the bodies, and Matias so we would all be out of sight and I began stripping out of my clothes. Matias stopped short when he saw me almost completely naked and dropped the last body at his feet.

“I’m going to take them out to sea,” I told him with a smile and turned my back to him. Looking over my shoulder with a smirk, I let Soleil take over and bent and changed until I was my giant golden dragon.

“You are beautiful,” he told me, rubbing against my front right flank and up toward my neck. I turned my head toward him and closed my eyes in a happy huff before starting to flap my wings and lifted myself off the ground only a few feet. I moved over and picked up the two piles of dead vampires before flying out over the ocean.

My plan was to find a hungry school of sharks or something equally as frightening and drop the bodies in the middle of them, thinking they’d help take care of the mess. After all, the bodies were all covered in blood and sharks tended to be attracted to blood.

Once my task was completed, I flew back home and landed near where I took off. I gave Soleil a quiet ‘thank you’, got dressed, and walked back into the indoor pool area. I expected to see lots of blood and gore still laying around the area, but in my absence, it seemed like Matias was able to clean up most of it. Pleasantly surprised, I smiled and joined him.

“It’s too early in the goddamn morning for this,” Amos said as he walked into the open room, holding a steaming mug of coffee and bringing it to his lips. I was almost envious, that was, if I wasn’t silently panicking at the fact he walked in on us cleaning up a murder scene.

“It’s okay,” Matias said. “I asked him to help.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because I’m the leader of this little faction and your grandfather, that’s why,” Amos said, answering for the vampire. “I may have stood by while you were killed and brought back to life by that woman, but I was also there when you told her what would happen if she didn’t stay away. You were within your rights to exact your punishment. I’m just sorry I wasn’t here to rip her head off myself. I’m sure your other mate will feel the same once he finds out.” Oh, shit. Xander would be pissed. “You are loved, Emelia. Remember that, and don’t go at it alone because you’re not alone. Never again. Now, I’ll make sure none of this will blow back on either one of you, okay?”

I nodded my head, stunned. “Thanks Amos,” I finally said.

He raised his mug and replied, “You’re welcome.” Then, he exited the room leaving me alone again with my gorgeous vampire mate and a clean room.

Chapter Twenty-Five

The next thing I knew I was gently lifted and carried through the house and up two flights of stairs, all while running at vampire speed. Matias seemed to be as ready to claim me as I was to claim him.

We got to his bedroom door and he put me down and opened it, then lifted me again and we were both lying on his bed. He was on top, staring down at me with so much love and awe it took my breath away. He hadn’t said the words since we had only known each other for a few days, but I felt it as his gaze moved over every feature of my face. It was more than a mating bond I felt from him. Sure, he was the vampire who was destined to be mine, but it was so much more.

I knew fate sometimes had screwy ways of showing you what it wanted, take my mom and Ironshot for example, so I knew I was lucky when it sent me two, hopefully three, amazing men I could call my mates.

“Are you sure?” he asked. “Once we do this, it cannot be undone.”

“There’s nothing I need more at this moment than for you to make me yours,” I assured him and brought my hands up to his face, pulling his lips down to meet mine.

Our tongues and lips moved in perfect harmony with one another, as cool hands roamed over sensitive skin. He began unbuttoning my shirt, one painful button at a time until my only my bra-covered chest was in between us.

Somewhere between the bedroom door and the bed Matias had lost his shirt and I definitely wasn’t complaining. So much beautiful golden skin decorated with haunting images I itched to touch with my fingers and lick with my tongue. I didn’t get the chance though, at least not this time because his mouth left mine and traveled over my cheek and down my neck to my collarbone.

“This will not go fast,” he murmured against my skin. “It will be slow and agonizing, but in the best possible way ever. We’ll feed, we’ll fuck, and when we’re done, we’ll be us, together forever. Understand?”

“Yessss,” I sighed and my chest rose up off of the bed’s surface and my fangs descended.

He moved the cups of my bra aside revealing taut nipples, begging to be sucked and he did more than oblige. He put one pebbled nipple in his mouth, twirling his tongue around it. When I didn’t think the sensation couldn’t get any more pleasurable, he slid one sharp fang into it.

My back rose off the bed again, but this time I screamed out my pleasure as I came hard and fast. He lightly sucked blood from my nipple while I rode the waves of my orgasm, and he withdrew when it was fading away.

“Oh shit,” I sighed, running my hand over my forehead and laughing. “What the hell was that?”

“That, my love, was only the beginning.” He gave me a devilish look and my already soaked

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