossibly stiff underneath me and I reached in between us and into his

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